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S01e12 2


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[学习本文需要基础词汇量:8,000 ]
[本次分析采用基础词汇量:4,000 ]

Need a new table.

You think?


CAROL: Hey, hey, hey. Come on in.
- Hey. Hello.

I brought the books...

...and Monica sends her love
along with this lasagna.

Oh, great.

Is it vegetarian?
Because Susan doesn't eat meat.

I'm pretty sure that it is. Yeah.

So I got the results of the amnio today.

Oh, tell me. Is everything?

Totally and completely healthy.

- Oh, that's great. That is great.
- Ha, ha.


Hey. When did you and Susan
meet Huey Lewis?

Uh, that's our friend Tanya.

Of course it's your friend Tanya.

Don't you wanna know about the sex?

The sex?

Yeah, I'm having enough trouble with
the image of you and Susan together.

But when you throw in Tanya...


The sex of the baby, Ross.

Oh. You know the sex of the baby?

- Uh-huh.
- Oh, oh, oh!

- Do you want to know?
- No, no, no.

No, I don't want to know.
Absolutely not.

No, I think you shouldn't know until
you look down there...

...and see, "Oh, there it is."

Or isn't.

- Oh. Hello, Ross.
- Susan.


So did you hear?

Yes, we did. Everything's A-okay.

Oh, that's so cool.

It really is. Ha, ha.

Do we know?

- We certainly do. It's going to be a...
- Hey, hey!

Ho, ho! Hello?

See, a guy who doesn't wanna know
standing right here.

Oh. Ha, ha. Uh, well, is it what
we thought it would be?

- Mm-hm.
- Aah!


Okay, what did we think it' was gonna be?
No, no, no.

I don't want to know.
Don't want to know. Okay.

You know, I should probably just go.

- Well, thanks for the books.
- No problem. Okay.


All right, who should we call first?
Your folks or Deb and Rhona?




Never mind. I don't wanna know.

Okay, so just because it was my table,
I have to buy a new one?

That's the rule.

What rule? There's no rule.

If anything, you owe me a table.

- How did you get there?
- I believe this piece of furniture was fine...

...until your little breakfast adventure
with Angela Delveccio.

You knew about that?

The impressions you made
in the butter...

...left little to the imagination.

Okay, okay. How about if we split it?

What do you mean, like, buy it together?


Do you think we're ready
for something like that?

- Why not?
- Well, it's just a big commitment.

I mean, what if one of us
wants to move out?

- Why, are you moving out?
- I'm not moving out.

You'd tell me if you were moving out,

- Yes, it's just that, with my last roommate...
- Oh, I know all about Kip.

We bought a hibachi together,
and then he ran off and got married...

...and things got pretty ugly.

So let me ask you something.

Was Kip a better roommate than me?

Oh, don't do that.

You've got a couple changes
in your schedule.

Your 4:00 herbal massage
has been pushed back to 4:30.

And Ms. Summerfield
canceled her 5:30 shiatsu.

Okay. Thanks.

Oh. Here comes your 3:00.

I don't mean to sound
unprofessional, but, yum.


Oh. Paolo. Hi.
What are you doing here?

Uh, Rachella tell me you...


Yeah, well, Rachella's right. Yeah.



angela [ˈændʒilə] n. 安吉拉(女子名) { :5418}

roommate ['rʊmmeɪt] n. 室友 {ielts :6877}

massage [ˈmæsɑ:ʒ] vt. 按摩;揉 n. 按摩;揉 { :7050}

herbal [ˈhɜ:bl] n. 植物志;草本书 adj. 草药的;草本的 { :9052}

vegetarian [ˌvedʒəˈteəriən] n. 素食者;食草动物 adj. 素食的 {ky toefl ielts :9054}

lasagna [lə'zɑ:njə] n. 烤宽面条(等于lasagne);卤汁面条 n. (Lasagna)人名;(意)拉萨尼亚 { :16791}

yum [jʌm] int. 极好的;妙的;美味的 n. (Yum)人名;(中)鑫(广东话·威妥玛) { :19359}

canceled [ˈkænsəld] adj. 取消的;已撤消的 v. [计] 取消(cancel的过去分词);撤销 { :20495}

unprofessional [ˌʌnprəˈfeʃənl] adj. 非职业性的,非专业的;外行的 { :20633}

kip [kɪp] n. 睡觉;客栈;千磅;生幼兽皮;基普(老挝的标准货币单位) vi. 住客栈;躺下睡觉 { :22781}

tanya [ˈtænjə] n. 塔尼娅(女子名) { :26700}

deb [deb] n. (Deb)人名;(意、印、英)德布 abbr. 公司债券(debenture) { :30638}

shiatsu [ʃiˈætsu:] n. (日语)指压;指压按摩疗法 { :33374}

Summerfield [ ] [人名] [苏格兰人姓氏] 萨默菲尔德 Somerville的变体; [地名] [美国] 萨默菲尔德 { :35797}

Huey [ ] [人名] [爱尔兰姓氏] 休伊 Howey的变体; [电影]黑豹党 { :36381}

hibachi [hɪ'bɑ:tʃɪ] n. (日)木炭火盆;烤肉炉 { :37808}

amnio ['æmni:əʊ] abbr. 羊膜穿刺术(amniocentesis) { :40830}

Rhona [ ] [人名] 罗娜 { :43085}

hey [heɪ] n. 干草(等于hay) int. 喂!(引起注意等);你好!(表示问候) n. (Hey)人名;(法)埃;(柬)海;(德、英)海伊 {gk :1429}

piece of furniture [ ] [网络] 家具来做;桌子;床

zk/中考 gk/中考 ky/考研 cet4/四级 cet6/六级 ielts/雅思 toefl/托福 gre/GRE
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