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[学习本文需要基础词汇量:4,000 ]
[本次分析采用基础词汇量:4,000 ]

Chapter 11 ↵ The second planet was inhabited by a

conceited man. ↵ Ah! Ah! I am about to receive a

visit from an admirer! he exclaimed from afar,

when he first saw the little prince coming. ↵

For, to conceited men, all other men are

admirers. ↵ Good morning, ” said the little

prince. That is a queer hat you are wearing. ↵

It is a hat for salutes, ” the conceited man

replied. It is to raise in salute when people

acclaim me. Unfortunately, nobody at all ever

passes this way. ↵ Yes? said the little prince,

who did not understand what the conceited man was

talking about. ↵ Clap your hands, one against

the other, ” the conceited man now directed him.

↵ The little prince clapped his hands. The

conceited man raised his hat in a modest salute.

↵ This is more entertaining than the visit to

the king, ” the little prince said to himself.

And he began again to clap his hands, one against

the other. The conceited man again raised his hat

in salute. ↵ After five minutes of this exercise

the little prince grew tired of the game's

monotony. ↵ And what should one do to make the

hat come down? he asked. ↵ But the conceited man

did not hear him. Conceited people never hear

anything but praise. ↵ Do you really admire me

very much? he demanded of the little prince. ↵

What does that mean—'admire'? ↵ To admire means

that you regard me as the handsomest, the

best-dressed, the richest, and the most

intelligent man on this planet. ↵ But you are

the only man on your planet! ↵ Do me this

kindness. Admire me just the same. ↵ I admire

you, ” said the little prince, shrugging his

shoulders slightly, “but what is there in that to

interest you so much? ↵ And the little prince

went away. ↵ The grown-ups are certainly very

odd, ” he said to himself, as he continued on his

journey. ↵


entertaining [ˌentəˈteɪnɪŋ] v. 款待(entertain的ing形式) adj. 令人愉快的 { :4478}

exclaimed [iksˈkleimd] v. 大叫,呼喊(exclaim的过去分词形式) { :5494}

inhabited [ɪnˈhæbɪtɪd] v. 占据(inhabit的过去分词);居住于 adj. 有人居住的 { :6052}

clapped [klæpt] 轻拍 { :6723}

clap [klæp] n. 鼓掌;拍手声 vt. 拍手,鼓掌;轻轻拍打某人 vi. 鼓掌,拍手;啪地关上 n. (Clap)人名;(西、英)克拉普 {zk gk cet4 cet6 ky toefl :6723}

kindness [ˈkaɪndnəs] n. 仁慈;好意;友好的行为 n. (Kindness)人名;(英)坎德尼斯 {gk cet4 cet6 ky :7000}

admirer [ədˈmaɪərə(r)] n. 爱慕者;赞赏者;钦佩者 { :8685}

admirers [ədˈmaɪərəz] n. 赞赏者( admirer的名词复数 ); 羡慕者; 崇拜者; (女子的)爱慕者 { :8685}

salute [səˈlu:t] n. 致敬,欢迎;敬礼 vt. 行礼致敬,欢迎 vi. 致意,打招呼;行礼 {gk cet4 cet6 ky ielts gre :8974}

salutes [səˈlu:ts] n. 致敬,欢迎,敬礼( salute的名词复数 ) v. 欢迎,致敬( salute的第三人称单数 ); 赞扬,赞颂 { :8974}

queer [kwɪə(r)] n. 同性恋者;怪人;伪造的货币 adj. 奇怪的;同性恋的;不舒服的;心智不平衡的 vt. 搞糟;使陷于不利地位 {cet4 cet6 ky toefl ielts gre :11708}

acclaim [əˈkleɪm] n. 欢呼,喝彩;称赞 vt. 称赞;为…喝彩,向…欢呼 vi. 欢呼,喝彩 {ky toefl ielts gre :11847}

afar [əˈfɑ:(r)] adv. 遥远地;在远处 { :13131}

monotony [məˈnɒtəni] n. 单调;千篇一律 {gre :15284}

conceited [kənˈsi:tɪd] adj. 自负的;狂想的;逞能的 { :24927}

hat [hæt] n. 帽子 vt. 给……戴上帽子 vi. 供应帽子;制造帽子 n. (Hat)人名;(中)核(广东话·威妥玛) {zk gk ielts :2015}

admire [ədˈmaɪə(r)] vt. 钦佩;赞美 vi. 钦佩;称赞 {gk cet4 ky toefl gre :3277}

best-dressed [ ] [网络] 最佳衣着;着装最佳的

grown-ups [ɡ'rəʊn'ʌps] n. 成人

a hat [ ] [网络] 帽子;一顶帽子;有沿的帽

clap your hands [ ] [网络] 拍拍手;拍拍你的手;唱完这一句拍两下手

from afar [ ] na. 从远方(来等) [网络] 从远处;自远方;远道

tire of [ˈtaiə ɔv] v. 厌烦 [网络] 厌倦;对…厌烦;对……感到厌烦

zk/中考 gk/中考 ky/考研 cet4/四级 cet6/六级 ielts/雅思 toefl/托福 gre/GRE
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