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S01e19 2


████    重点词汇
████    难点词汇
████    生僻词
████    词组 & 惯用语

[学习本文需要基础词汇量:8,000 ]
[本次分析采用基础词汇量:4,000 ]

And I will see you tomorrow.

That's right. You're gonna spend tomorrow
at Aunt Rachel's, aren't you?

Hang on, hang on.
Does Aunt Monica get a say in this?

Please, Aunt Monica, please? Ha, ha.

Oh, unclench.
You're not even gonna be here.

I can't believe we're having this discussion.

I agree. I'm, like, in disbelief.

Don't you think if things were gonna happen
with Rachel, they would've happened?

I'm telling you,
she said she's looking for a relationship...

...with someone exactly like me.

She really said that?

Well, I added the "exactly like me" part.

But she said she's looking for someone.
And someone is gonna be there tonight.

"Tonight" tonight?

Well, I think it's perfect.
It's just gonna be the two of us.

She spent all day
taking care of my monkey.

I can't remember the last time
I got a girl to take care of my monkey.


Anyway, you know, I figured after work,
I'd go pick up a bottle of wine...

...go over there and, uh, try to woo her.

Hey, you know what you should do?

You should take her back to the 1890s
when that phrase was last used.

If you keep this up...'ll be finished with this sucker
by the end of the week.

Now, the one in the feathered boa,
that's Dr. Francis.

Now, she used to be a man.

Oh, look. See, now, there's Raven.
We hate her.

We're glad she's dying.

And then... What? Marcel.

Are you playing with Monica's shoes?
You know you're not supposed to...

Whoa, whoa.

Marcel, did you poo in the shoe?

Oh, Marcel. Bad monkey.

Oh, God.


Sorry, Barry.

A little engagement gift.

I'm sure you didn't register for that.


Who died? Who died?

Roll him over. Oh, come on, roll him over.

Well, we know it wasn't Dexter,
right, Marcel? Because...

Marcel? Marcel? Marc...?

- How could you lose him?
- I don't know, I don't know.

We were watching TV,
and then he pooped in Monica's shoe...

Wait. He pooped in my shoe?
Which one?

I don't know. The left one.

Which ones?

Oh, those little clunky Amish things
you think go with everything.

- Hey.

Whoa, oh.
Why is the air in here so negative?

- Rachel lost Marcel.
- Oh, no. How?

- He pooped in my shoe.
- Which one?

Those cute little black ones
I wear all the time.

No, which one? Ha, ha.

The right or left?

Because the left one is lucky.

Come on, you guys.
What am I gonna do?

All right, all right, all right.
You're a monkey...'re loose in the city.

Where do you go?

Okay, it's his first time out... he's probably gonna want
to do some of the touristy things.

I'll go to Cats.
You go to the Russian Tea Room.

Oh, my God! Come on, you guys.

He's gonna be home any minute.
He's gonna kill me.

Start with the building.
You take the first and second floor.

Phoebe and I will take third and fourth.

Whoa, whoa. What am I gonna do?

Okay, you stay here
and just wait by the phone.

Spray Lysol in my shoe
and wait for Ross to kill you.

Does anybody want to trade?


What do you want?

Mr. Heckles, our friend lost a monkey.
Have you seen it?

I left a Belgian waffle out here.
Did you take it?


Why would you leave your Belgian waffle
in the hall?

I wasn't ready for it.

The monkey, have you seen a monkey?

I saw Regis Philbin once.

Thank you, Mr. Heckles.

You owe me a waffle.

