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S01e15 4


████    重点词汇
████    难点词汇
████    生僻词
████    词组 & 惯用语

[学习本文需要基础词汇量:4,000 ]
[本次分析采用基础词汇量:4,000 ]

It's okay. It's okay.

I was always rooting for you
two kids to get together.

Hey, while you were sleeping,
that guy from your old job called again.

Oh. Again?

- And again and again and again.
- And again.


Hello? Heh. And again.


Hey, Mr. Costilick.
How's life on the 15th floor?

Yeah, I miss you too.

Yeah, it's a lot less satisfying to steal pens
from your own home, you know?

Well, that's very generous.

Uh, but look, this isn't about the money.

You know? I need something
that's more than a job.

I need something I really care about...

And that's on top of the year-end
bonus structure you mentioned earlier?

Your dream.

Look, Al.
Al, I'm not playing hardball here, okay?

This is not a negotiation.
This is a rejection.

No... No, no. No, no.

No, stop saying numbers!

I'm telling you, you've got the wrong guy!
You got the wrong guy!

I'll see you Monday!



Wow. It's huge.

It's so much bigger than the cubicle.

Oh, this is a cube.

Look at this.


You have a window!

Yes, indeedy.

- With a beautiful view of...
- Oh, look. That guy's peeing.

Okay. That's enough of the view.
All right, check this out.

- Ahem. Okay, sit down here. Sit down.
- Okay.

Okay, this is great. This is great.

- Ahem. You ready?
- Yeah.

Helen, could you come in here
for a moment?

Thank you, Helen, that'll be all.

Last time I do that. I promise.

Wendy, we had a deal.

Yeah, you promised.

Wendy. Wendy. Wendy!


Hmm, who was that?

Wendy bailed. I have no waitress.

That's too bad.


- Ten dollars an hour.
- Nope.

Twelve dollars an hour.

Mon, I wish I could,
but I've made plans to walk around.

You know, Rachel, when you ran out
on your wedding, I was there for you.

I put a roof over your head,
and if that means nothing to you...

Twenty dollars an hour.


- Well, hello. Welcome to Monica's.
- Hello.

May I take your coat?

- Hi, Steve.
- Hello, Monica.

Hello, greeter girl.

- This is Rachel.
- Yeah, okay.

Mm, everything smells so delicious.

You know, I can't remember a time
I smelled such a delicious combination of...

Okay, smells.

Well, it's a lovely apartment.

Oh, thank you. Would you like a tour?

I was just being polite, but all right.

What? What's up?

In the cab on the way over,
Steve blazed up a doobie.


Smoked a joint, you know?
Lit a bone. Weed, hemp, ganja.

Okay, okay, okay.

Okay, I'm with you, Cheech. Okay.

Is it dry in here?

Let me get you some wine.

Yeah, I think we're ready
for our first course too.


These are rock shrimp ravioli... a cilantro ponzu sauce...
- Oh.

...with just a touch of minced...


Well, smack my ass and call me Judy.

These are fantastic.


cab [kæb] n. 驾驶室;出租汽车;出租马车 vi. 乘出租马车(或汽车) {gk ky toefl ielts :4014}

shrimp [ʃrɪmp] n. 虾;小虾;矮小的人 adj. 有虾的;虾制的 vi. 捕虾 {cet6 toefl :4144}

ass [æs] n. 屁股;驴子;蠢人 n. (Ass)人名;(俄)阿斯 {cet6 :4201}

rejection [rɪ'dʒekʃn] n. 抛弃;拒绝;被抛弃的东西;盖帽 {cet6 toefl :4305}

weed [wi:d] n. 杂草,野草;菸草 vt. 除草;铲除 vi. 除草 n. (Weed)人名;(英)威德 {gk cet4 cet6 ky toefl ielts gre :4545}

fantastic [fænˈtæstɪk] n. 古怪的人 adj. 奇异的;空想的;异想天开的;古怪的;极好的,极出色的;不可思议的;不切实际的 {zk gk cet6 ky toefl ielts :4747}

polite [pəˈlaɪt] adj. 有礼貌的,客气的;文雅的;上流的;优雅的 {zk gk :4976}

delicious [dɪˈlɪʃəs] adj. 美味的;可口的 {zk gk cet4 ky toefl ielts :4985}

AL [ ] abbr. 美国联盟(American League);美国军团(American Legion);阿尔巴尼亚(Albania,欧洲一国家名);美国亚拉巴马州(Alabama) n. (Al)人名;(英)阿尔(Albert 在美国的昵称) { :5629}

