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S01e12 3


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████    词组 & 惯用语

[学习本文需要基础词汇量:3,000 ]
[本次分析采用基础词汇量:4,000 ]



Okay, I don't know what you just said,
so let's just start.

Uh, I am, uh...

...being naked?

Um, that's really your decision.

I mean, some people prefer,
you know, to take off...

Ooh, oops! Being naked.

I can't believe you don't want to know.
I mean, I could not know.

I mean, if the doctor knows,
and Carol knows, and Susan knows...

And Monica knows.

Heh. How could you?
I don't even know.

Carol called to thank me for the lasagna.
I asked. She told me.

So, what's it going to be?


Huh? Oh, great.
Now he knows and I don't know.

I'm sorry. I'm just excited
about being an aunt.

Or an uncle.

Hey, Phoebe. Hey, Pheebs.


- Phoebe, what's the matter?
- Nothing. I'm sorry.

I'm just... I'm out of sorts.

Hey, can we get
some cappuccino over here?

Oh, right. That's me.

Hey, Chandler.
That table place closes at 7. Come on.


Phoebe. What is it?

- You know Paolo?
- I'm familiar with his work, yes.

Look, he made a move on me.

- Whoa. The store will be open tomorrow.
- More coffee over here, please.

Well, what happened?

Well, he came in for a massage...

...and everything was fine until...


- My God.
- Are you sure?

Oh, yeah. I'm sure.

And all of a sudden, his hands
weren't the problem anymore.

Was it?

Oh, Boy Scouts
could've camped under there.


- "Ooh," what?
- Ma Thurman.

- Oh.
- The actress.

Uma Thurman!

Thanks, Rach.

- What are you gonna you do?
- You have to tell her.

You have to tell her.
It's your moral obligation as a friend... a woman. I think it's a feminist issue.
Guys? Guys?

Oh, yeah, you have to tell her.

Feminist issue? That's where I went.

She is gonna hate me.

Yeah, well.

Will you pick one? Just pick one.

Here, how about that one?

That's patio furniture.

So what? Like people are gonna come in
and think, "Uh-oh, I'm outside again."


What about the birds?

I don't know. Birds just don't say:

"Hello, sit here. Eat something."

You pick one.

How about the ladybugs?

Oh, so forget about the birds,
but big red insects suggest fine dining?

Fine. Do you want the birds?
Get the birds.

Not like that, I won't.

Kip would've liked the birds.

- Hey.
- Hi, Pheebs.

Are you moving out?

No, these aren't all of my suitcases.

This one's Paolo's.


Um, Rachel, can we talk for a sec?

Well, sure. Just for a sec, though...

...because Paolo's on his way over.
- Oh.

Okay. Um...



- Oh, Pheebs...
- Um, okay.

Um, ahem. We haven't known each other
for that long a time.

And, um, there are three things
that you should know about me.

One, my friends are the most
important thing in my life.

Two, I never lie.

And three, I make the best
oatmeal-raisin cookies in the world.

Okay. Thanks, Pheebs.

Mm, my God.


feminist [ˈfemənɪst] n. 女权主义者 adj. 主张女权的 {toefl gre :4648}

suitcases [ˈsju:tkeisiz] n. [轻] 手提箱;衣箱;小提箱(suitcase的复数) { :5600}

MA [mɑ:] abbr. 文学硕士(Master of Arts);磁放大器(magnetic amplifier);主报警信号(main alarm) { :6756}

patio [ˈpætiəʊ] n. 露台;天井 { :6874}

scouts [skauts] n. 童子军,童军(scout的复数);侦察兵 v. 侦察;搜索(scout的三单形式) { :6892}

massage [ˈmæsɑ:ʒ] vt. 按摩;揉 n. 按摩;揉 { :7050}

whoa [wəʊ] int. 惊叹声;咳! { :7334}

oops [ʊps] int. 哎哟(表示惊讶,狼狈时所发的喊声) { :13703}

cappuccino [ˌkæpuˈtʃi:nəʊ] n. 热牛奶咖啡;(意)卡普齐诺咖啡 n. (Cappuccino)人名;(意)卡普奇诺 { :16511}

lasagna [lə'zɑ:njə] n. 烤宽面条(等于lasagne);卤汁面条 n. (Lasagna)人名;(意)拉萨尼亚 { :16791}

heh [heɪ] n. 嗨!(表示惊异质问) { :17987}

kip [kɪp] n. 睡觉;客栈;千磅;生幼兽皮;基普(老挝的标准货币单位) vi. 住客栈;躺下睡觉 { :22781}

cookies [ˈkukiz] n. 饼干 { :24995}

SEC [sek] 美国证券交易委员会(U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission) { :25516}

ladybugs [ˈleidibʌɡz] n. 瓢虫( ladybug的名词复数 ) { :25831}

hey [heɪ] n. 干草(等于hay) int. 喂!(引起注意等);你好!(表示问候) n. (Hey)人名;(法)埃;(柬)海;(德、英)海伊 {gk :1429}

rach [ ] 猎犬

thurman [ˈθə:mən] 瑟曼(姓氏,男子名)

UMA [ˈju:mə] n. 趾缘蜥

a sec [ ] [网络] 自二斑;安培平方秒

Boy Scout [bɔi skaut] na. 童子军(的一员) [网络] 童军;男童军;男童子军

excite about [ ] vt.因...而激动

fine dining [ ] [网络] 精致餐饮;精致美食;精致料理

patio furniture [ ] [网络] 露台家具;时尚庭院家具;室外就餐用家具

i mean
you have to tell her

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