Okay, he's a black capuchin monkey
with a white face...


cute [kju:t] adj. 可爱的;漂亮的;聪明的,伶俐的 {ielts :4345}

spray [spreɪ] n. 喷雾;喷雾器;水沫 vt. 喷射 vi. 喷 n. (Spray)人名;(英)斯普雷 {gk cet4 cet6 ky toefl ielts :4417}

feathered [ˈfeðəd] adj. 有羽毛的;羽状的;飞速的;薄边的 { :4531}

monkey [ˈmʌŋki] n. 猴子;顽童 vi. 胡闹;捣蛋 vt. 嘲弄 {zk gk cet4 ky :4558}

dexter ['dekstә] n. (Dexter)人名;(英、西)德克斯特 adj. 右侧的;幸运的 { :6823}

Belgian ['beldʒәn] n. 比利时人 adj. 比利时的 { :6974}

disbelief [ˌdɪsbɪˈli:f] n. 怀疑,不信 { :7158}

whoa [wəʊ] int. 惊叹声;咳! { :7334}

marc [mɑ:k] n. 机读目录;(水果,种子等经压榨后的)榨渣 n. (Marc)人名;(塞)马尔茨;(德、俄、法、荷、罗、瑞典、西、英)马克 { :7422}

woo [wu:] vt. 追求;招致;向…求爱;恳求 vi. 求爱;恳求 {gk gre :8645}

sucker [ˈsʌkə(r)] n. 吸管;乳儿;易受骗的人 n. (Sucker)人名;(德)祖克尔 vt. 从……除去吸根 vi. 成为吸根;长出根出条 { :9958}

amish ['ɑ:miʃ] n. 孟诺教派;孟诺教派之教徒 adj. 孟诺教派的 { :12980}

waffle [ˈwɒfl] n. 华夫饼干;动听而无意义的话;无聊话 vi. 胡扯;闲聊 {gre :13320}

raven [ˈreɪvn] n. 掠夺,劫掠;大乌鸦 n. (Raven)人名;(英)雷文;(德)拉文 adj. 乌黑的 vt. 掠夺;狼吞虎咽 vi. 掠夺;狼吞虎咽 {toefl :14323}

regis [ˈri:dʒis] abbr. registration 登记; register 记录; registered 已注册的; registry 档案室 { :16156}

boa [ˈbəʊə] n. [脊椎] 蟒蛇;女用围巾;蟒形联合浮动汇率 n. (Boa)人名;(葡)博阿;(缅)波 { :19765}

clunky [ˈklʌŋki] adj. 沉重的;影响不好的 { :19809}

pooped [pu:pt] adj. 精疲力竭的 { :20629}

heckles [ˈhekəlz] n. 诘问者( heckle的名词复数 ) v. 责问演说者,对…起哄( heckle的第三人称单数 ) { :23067}

unclench ['ʌn'klentʃ] vt. 撬开 vi. 松开 { :28803}

capuchin ['kæpjʊˌtʃɪn] (天主教的)圣方济会托钵僧;卷尾猴,僧帽猴 { :30971}

touristy [ˈtʊərɪsti] adj. 适宜游览的;游览者喜欢的;旅游者常去的 { :31780}

POO [pu:] abbr. (英)邮政汇票(Post-Office Order) n. (Poo)人名;(英)普 { :36809}

lysol ['laisɒl] n. 来苏尔, 杂酚皂液 [化] 煤酚皂溶液; 来苏尔

philbin [ ] [人名] 菲尔宾

a monkey [ ] [网络] 猴子;一只猴子;他们看到了什么

Belgian waffle [ ] [网络] 比利时窝夫;比利时松饼;比利时产的威化饼

capuchin monkey [ ] na. 戴帽猿 [网络] 僧帽猴;卷尾猴;卷尾猴属

cat you [ ] [网络] 猫儿做

feather boa [ˈfeðə ˈbəʊə] n. (旧时女用)羽毛围巾 [网络] 女用长围巾

in disbelief [ ] [网络] 不相信;怀疑;怀疑地

monkey with [ ] na. 用…逗…玩;嘲弄;插嘴;打搅 [网络] 胡乱折腾;瞎摆弄;和猴子一起

register for [ ] [网络] 注册;选课;登记参加

the Monkey [ ] [网络] 猴子;西游记;猕猴猴趣

to cat [ ] [网络] 哈哈;霸王别姬

all right
come on
i don't know
which one

zk/中考 gk/中考 ky/考研 cet4/四级 cet6/六级 ielts/雅思 toefl/托福 gre/GRE
* 词汇量测试建议用