cube [kju:b] n. 立方;立方体;骰子 n. (Cube)人名;(瑞典、德)库贝 vt. 使成立方形;使自乘二次;量…的体积 {gk cet4 cet6 ky toefl ielts :5725}

waitress [ˈweɪtrəs] n. 女服务员;女侍者 vi. 做女服务生 {gk cet6 ky ielts :6390}

wendy ['wendi] n. 温迪(女子名) { :6729}

bailed [beild] [法] 保释 帮助脱离困境(bail的过去式和过去分词) { :6736}

blazed [bleizd] vt. 在树皮上刻路标;公开宣布 n. 火焰,烈火;光辉;情感爆发 vi. 燃烧;照耀,发光;激发 n. (Blaze)人名;(法)布拉兹;(马其)布拉热 { :7128}

smack [smæk] n. 滋味;少量;海洛因;风味 vt. 掴;用掌击 vi. 用掌击;带有…风味 adv. 猛然;直接地 {toefl :7202}

ginger [ˈdʒɪndʒə(r)] n. 姜;姜黄色;精力;有姜味 vt. 用姜给…调味;使某人有活力 adj. 姜黄色的 n. (Ginger)人名;(法)然热;(英)金杰 {cet6 gre :7328}

minced [mɪnst] adj. 切碎的;切成末的 v. 剁碎;细分;委婉地说(mince的过去分词) { :8153}

Judy ['dʒu:di] n. (尤指轻佻的)姑娘 { :8155}

cilantro [sɪˈlæntrəʊ] n. 芫荽叶;香菜 { :8872}

mon [mәun] abbr. 星期一(Monday);发动机辛烷值(Motor Octsne Number) n. (Mon)人名;(德、柬)蒙;(东南亚国家华语)望;(日)门(姓) { :9197}

nope [nəʊp] adv. 不是,没有;不 { :9734}

cubicle [ˈkju:bɪkl] n. 小卧室;小隔间 {gre :10473}

peeing [pi:ɪŋ] 小便(pee的现在分词) { :11106}

hemp [hemp] n. 大麻;麻类植物;大麻烟卷 adj. 大麻类植物的 n. (Hemp)人名;(英)亨普 { :15017}

hardball [ˈhɑ:dbɔ:l] n. 硬式棒球(等于baseball);(为达到某种目的而采取的)强硬手段;刀剑搏杀 { :16712}

ravioli [ˌræviˈəʊli] n. (意)略有馅的水饺 n. (Ravioli)人名;(意)拉维奥利 { :17878}

heh [heɪ] n. 嗨!(表示惊异质问) { :17987}

greeter [ˈgri:tə(r)] n. (在酒店、超市等门口迎接顾客的)接待员 { :27708}

ganja [ˈgændʒə] n. 大麻 { :39454}

hello [hə'ləʊ] n. 表示问候, 惊奇或唤起注意时的用语 int. 喂;哈罗 n. (Hello)人名;(法)埃洛 {zk gk :2238}

cheech [ ] [人名] 奇克

doobie ['du:bi:] n. [美国俚语]大麻烟卷; [计算机]数据库

indeedy [in'di:di] int. <美口>=indeed

ponzu [ ] [网络] 柚子醋;可沾酱油或用柑橘酢;醋酱油

be polite [bi: pəˈlait] [网络] 要有礼貌;用语需彬彬有礼;礼貌用语

blaze up [ ] na. 燃烧起来;暴怒 [网络] 突然燃烧起来;勃然大怒;发怒

my ass [ ] [网络] 我的屁股;才怪;去你的

play hardball [plei ˈhɑ:dbɔ:l] v. 全力以赴 [网络] 来硬的;采取强硬态度;玩儿狠的

playing hardball [ ] [网络] 玩儿狠的;打硬球

rock shrimp [ ] [网络] 岩石虾;清炒石头虾仁

well smack [ ] 活鱼舱渔船

year-end bonus [ ] [经] 年终奖金(加薪,红利), 年终额外补贴

you know

zk/中考 gk/中考 ky/考研 cet4/四级 cet6/六级 ielts/雅思 toefl/托福 gre/GRE
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