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S01e24 4


████    重点词汇
████    难点词汇
████    生僻词
████    词组 & 惯用语

[学习本文需要基础词汇量:3,000 ]
[本次分析采用基础词汇量:4,000 ]

Boy! Somebody's gonna get
a big fruit basket tomorrow!

I gotta tell you, you are nothing like
I thought you would be.

How do you mean?

I just had you pegged as one of those
guys who are always, "Me, me, me!"

- Ha, ha.
- But you...'re a giver.

You're, like, the most generous
man I ever met.

I mean, you're practically a woman.

So, uh, Rach, do you want to save
this wrapping paper?

It's only a little torn.

Are you gonna go for it with Ross,
or should I throw it out?

I don't know.

Thought about it
all of the way there...

...and I thought about it
all the way back and, uh...

You know, it's Ross!

You know what I mean? It's Ross.

- Sure!
- Sure.

I don't know. This is just
my initial gut feeling...

...but I'm thinking...'d be really great.

Oh, my God, me too!
Oh, we'd be like friends-in-law!

The best part is you already
know everything about him.

It's like starting on the 15th date.

But it would be like
starting on the 15th date.

Another good point.

No, I mean...

At the 15th date, you're already
in a "relationship-y" place.

You're committed.


What happens if it doesn't work out?

- Why isn't it working out?
- I don't know, sometimes it doesn't.

Is he not cute enough for you?
Does he not make enough money?

- No, I'm just...
- Maybe there's someone else.

Is there? Is there someone else?

- No, there is no one else.
- Then why the hell...

...are you dumping my brother?
- Wha...?

- Hey, big...
- Shh!


She's still asleep.

- So how'd it go?
- It was amazing.

You know how you think
you're great in bed?

The fact you'd even ask
shows how little you know me.

Well, it's like,
last night I couldn't do the thing...

...that usually makes me great.

So I had to do all this other stuff.

And the response I got! Man, oh, man.

It was like a ticker-tape parade!

Yes I know. As it happens, my room
is very close to the parade route.

It was amazing, and not just for her.
Uh-uh. For me too.

It's like, all of a sudden, I'm blind...

...but all my other senses
are heightened.

You know? It's like,
I was able to appreciate it...

...on another level.

I didn't know you had another level.

I know. Neither did I!

- Hey, great skirts! Birthday present?
- Yeah.

- From who?
- From you.

I exchanged the blouse you got me.

Well, it's the thought.

Doesn't Ross' flight get in
in a couple hours?

At gate 27B?

Uh, yeah.

Monica, you know,
I've been thinking about it.

I've decided this Ross thing
is not a good idea.

- Why?
- Because I feel... I wouldn't
just be going out with him.

I would be going out with all of you.

- Ugh, there'd be all this pressure and...
- No pressure, no pressure!

Nothing has even happened yet
and you're already so...

I'm not "so."

I was a teensy bit weird at first...

...but I'll be good. I promise.


Who is it?

It's me, Carl.

Come on up.

Behind my brother's back?

Is the kind of crazy thing
you won't be hearing from me.

- Seven hundred bucks.
- All right, you did it.


gut [gʌt] n. 内脏;肠子;剧情;胆量;海峡;勇气;直觉;肠 vt. 取出内脏;摧毁(建筑物等)的内部 adj. 简单的;本质的,根本的;本能的,直觉的 n. (德、俄、意、葡、塞、捷、匈、瑞典)古特(人名);(英)格特(人名) {ky :4297}

cute [kju:t] adj. 可爱的;漂亮的;聪明的,伶俐的 {ielts :4345}

Carl [kɑ:l] n. 粗野之人;村夫 { :5417}

blouse [blaʊz] n. 宽松的上衣;女装衬衫 vt. 使…宽松下垂 vi. 宽松下垂 {gk cet6 ky ielts :6586}

pegged [peɡd] 钉住 { :7092}

heightened [ˈhaitənd] v. 提高,升高(heighten的过去分词) { :7990}

wha [ ] [医][=warmed,humidified air]温暖、潮湿的空气 { :11046}

giver [ˈgɪvə(r)] n. 给予者,赠予人;送礼者 { :13698}

spender [ˈspendə(r)] n. 挥金如土的人;挥霍者;用钱的人 n. (Spender)人名;(英)斯彭德 { :18898}

teensy [ˌti:nzɪ'wi:nzɪ] adj. 很小的;小小的 { :34550}

rach [ ] 猎犬

fruit basket [ ] [网络] 水果篮子;生肖奇缘;花篮

gut feeling [ɡʌt ˈfi:liŋ] n. 直觉 [网络] 感觉;直觉情绪;种直觉

I'm blind [ ] [网络] 而我是如此的;我就像个盲人;无讯号

peg as [ ] n. (Pegas)人名;(俄)佩加斯

ticker-tape parade ['tikə teip] 抛彩带欢迎仪式 [亦作 ticker-tape reception]

i don't know
it's like
you know

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