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S01e20 5


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[学习本文需要基础词汇量:5,000 ]
[本次分析采用基础词汇量:4,000 ]

The green dress? Really?

She said you looked like Ingrid Bergman
that day.

Heh. No.


- Hey.
- Hey.

- You got a second?
- Sure, sure.

Come on...

Hello, sweetheart.

- What you guys doing here?
- Uh, we are here to break up with you.

Both of you?

We think you're a horrible human being,
and bad things should happen to you.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry. God, I am so sorry.

I'm an idiot. I was weak.
I couldn't help myself.

Whatever I did, I only did
because I love you so much.

Uh, which one of us
are you talking to there, Bar?



Mindy, of course, Mindy.
It was always Mindy.

Even when we were having sex
in that chair?

I swear, look, whatever I was doing,
I was always thinking of you.

Oh, please.

During that second time, you couldn't
have picked her out of a lineup.

You did it twice?

Well, the first time didn't really count.
You know, it was Barry.

Oh, right.

Honey, baby, sweetheart, look...

Just give me another chance, okay?

We'll start all over again.
We'll go back to Aruba.

What do you say?

Dr. Farber, we've got an emergency here.

Jason Castalano's
choking on his retainer.

Oh, God. Uh, I'll be right there, Bernice.

Look, please,
please don't go anywhere, okay?

- I'll be right back.
- Okay.

Okay, and we'll be here, hating you.

See how he was sweating
when he walked out of here?

If I'm hogging the ball,
you jump right in there...

...and take a couple of punches.
Because I'm telling you, this feels great.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure
I'm still gonna marry him.

What are you talking about?

Mindy, the guy is the devil.

He is Satan in a smock.

Look, I know he's not perfect.


But the truth is,
at the end of the day...

...I still really wanna be...

...Mrs. Dr. Barry Farber...


Oh, God.

I hope you can find some way
to be happy for me.

And I hope you'll still be
my maid of honor.

And I hope Barry doesn't kill you
and eat you in Aruba.

You okay?




You know, ever since I ran out on Barry
at the wedding...

...I have wondered
whether I made the right choice.

Oh. And now I know.

I'm so glad.

Big day.

All right, I'll give you this:
Mr. Peanut is a better dresser.

I mean, he's got the monocle,
he's got the top hat...

Did you know he's gay?

I just wanna clarify this.
Are you outing Mr. Peanut?

- Chandler?
- Danielle, hi.

Everybody, this is Danielle.
Danielle, everybody.


- What are you doing here?
- I've been calling you...

...but it turns out
I had your number wrong.

And when I finally got the right one
from Information, there was no answer.

So I thought I'd just come down here
and make sure you were okay.

Oh, uh, I'm okay.

Listen, uh, maybe we could
get together later?

That sounds good. I'll call you.
Or you call me, whatever.

- You know.
- Ha, ha.

- You got it.

- Bye, everybody.

Woo-hoo! Yeah, there you go.

Second date.

I don't know.

You don't know?

Oh, she seems nice, but that thing
about her coming all the way here...

...just to see if I was okay?
I mean, how needy is that?


[English - US - SDH]


bye [baɪ] n. 轮空;次要的东西 int. 再见 adj. 次要的 n. (Bye)人名;(挪)比埃;(中)拜(广东话·威妥玛);(英)拜伊;(瑞典)比耶 {zk gk :4072}

punches [pʌntʃiz] n. 一拳(punch的复数);[机] 冲压机;凿子 v. 用拳猛击(punch的第三人称单数形式) { :4348}

clarify [ˈklærəfaɪ] vt. 澄清;阐明 vi. 得到澄清;变得明晰;得到净化 {gk cet4 cet6 ky toefl ielts gre :4552}

peanut [ˈpi:nʌt] n. 花生 {ky :4627}

maid [meɪd] n. 女仆;少女 vt. 侍候;做新娘的女傧相 vi. 当女仆 {gk cet4 cet6 ky ielts :5166}

choking ['tʃəʊkɪŋ] v. 阻塞;使…窒息;抑制(choke的ing形式) adj. 令人窒息的;透不过气来的 { :5223}

jason [ˈdʒeɪsən] n. 詹森(男子名) { :5507}

lineup ['laɪnʌp] n. 阵容;一组人;电视节目时间表 { :5886}

idiot [ˈɪdiət] n. 笨蛋,傻瓜;白痴 {cet6 ky toefl ielts :5944}

sweetheart [ˈswi:thɑ:t] n. 爱人;心上人 vt. 向…求爱;与…恋爱 vi. 爱慕;恋爱 adj. 私下签订的;私下达成的 n. (Sweetheart)人名;(英)斯威特哈特 { :7213}

bernice [ˈbə:nis, bə:ˈni:s] n. 伯妮斯(Berenice的异体)(f.) { :7509}

hogging ['hɒgɪŋ] n. 弯[翘]曲,挠度,扭曲; 拱曲 { :7852}

dresser [ˈdresə(r)] n. 梳妆台;碗柜;化妆师;裹伤员 n. (Dresser)人名;(英、德)德雷瑟 { :8499}

needy [ˈni:di] adj. 贫困的;贫穷的;生活艰苦的 n. (Needy)人名;(英)尼迪 {toefl gre :8796}

Satan ['seitәn] n. 撒旦(魔鬼) { :10719}

retainer [rɪˈteɪnə(r)] n. 保持器;家臣;保持者;[机] 护圈;预付费用 {gre :14524}

DANIELLE [dænˈjel] n. 丹妮尔(f.) { :16843}

Ingrid [ˈiŋɡrid] n. 英格丽,英格丽德(女子名) { :17492}

smock [smɒk] n. 工作服;罩衫 n. (Smock)人名;(英)斯莫克 vt. 给…穿上罩衫 { :17907}

heh [heɪ] n. 嗨!(表示惊异质问) { :17987}

Bergman [ ] n. (Bergman)人名;(德、俄、塞、罗、捷、冰)贝格曼;(瑞典)贝里曼;(英、西)伯格曼 伯格曼 { :26213}

monocle [ˈmɒnəkl] n. 单片眼镜;单眼绷带 {gre :32172}

aruba [əˈru:bə] n. 阿鲁巴岛(加勒比海)

farber [ ] [人名] 法伯

an idiot [æn ˈidiət] [网络] 白痴;个白痴

i swear [ ] [网络] 我发誓;我宣誓;誓言

Ingrid Bergman [ ] [网络] 英格丽褒曼;英格烈褒曼;英格利·褒曼

maid (of honor) [ ] 柠檬杏仁馅酪饼

maid of honor [meid ɔv ˈɔnə] na. 宫女;〈美〉女傧相 [网络] 伴娘;首席女傧相;首席伴娘

the devil [ ] 究竟(与who/how/why/where/what等连用)

you know

zk/中考 gk/中考 ky/考研 cet4/四级 cet6/六级 ielts/雅思 toefl/托福 gre/GRE
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