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S01e05 4


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[学习本文需要基础词汇量:5,000 ]
[本次分析采用基础词汇量:4,000 ]

So where did you guys grow up?

- Brooklyn Heights.
- Cleveland.

Ha. Heh, heh, heh.

- How did that happen?
- Oh, my God!


I suddenly had the feeling I was...


But I'm not.

So you and Angela, huh?

Yep. Pretty much.

- You're a lucky man.
- Yeah.

You know what I miss
the most about her?

That cute nibbley noise
she makes when she eats.

Like a happy little squirrel...

...or a weasel.

I never really noticed.

Oh, yeah, yeah. Listen for it.

Monica. Monica is great.

Yeah. Yeah, she is.

But it's not gonna last.

She's too much for me in bed.


I've gotta tell you, Bob is terrific.

Yeah, isn't he?

It's so great to meet a guy
who's smart and funny...

...and has an emotional age beyond 8.

You know what else?
He's unbelievable in bed!


My brother never even told me
when he lost his virginity.


That's nice.

You can do this. It's like
pulling off a Band-Aid.

Just do it really fast,
and then the wound is exposed.

Go! Go!


Hi, Janice.

Okay, here we go.
I don't think we should go out anymore.


All right.


Well, there you go.

Stop it, stop it, stop it.

RACHEL: Okay, I know this is gonna sound
really stupid...

...but I feel that if I can do this...

...if I can actually do
my own laundry...

...there isn't anything I can't do.

That does not sound stupid to me.

No, it's like... The first time I had to make
dinner for myself after Carol left me...


I'm sorry, that's all the time
we have. Next on Ross...



- Uh-oh.
- What, "uh-oh"?


Uh-oh, the laundry's done.

It's a song.

The laundry song that we sing.

Uh-oh, the laundry's done

What's the matter?

Nothing. Nothing.

The laundry's done

Come on, show me.

It's just that you left a red sock
in with your whites, and now...

...everything's kind of pink.
- Oh.

Everything's pink?

Except for the red sock,
which is still red.

Don't be upset.
It can happen to anyone.

But it didn't.
It happened to me.

God, I'm gonna look like
a big Marshmallow Peep!

What am I doing? What am I doing?

My father's right!
I can't live on my own.

I can't even do laundry!



Something went wrong
with Underdog...

...and they couldn't get
his head to inflate.

So anyway...

...his head is, like,
flopping down Broadway.

And I'm thinking... inappropriate this is.

I've got something's in my eye.
Joey, could we check it in the light, please?

- Oh, my God!
- What?

Hello! Were we at
the same table? It's like...

...cocktails in Appalachia.


sexually ['sekʃəlɪ] adv. 性别地;两性之间地 { :4046}

Cleveland ['kli:vlәnd] n. 克利夫兰(美国城市) { :4068}

terrific [təˈrɪfɪk] adj. 极好的;极其的,非常的;可怕的 {cet4 cet6 ky toefl ielts :4237}

sock [sɒk] vt. 重击;给……穿袜 n. 短袜;一击 adv. 正着地;不偏不倚地 adj. 非常成功的 n. (Sock)人名;(德)佐克 {gk cet4 cet6 ky gre :4277}

cute [kju:t] adj. 可爱的;漂亮的;聪明的,伶俐的 {ielts :4345}

inappropriate [ˌɪnəˈprəʊpriət] adj. 不适当的;不相称的 {toefl :4790}

yep [jep] adv. 是(美国俚语=yes) n. (Yep)人名;(英)耶普 { :4916}

laundry [ˈlɔ:ndri] n. 洗衣店,洗衣房;要洗的衣服;洗熨;洗好的衣服 {gk cet4 cet6 ky toefl ielts :4940}

cocktails ['kɒkteɪlz] n. 鸡尾酒(cocktail的复数) { :5220}

angela [ˈændʒilə] n. 安吉拉(女子名) { :5418}

broadway ['brɒ:dwei] n. 百老汇(美国纽约市戏院集中的一条大街) { :5971}

unbelievable [ˌʌnbɪˈli:vəbl] adj. 难以置信的;不可信的 {gk :6070}

squirrel [ˈskwɪrəl] n. 松鼠;松鼠毛皮 vt. 贮藏 {gk cet4 cet6 ky toefl gre :6904}

inflate [ɪnˈfleɪt] vt. 使充气;使通货膨胀 vi. 膨胀;充气 {cet6 toefl gre :8865}

flopping ['flɒpɪŋ] n. 贬调 v. (指书、戏剧等)彻底失败( flop的现在分词 ); (因疲惫而)猛然坐下; (笨拙地、不由自主地或松弛地)移动或落下; 砸锅 { :9863}

peep [pi:p] n. 偷看;隐约看见,瞥见 vi. 窥视;慢慢露出,出现;吱吱叫 vt. 使出现 n. (Peep)人名;(爱沙)佩普 {cet4 cet6 ky gre :12052}

underdog [ˈʌndədɒg] n. 比赛中不被看好者;失败者;受压迫者;斗败了的狗 {gre :12386}

virginity [vəˈdʒɪnəti] n. 童贞;处女;纯洁 { :14668}

marshmallow [ˌmɑ:ʃˈmæləʊ] n. 棉花糖;蜀葵糖剂;药蜀葵 { :15150}

Brooklyn ['bruklin] n. 布鲁克林(美国纽约西南部的一区) { :15863}

weasel [ˈwi:zl] n. 鼬鼠;狡猾的人 vi. 逃避;含糊其辞 {gre :17242}

heh [heɪ] n. 嗨!(表示惊异质问) { :17987}

Appalachia [,æpә'leitʃjә] 阿巴拉契亚[美国东部一地区]

be upset [ ] [网络] 沮丧;心里感到不好受;不安

do laundry [ ] [网络] 洗衣服;洗衣服的英文是

flop down [ ] [口语]猛然倒下(或躺下、坐下、跪下等);啪嗒地落下;跨掉;失败

sock in [ ] na. 关闭(机场);禁止(飞机)起落 [网络] 阻止飞行;关闭机场;因气候不佳而停飞

to inflate [ ] [网络] 充气;打气;上涨

it's like
stop it
the laundry's done

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