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S01e18 3


████    重点词汇
████    难点词汇
████    生僻词
████    词组 & 惯用语

[学习本文需要基础词汇量:3,000 ]
[本次分析采用基础词汇量:4,000 ]

I was gesturing and the plate
slipped out of my hand.


- Oh! I got an interview. I got an interview.
- You're kidding. Where? Where?

- Saks Fifth Avenue.
- Oh, Rachel.

Oh, it's like the mother ship
is calling you home.

- Well, what's the job?
- Assistant buyer.

Oh! I would be shopping...

...for a living.


Okay, look. That's Aunt Iris.

This woman has been playing poker
since she was 5.

You've gotta listen
to every word she says.

- Hi.
- Is Tony Randall dead?

- Oh, why?
- I don't think so.

Well, he may be now
because I think I hit him with my car.

- My God. Really?
- No, that's bluffing. Lesson number one.

Let me tell you something.

Everything you hear
at a poker game is pure crap.

- Nice earrings.
- Thank you.

Girls, sit down.

- Um, Aunt Iris, this is Phoebe, and Rachel...
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Listen, I am parked at a meter.
Let's do it.


Ross, could we please, please,
listen to anything else?

All right.


I'm gonna pay for that tonight.


- Hi.
- Hey.

Guess what, guess what, guess what.

Uh, okay. The fifth dentist caved,
and now they're all recommending Trident?

No, the interview.

She loved me. She absolutely loved me.

We talked for, like, two and a half hours.
We have the same taste in clothes.

Oh, I went to camp with her cousin.

And, oh, the job is perfect.
I can do this. I can do this well.

That's great.

God. And she told the funniest story.

Okay, great,
you'll tell us and we'll laugh.

Let's play poker.

All right, listen, we talked about it...

...and if you don't want to play,
we completely understand.

Yes, yes. We can play some other game.
Like, I don't know...


Very funny. Very funny.

I think we'd like to give poker another try.
Shall we, ladies?

Yes, I think we should.

Rach, do you want me to shuffle those?

No, no. That's okay. You know what?
I'm gonna give it a go.

ROSS: All right.
- All right.

So Pheebs owes 7.50.
Monica, you owe $10.

And, Rachel, you owe 15 big ones.

Thanks for teaching us
"Crossed-eyed Mary."

You guys, we gotta play that other way.

All right, here's my 7.50, but I think
you should know that this money is cursed.

- What?
- Oh, I cursed it.

So now bad things will happen
to he who spends it.

That's all right, I'll take it.
Bad things happen to me anyway.

This way, I can break them up
with a movie.

So that just leaves the big
Green poker machine, who owes 15.

Hmm, oh, it's so typical:

"Ooh, I'm a man. Ooh, I have a penis.

Ooh, I have to win money
to exert my power over women."

You know what? This is not over.

We will play you again.
And we will win and you will lose.

And you will beg and we will laugh.

And we will take
every last dime you have.

And you will hate yourselves forever.

Hmm. Kind of stepped on
my point there, Mon.

So you gals wanna hand over
your money now?

That way, we don't have to go
through the formality of actually playing.

No, that's fine. We'll see
who has the last laugh there, monkey boy.

Okay, are we done with the chitchat?
Are we ready to play serious poker?

Hey, you guys, look. The one-eyed jack
follows me wherever I go.


monkey [ˈmʌŋki] n. 猴子;顽童 vi. 胡闹;捣蛋 vt. 嘲弄 {zk gk cet4 ky :4558}

exert [ɪgˈzɜ:t] vt. 运用,发挥;施以影响 {cet4 cet6 ky toefl ielts gre :5057}

cursed [kɜ:st] v. 诅咒(curse的过去分词) adj. 被诅咒的 { :5761}

dentist [ˈdentɪst] n. 牙科医生 牙医诊所 {zk gk cet6 ky toefl ielts :6054}

formality [fɔ:ˈmæləti] n. 礼节;拘谨;仪式;正式手续 {gre :6949}

earrings ['ɪərɪŋz] n. 耳环;耳饰(earring的复数) { :6973}

crap [kræp] n. 废话;废物;屎;拉屎 vi. 掷骰子;拉屎 n. (Crap)人名;(英)克拉普 { :7117}

shuffle [ˈʃʌfl] n. 洗牌,洗纸牌;混乱,蒙混;拖着脚走 v. 洗牌;推诿,推卸;拖曳,慢吞吞地走;搅乱 {toefl gre :7124}

iris [ˈaɪrɪs] n. [解剖] 虹膜;鸢尾属植物 adj. 鸢尾属植物的 { :7368}

dime [daɪm] n. 一角硬币 n. (Dime)人名;(塞)迪梅 {toefl :7518}

penis [ˈpi:nɪs] n. 阳物;[解剖] 阴茎 { :7804}

bluffing [blʌʃ] n. 褶边装置;诈骗;唬弄 v. 欺骗;吓唬(bluff的现在分词) { :7842}

poker [ˈpəʊkə(r)] n. 拨火棍;纸牌戏;(用棍)戳的人 vt. 烙制 { :8134}

mon [mәun] abbr. 星期一(Monday);发动机辛烷值(Motor Octsne Number) n. (Mon)人名;(德、柬)蒙;(东南亚国家华语)望;(日)门(姓) { :9197}

gals ['ɡælz] n. 女孩儿们(gal的复数,等于girls) { :10748}

randall [ˈrændl] n. 兰德尔(亦作Randal)(m.) { :12821}

Trident ['traidnt] n. 三叉戟;[数] 三叉线;三齿鱼叉 {gre :13172}

chitchat ['tʃɪttʃæt] n. 聊天;闲谈 vi. 闲谈 { :22764}

Saks [ ] (Sak 的复数) n. (Sak)人名;(捷、土、土库、吉尔)萨克;(泰)塞;(老、柬)萨 abbr. 安全注意键(Secure Attention Key);服务器功能工具件(Server Appliance Kit);葡激酶(staphylokinase);日本三肯公司 { :40942}

pictionary [ ] n. 看图说词; 猜猜画画; 画图猜词; 猜谜

rach [ ] 猎犬

a. penis [ ] 阴茎动脉

curse it [ ] [网络] 诅咒它

Curse it ! [ ] 该死;天杀的!

Fifth Avenue [ ] na. (美国纽约市最繁华的)第五号街 [网络] 第五大道;纽约第五大道;第五街

monkey boy [ ] [网络] 猴;孙铁儿;猴子男孩图片

poker game [ ] [网络] 扑克游戏;扑克赌局;牌局

poker machine [ ] [澳大利亚英语]吃角子老虎机(一种以扑克牌图案表示得分的赌具)

saks fifth avenue [ ] [网络] 萨克斯第五大道精品百货店;萨克斯第五大道百货公司;纽约萨克斯第五大道

the fifth [ ] [网络] 第五;五号;五度

to shuffle [ ] [网络] 洗牌;互相换位

all right
guess what

zk/中考 gk/中考 ky/考研 cet4/四级 cet6/六级 ielts/雅思 toefl/托福 gre/GRE
* 词汇量测试建议用