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S01e19 3


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[学习本文需要基础词汇量:2,000 ]
[本次分析采用基础词汇量:4,000 ]

Okay, he's a black capuchin monkey
with a white face...

...with Russian dressing
and pickles on the side.

Okay, thanks.

- Hi.
- Hey. How did it go today?

- Oh, great. It went great. Really great.
- Yeah.

- Hey, is that wine?
- Yeah. Yeah.

You, uh, want some?

- Oh, I would love some.
- Yeah.

But you know what? You know what?
Let's not drink it here.

I'm feeling kind of crazy.
Do you want to go to Newark?

Uh, okay. Yeah.

We could do that. But before we head off
to the murder capital of the Northeast...

...I was, uh, kind of wanted
to run something by you.

You know how we were,
you know, talking before...

...about relationships and stuff, well...

- Oh, God, Ross, I cannot do this.
- Okay, quick and painful.

Oh, God.

Okay, all right. All right, okay.

Ross, please don't hate me.

Oh, what? What? What?


You know Marcel?

- Yeah?
- Well, ahem.

I kind of, uh... I kind of lost him.


I can't believe this.

I mean, all I asked you to do
was keep him in the apartment.

I know, I know. I'm sorry.

You know what?
I guess it's partially my fault.

I shouldn't have asked you
to start off with a monkey.

I should have started you off with, like,
a pen or a pencil.

Ross, I'm doing everything that I can.

I've got everybody looking
for him and I got...


- Who is it?
LUISA [OVER INTERCOM]: Animal Control.

- See, I've even got Animal Control.
- You called Animal Control?


Why? Do you not like them?

Heh. Marcel is an illegal exotic animal.

I'm not allowed to have him in the city.

If they find him,
they'll take him away from me.

Okay, well, now, see,
you never ever, ever told us that.

That's right, because I didn't expect you
we're gonna invite them to the apartment.


Hi. Thanks for coming.

Somebody called about a monkey?

Oh. Oh, you know what?
That was a complete misunderstanding.

Yeah, we thought we had a monkey,
but we didn't.

- It turned out it was a hat.
- Cat.

Cat. What did I say?

Hi. We checked
the third and fourth floor.

- No one's seen Marcel.
- Marcel?

My uncle Marcel.

Oh, is that who the monkey's
named after?


Are you aware that possession
of an illegal exotic is punishable... up to two years in prison
and confiscation of the animal.

Oh, my God.

You'd put that poor little creature in jail?

Pheebs, you remember how we talked about
saying things quietly to yourself first?

Yes, but there isn't always time.

Look, I'm sure there's some friendly way
to reconcile this. Um, have a seat.

First of all, we haven't been introduced.
I'm Monica Geller.

Oh, my God, you are.

- And you're Rachel Green.
- Yeah.

Luisa Gianetti. Lincoln High?

I sat behind you guys in homeroom.

Oh! Luisa. Oh, my God.

Monica. It's Luisa!

Luisa. From homeroom.


- You have no idea who I am, do you?

Not at all.

Well, maybe that's because
you spent four years ignoring me.

Would it have been so hard to say,
"Morning, Luisa"...

...or "Nice overalls"?

Oh, I'm so sorry.

It's not so much you. You were fat.
You had your own problems.

But you. What a bitch.


You know what? Be that as it may.


northeast [.nɒ:θ'i:st] adj. 东北的;向东北的;来自东北的 n. 东北 adv. 向东北;来自东北 {gk cet4 cet6 ky :4122}

exotic [ɪgˈzɒtɪk] adj. 异国的;外来的;异国情调的 {cet6 ky toefl ielts gre :4205}

partially [ˈpɑ:ʃəli] adv. 部分地;偏袒地 {cet4 cet6 toefl :4379}

pencil [ˈpensl] n. 铅笔;笔状物 vt. 用铅笔写;用眉笔涂 vi. 成铅笔状 {zk gk :4410}

monkey [ˈmʌŋki] n. 猴子;顽童 vi. 胡闹;捣蛋 vt. 嘲弄 {zk gk cet4 ky :4558}

reconcile [ˈrekənsaɪl] vt. 使一致;使和解;调停,调解;使顺从 {cet6 ky toefl ielts gre :5586}

bitch [bɪtʃ] n. 母狗,母狼;泼妇;牢骚事 n. (Bitch)人名;(法)比奇 vt. 糟蹋;弄糟 vi. 发牢骚 { :5650}

Lincoln ['liŋkәn] n. 林肯(美国第16任总统);林肯(福特汽车厂出产的名牌豪华汽车) { :5730}

misunderstanding [ˌmɪsʌndəˈstændɪŋ] n. 误解;误会;不和 { :6869}

pickles ['pɪklz] n. 咸菜(pickle的复数形式);腌渍物;各式腌菜 n. (Pickles)人名;(英)皮克尔斯 vt. 腌(pickle的第三人称单数) { :10048}

newark ['nju:ək] n. 纽瓦克市(美国新泽西州港市) { :12829}

confiscation [ˌkɒnfɪs'keɪʃən] n. 没收;征用;充公 { :17017}

heh [heɪ] n. 嗨!(表示惊异质问) { :17987}

Luisa [ ] abbr. Leicester University Interactive Structural Analysis Project 莱斯特大学交互式结构分析计划 { :18231}

punishable [ˈpʌnɪʃəbl] adj. 可罚的;该罚的 { :19790}

homeroom [ˈhəʊmru:m] n. (美)年纪教室(学生定期接受导师指导的教室) { :23582}

capuchin ['kæpjʊˌtʃɪn] (天主教的)圣方济会托钵僧;卷尾猴,僧帽猴 { :30971}

gianetti [ ] n. (Gianetti)人名;(意)贾内蒂

a bitch [ ] [网络] 母狗

a hat [ ] [网络] 帽子;一顶帽子;有沿的帽

a monkey [ ] [网络] 猴子;一只猴子;他们看到了什么

a pen [ ] [网络] 一支钢笔;一支笔;一枝笔

capuchin monkey [ ] na. 戴帽猿 [网络] 僧帽猴;卷尾猴;卷尾猴属

in jail [ ] [网络] 投入监狱;在狱中服刑;坐牢

monkey with [ ] na. 用…逗…玩;嘲弄;插嘴;打搅 [网络] 胡乱折腾;瞎摆弄;和猴子一起

My uncle [ ] [网络] 我的叔叔;我的舅舅;我叔叔

the northeast [ ] [网络] 东北部;东北地区;东北部产区

my god
you know what

zk/中考 gk/中考 ky/考研 cet4/四级 cet6/六级 ielts/雅思 toefl/托福 gre/GRE
* 词汇量测试建议用