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S01e09 1


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[学习本文需要基础词汇量:4,000 ]
[本次分析采用基础词汇量:4,000 ]

Terry, I know I haven't worked here
very long...

...but I was wondering,
do you think it would be possible...

...if I got a $100 advance on my salary?

An advance?

It's so that I can spend Thanksgiving
with my family.

See, every year, we go skiing in Vail,
and normally my father pays for my ticket...

...but I've sort of started
this whole independent thing, you know...

...which is actually why I took this "job."

Rachel, Rachel, sweetheart.

You're a terrible, terrible waitress.

Really, really awful.

Okay, I hear what you're saying.
I'm with you.


But I'm trying really hard,
and I think I'm doing better.

I really do.

Does anybody need coffee?

MAN: Yeah, over here.
WOMAN: Yeah, I do.

Heh. Look at that.

Excuse me, sir?
Hi. You come in here all the time.

MAN: Uh-huh.
- I was just wondering... think there's a possibility
you could give me an advance on my tips?

Huh? No.

RACHEL: Okay, okay. That's fine, fine.
Sorry about that spill before.


Only 98.50 to go.

- Hey. Hey.

Ross, did you know that Mom and Dad
are going to Puerto Rico for Thanksgiving?

What? No, they're not.

- Yes, they are. The Blymans invited them.
- You're wrong.

- I am not wrong.
- You're wrong.

No, I just talked to them.

I'm calling Mom.

- Hey, hey.

- Hey.
- Coffee.

And this from the Cry for Help Department:
Are you wearing makeup?

Yes, I am.

As of today, I am officially
Joey Tribbiani, actor/model.

Thank you.

That's funny, I was thinking you look more
like Joey Tribbiani, man/woman.

What were you modeling for?

You know those posters
for the City Free Clinic?

Oh, wow. You're gonna be one of those
healthy, healthy, healthy guys?

- Ah?
- The asthma guy's really cute.

- Oh, he is.
RACHEL: Isn't he?

- You know which one you're gonna be?
- No, no.

But I hear Lyme disease is open,
so, you know...

Good luck, man. I hope you get it.


Well, you were right.
How can they do this to us, huh?

It's Thanksgiving.

Aw. Tell you what.
How about if I cook dinner at my place?

I'll make it just like Mom's.

Will you make the mashed potatoes
with the lumps?

You know they're not actually
supposed to...?

I'll work on the lumps.

- Joey, you're going home, right?
- Yeah.

And I assume, Chandler, you're still
boycotting all the Pilgrim holidays?

Yes, every single one of them.

Phoebe, you're gonna be
with your grandma?

Yeah, and her boyfriend.

But we're celebrating Thanksgiving
in December because he's lunar.

So you're free Thursday, then?

- Yeah. Oh, can I come?
- Yeah.

Rach, you still thinking
you're gonna make it to Vail?

Absolutely. Shoop, shoop, shoop.

- Only $102 to go.
- I thought it was 98.50.

Yeah, well, it was, but I broke a cup.

Well, I'm off to Carol's.

Ooh, ooh, why don't we invite her?

Ooh, ooh, because she's my ex-wife...

...and will probably wanna
bring her, ooh, ooh, lesbian life partner.


lumps [lʌmps] n. 肿块(lump的复数);金丝鸟病;块煤 v. 结块;成团;笨重地行走(lump的第三人称单数) { :4302}

cute [kju:t] adj. 可爱的;漂亮的;聪明的,伶俐的 {ielts :4345}

thanksgiving [ˌθæŋksˈgɪvɪŋ] n. 感恩 {cet6 ky :4464}

lesbian [ˈlezbiən] adj. [心理] 女同性恋的 n. 女同性恋者 { :6338}

waitress [ˈweɪtrəs] n. 女服务员;女侍者 vi. 做女服务生 {gk cet6 ky ielts :6390}

asthma [ˈæsmə] n. [内科][中医] 哮喘,气喘 {gre :6569}

modeling ['mɒdlɪŋ] n. [自] 建模,造型;立体感 adj. 制造模型的 { :6704}

lunar [ˈlu:nə(r)] adj. 月亮的,月球的;阴历的;银的;微亮的 n. (Lunar)人名;(西)卢纳尔 {cet4 cet6 ky toefl ielts gre :6871}

sweetheart [ˈswi:thɑ:t] n. 爱人;心上人 vt. 向…求爱;与…恋爱 vi. 爱慕;恋爱 adj. 私下签订的;私下达成的 n. (Sweetheart)人名;(英)斯威特哈特 { :7213}

boycotting [ˈbɔikɔtɪŋ] v. 抵制,拒绝参加( boycott的现在分词 ) { :8514}

pilgrim [ˈpɪlgrɪm] n. 朝圣者;漫游者;(美)最初的移民 n. (Pilgrim)人名;(英、德)皮尔格林 vi. 去朝圣;漫游 {cet6 ky ielts gre :8758}

grandma [ˈgrænmɑ:] n. 奶奶;外婆 {zk :9295}

mashed [mæʃt] adj. 捣碎的;捣烂的;被捣成糊状的 v. 捣碎;调情(mash的过去分词) { :10025}

Puerto [ ] [地名] 港口、山口(西班牙语) { :15944}

rico ['riko] abbr. 反诈骗腐败组织集团犯罪法(Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act) n. (Rico)人名;(英、法、西、意、葡)里科 { :16905}

heh [heɪ] n. 嗨!(表示惊异质问) { :17987}

Lyme [laim] n. 莱姆病(由扁虱叮咬而出现麻疹、发烧等症状的一种传染性疾病) { :27227}

vail [veil] n. 小费 n. (Vail)人名;(俄)魏尔;(法)瓦伊;(英)韦尔 vt. 放下;脱下;有利于 vi. 降下;脱帽;有利 { :47933}

hey [heɪ] n. 干草(等于hay) int. 喂!(引起注意等);你好!(表示问候) n. (Hey)人名;(法)埃;(柬)海;(德、英)海伊 {gk :1429}

rach [ ] 猎犬

shoop [ ] [网络] 咻;舒普;疾如电

excuse me [ ] un. 请原谅;对不起 [网络] 劳驾;打扰一下;打扰了

excuse me! [ ] un. 请原谅;对不起 [网络] 劳驾;打扰一下;打扰了

free clinic [fri: ˈklinik] [网络] 免费诊所;自由诊所;义诊

good luck [ɡud lʌk] na. 幸运 [网络] 祝你好运;祝好运;好运气

Lyme disease [ ] n. 【病】莱姆病 [网络] 莱姆症;莱姆氏病;莱姆关节炎

mash potato [ ] [网络] 马铃薯泥;土豆泥;土豆泥步

Puerto Rico ['pwә:tәu'ri:kәu] na. 波多黎各(岛) [网络] 波多黎哥;波多黎各岛;波多黎克

the lump [ ] [网络] 肿瘤

zk/中考 gk/中考 ky/考研 cet4/四级 cet6/六级 ielts/雅思 toefl/托福 gre/GRE
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