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S01e06 3


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[学习本文需要基础词汇量:3,000 ]
[本次分析采用基础词汇量:4,000 ]

Uh-huh? Oh, my God!


Okay, I'll be there.

That was my agent.

My agent has just gotten me a job
in the new Al Pacino movie!

Whoa! That's great!

What's the part?

Can you believe this?
Al Pacino!

This guy's why I became an actor.

"I'm out of order?
You're out of order!

This whole courtroom's out of order!"

Seriously, what's the part?

"Just when I thought I was out,
they pull me back in!"

Come on. Seriously,
Joey, what's the part?


You're, you're...

I'm his butt double, okay?

I play Al Pacino's butt.

All right? He goes
into the shower, and then...

...I'm his butt.

Oh, my God!

Come on, you guys.

This is a real movie,
and Al Pacino's in it and that's big!

Oh, no, it's terrific.

After all your years of struggling...'ve finally been able
to crack your way into show business.

Okay, fine.
Make jokes, I don't care.

This is a big break for me!

You're right. It is.

So are you gonna invite us all
to the big opening?


- I need to borrow some moisturizer.
- For what?

What do you think?
Today's the big day!

Okay, go into the bathroom.
Use whatever you want.

Just don't ever tell me
what you did in there.

Thank you.

- Joey's mom's on the phone.
- He's in the bathroom.

- You don't wanna go in there!
- Come on, we're roommates.


My eyes! My eyes!

I warned you.

Who is being loud?

Oh, that would be Monica.

Can I borrow some things?
I wanna make Aurora breakfast.

You got the whole night, huh?

Well, I only have 20 minutes
until Ethan, so...

Do I sense a bit of resentment?

No, no, no. No resentment.
Believe me...'s worth it, okay?

In a relationship,
you have these key moments...'ll remember
for the rest of your life.

Well, every single second
is like that with Aurora.

And I've just wasted
35 of them talking to you.

So, uh, Monica, can you
help me with the door?

Um, Chandler, you know, the old Monica
would remind you... scrub that Teflon pan
with a plastic brush.

But I'm not gonna do that.

Damn it! Hire the girl.

Okay, everybody ready?

Uh, listen, I just wanna thank you
for this great opportunity.

Lose the robe.


That would work.

Right. Okay.
Losing the robe!

Okay, and the robe is lost.

Everybody, I would like
to get this in one take.

Let's roll it.

Water's working.

And action!

And cut!

Butt guy, what are you doing?

I'm showering.

No, that was clenching.

Well, the way I see it,
the guy's upset here, you know?

His wife's dead,
his brother's missing.

I think his butt would be angry here.

I think his butt would like
to get the shot before lunch.

Once again, rolling.
Water working.

And action!

And cut! What was that?

I was going for quiet desperation.

But if you have to ask...

God, I love these fingers.

Thank you.

No, actually, I meant my fingers.

Look at them.
Look at how happy they are.

- Oh, my God, I'm late!
- Oh, no, no, no.

- Don't go, don't go.
- Okay, okay.

- I have to.
- Look, she's leaving.

I'm sorry.
He'll be waiting for me.

I thought you talked to Rick.

It's not Rick.

Ethan? He gets
the whole day with you!

No, it's Andrew.

I know there'll be many moments...


terrific [təˈrɪfɪk] adj. 极好的;极其的,非常的;可怕的 {cet4 cet6 ky toefl ielts :4237}

damn [dæm] n. 一点;诅咒 vt. 谴责;罚…下地狱 adj. 可恶的 adv. 非常 vi. 谴责 int. 讨厌 {cet6 ky gre :4414}

butt [bʌt] n. 屁股;烟头;笑柄;靶垛;粗大的一端 vt. 以头抵撞;碰撞 n. (Butt)人名;(英)巴特;(俄、德、印、巴基)布特 {cet6 toefl gre :4657}

robe [rəʊb] n. 长袍,礼服;制服 vi. 穿长袍 vt. 使穿长袍 n. (Robe)人名;(德、罗、塞)罗贝;(英、法)罗布 {cet4 cet6 ky gre :5241}

resentment [rɪˈzentmənt] n. 愤恨,怨恨 {cet6 gre :5323}

AL [ ] abbr. 美国联盟(American League);美国军团(American Legion);阿尔巴尼亚(Albania,欧洲一国家名);美国亚拉巴马州(Alabama) n. (Al)人名;(英)阿尔(Albert 在美国的昵称) { :5629}

roommates ['ru:mmeɪts] n. <英>室友,住在同室的人( roommate的名词复数 ); <美>同住一屋(一套公寓等)的人 { :6877}

whoa [wəʊ] int. 惊叹声;咳! { :7334}

desperation [ˌdespəˈreɪʃn] n. 绝望的境地;不顾一切拼命 { :7496}

scrub [skrʌb] n. 矮树;洗擦;擦洗者;矮小的人(或物) vt. 用力擦洗;使净化 vi. 擦洗;进行手臂消毒 adj. 矮小的;临时凑合的;次等的 {cet6 toefl gre :7546}

clenching [klentʃɪŋ] v. 紧握,抓紧,咬紧( clench的现在分词 ) { :8294}

rick [rɪk] n. 干草堆;扭伤;人力车 vi. 扭伤 vt. 把…堆成垛;(英)扭伤 adj. 伪装的 n. (Rick)人名;(瑞典)里克; { :9258}

moisturizer [ˈmɔɪstʃəraɪzə(r)] n. 润肤膏 { :15317}

aurora [ɒ:'rɒ:rә] n. [地物] 极光;曙光 {toefl gre :18136}

Pacino [ ] n. (Pacino)人名;(西)帕西诺;(意)帕奇诺 { :36141}

teflon ['teflɔn] n. [高分子] 聚四氟乙烯;铁氟龙(商标名) { :39662}

al pacino [ ] [网络] 阿尔·帕西诺;艾尔帕西诺;阿尔柏仙奴

be loud [ ] [网络] 声音洪亮;大声喧哗;大声说话

damn it [dæm it] [网络] 该死;可恶;该死的

Damn it ! [ ] [俚语]该死!见鬼!他妈的!糟了!真气死人!(表示焦躁)

his butt [ ] [网络] 他的屁股

plastic brush [ ] [网络] 塑料刷;泰国熨斗型手柄衣刷;泰国蛋型手柄刷

the robe [ ] [网络] 圣袍千秋;长袍;睡袍

to borrow [ ] [网络] 借;向……借;借取

to crack [ ] [网络] 破裂;打裂;展颜

to scrub [ ] [网络] 使净化;擦洗;擦洗者

come on
my god
what's the part

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