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S01e14 4


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[学习本文需要基础词汇量:4,000 ]
[本次分析采用基础词汇量:4,000 ]

Okay, and here we have
the last of Paolo's grappa.

Wait. Isn't it almost pure...?


How can I dump this woman
on Valentine's Day?

I don't know.
You dumped her on New Year's.

Oh, man. In my next life
I'm coming back as a toilet brush.

Hello, funny valentine.

Hi, just Janice.

Hello, Joey, our little matchmaker.

I could just kiss you all over,
and I'm gonna.

Oh. Okay, heh. Ha, ha, okay.

If you don't do it, I will.

So, um, what do you do for a living?

Well, um for the past few years...


Oh, no. You said they could
shoot the spot without you.

I thought they could.

- Working with children,
which is really fulfilling.

I'll try to get back
as soon as I can. I'm sorry.

KRISTEN: So I'm spending most
of my time teaching science, heh...

...which is funny because
that wasn't even my major.


Now, that is funny.

Hey, do you think...?

Would it be too weird if I invited
Carol over to join us?

Because she's alone now.

And pregnant. And sad.

- I guess.
- Are you sure?

Thanks. Carol.

Wanna come over and join us?

Oh, no. I'm fine.

Come on, stand up. These people
will scooch down. Come on.

Come over here.
You guys will scooch, won't you?

Let's try scooching. Come on.

ROSS: Come on.
CAROL: Thank you.

Uh, Kristen Riggs, this is Carol Willet.

- Carol, Kristen.
- How do you do?

Um... Oh, uh, Carol teaches sixth grade.

And, uh, Kristen...

Kristen does something...

...that, funnily enough...

...wasn't even her major.

What do we got there?

A piece of silk boxer shorts...

...some greeting cards...

...what looks like a
half-charred picture of...

Wow, that guy's hairier
than the chief.

You know, it's a really funny story
how this happened.

It's all right. Don't explain.

It's not the first boyfriend bonfire
we've seen get out of control.

- You're our third call tonight.
- Really?

Sure. Valentine's is our
busiest night of the year.

I brought you something.

Is it loaded?

Oh, little candy hearts.

"Chan and Jan forever."

I had them made special.

Okay, Janice.


Hey, Janice.

Look, there's no way for me
to tell you this.

At least, there's no new way
for me to tell you this.

I just don't think things
are gonna work out.

That's fine.

- It is?
- Mm-hm.

Because I know that this
isn't the end.

Oh, no. You see, actually, it is.

No, it isn't. Because you
won't let that happen.

Don't you know it yet?

You love me, Chandler Bing.

Oh, no, I don't.

Then why do you think
we keep ending up together?


boxer [ˈbɒksə(r)] n. 拳师,拳击手 n. (Boxer)人名;(英、法)博克瑟 { :7907}

hairier [ˈheəri:ə] adj. 多毛的( hairy的比较级 ); 惊险的; 令人恐惧的; 粗壮的 { :9707}

bonfire [ˈbɒnfaɪə(r)] n. 篝火;营火 { :9904}

valentine [ˈvæləntaɪn] n. 情人;情人节礼物 { :12356}

chan [tʃæn] n. 通道(槽,沟) n. (Chan)人名;(法)尚;(缅)钱;(柬、老、泰)占 { :17670}

heh [heɪ] n. 嗨!(表示惊异质问) { :17987}

funnily [ˈfʌnəli] adv. 有趣地,滑稽地;古怪的 { :20349}

matchmaker [ˈmætʃmeɪkə(r)] n. 媒人;安排比赛的人;火柴制造者 { :21603}

Riggs [ ] [人名] [英格兰人姓氏] 里格斯 Ridge的变体 { :33853}

grappa [ˈgræpə] n. 格拉巴酒(用酒渣酿制的一种白兰地) n. (Grappa)人名;(意)格拉帕 { :38079}

funny [ˈfʌni] n. 滑稽人物;笑话,有趣的故事;滑稽连环漫画栏;(英)(比赛用)单人双桨小艇 adj. 有趣的,好笑的,滑稽的;(口)稀奇的,古怪的,奇异的;有病的,不舒服的;狡猾的,欺骗(性)的,可疑的,不光明 {zk gk cet4 ky :1789}

kristen [ ] [人名] 克里斯滕,克丽丝滕(女名); [人名]克里丝滕·威尔逊

scooch [ ] [网络] 往旁边挪一下位置;挪位子

scooching [ ] [网络] 扫帚

willet ['wɪlɪt] n. 白羽鹬

a toilet [ ] [网络] 一间厕所;马桶;鬼厕

boxer shorts [ˈbɔksə ʃɔ:ts] n. 男用平脚短内裤(类似拳击短裤) [网络] 拳击运动员短裤;四角裤;平脚短裤

dump her [ ] [网络] 甩了她;抛弃他;离开她

funnily enough [ ] na. 说来真奇怪 [网络] 足够奇怪地;十分有趣地;足够可笑地

funny story [ ] [网络] 幽默故事;笑话;摇笑话

toilet brush [ˈtɔilit brʌʃ] [网络] 马桶刷;厕所刷;马桶刷子

come on

zk/中考 gk/中考 ky/考研 cet4/四级 cet6/六级 ielts/雅思 toefl/托福 gre/GRE
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