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S01e20 3


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[学习本文需要基础词汇量:3,000 ]
[本次分析采用基础词汇量:4,000 ]

We ended up having sex in his chair.

You had sex in his chair?

I said that a little too loudly, didn't I?

You had what?

Sex in his chair.


What were you thinking?

I don't know.
I mean, we still care about each other.

There's a history there.
It's like you and Carol.

No. No, no.

It's nothing like me and Carol.

Please. If she said to you,
"Ross, I want you on this couch...

...right here, right now,"
what would you say?

If it helps I could slide over.

It's a totally different situation.

It's apples and oranges.
It's orthodontists and lesbians...

I gotta go.

- Where are you going?
- I just have to go, all right?

Do I need a reason, huh?
I have things to do with my life.

I have a jam-packed schedule.

And I am late for keeping up with it,


Hello? Hello?



Huh. Mindy.

Hi. Hey, how are you?

Yes, yes, I heard. Congratulations.
That is so great.

Really, oh, God...


Okay, I'm working tomorrow...

...but if you want,
you can come by if you'd like.



All right.

So I'll see you tomorrow.

Okay. Bye.

Oh, God. Oh, God. Oh, God.

So how's Mindy?

Oh, she wants to see me tomorrow.

Oh, she sounded really weird.
I gotta call Barry.

Hi, it's me. I just... Ha! Mindy.

Mindy. Hi.

No, I figured that's where you'd be.


Hell is filled with people like you.

He's back. The peeper's back.

- Get down.
- Get down?

And boogie.

Thanks, but I gotta go to work
and get my eyes scratched out by Mindy.

Relax. She may not even know.

Please, I haven't heard from her
in seven months, and now she calls me.

I mean, what else is it about?

She was my best friend, you guys.

We went to camp together...

...she taught me how to kiss...
- Yeah?

Now, you know,
I'm, like, the other woman.

- Ugh, I feel so...
- Naughty.

- I'll see you guys later.
- I'll walk out with you.

When she taught you to kiss,
you were at camp...

...and were you wearing
any kind of little uniform or...?

That's fine, yeah.

Okay, I'm gonna go the bathroom.
Will you watch my phone?

- Why don't you just take it with you?
- Hey.

We haven't been on a second date.
She needs to hear me pee?

Why don't you just call her?

I can't call her. I left a message.
I have some pride.

- Do you?
- No.

Danielle, hi.

Hi, it's Chandler.

I'm fine. Ahem.

Uh, listen...

I don't know if you tried to call me
because, uh, idiot that I am...

...I accidentally shut off my phone.

Ahem. Oh, okay. That's fine.
That's great. Okay.

She's on the other line.
She's gonna call me back.

She's on the other line,
gonna call me back.

- Don't you have to pee?
- That's why I'm dancing.

- Mindy.
- Hey, you.


bye [baɪ] n. 轮空;次要的东西 int. 再见 adj. 次要的 n. (Bye)人名;(挪)比埃;(中)拜(广东话·威妥玛);(英)拜伊;(瑞典)比耶 {zk gk :4072}

scratched [skrætʃt] v. 抓;搔(scratch的过去式及过去分词) adj. 受抓损的;有刮痕 { :4644}

loudly [laʊdlɪ] adv. 大声地,响亮地 {gk :5440}

idiot [ˈɪdiət] n. 笨蛋,傻瓜;白痴 {cet6 ky toefl ielts :5944}

lesbians [ˈlezbiənz] n. 女同性恋者;女同志(lesbian的复数形式) { :6338}

accidentally [ˌæksɪ'dentəlɪ] adv. 意外地;偶然地 {toefl :7057}

naughty [ˈnɔ:ti] adj. 顽皮的,淘气的;不听话的;没规矩的;不适当的;下流的 {cet4 cet6 ky toefl :7181}

congratulations [kənˌgrætjʊ'leɪʃənz] n. 祝贺;恭喜;贺词(congratulation的复数形式) { :7729}

pee [pi:] n. 尿;撒尿 vt. 小便 vi. 撒尿 n. (Pee)人名;(意)佩 { :11106}

DANIELLE [dænˈjel] n. 丹妮尔(f.) { :16843}

orthodontists [ˌɔ:θəuˈdɔntists] n. 正牙医生( orthodontist的名词复数 ) { :27437}

boogie [ˈbu:gi] n. 黑人 vi. 摆动身体(过去式boogied,过去分词boogied,现在分词boogying,第三人称单数boogies) { :28232}

hi [haɪ] int. 嗨!(表示问候或用以唤起注意) n. (Hi)人名;(柬)希 {gk :2072}

scratch out [ ] v. 擦去;划掉 [网络] 勾去;勉强做;勉强维持

to pee [ ] [网络] 尿尿;而小孩多半用;例纾

zk/中考 gk/中考 ky/考研 cet4/四级 cet6/六级 ielts/雅思 toefl/托福 gre/GRE
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