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S01e03 3


████    重点词汇
████    难点词汇
████    生僻词
████    词组 & 惯用语

[学习本文需要基础词汇量:5,000 ]
[本次分析采用基础词汇量:4,000 ]

Thanks, I'll call you tomorrow.


Okay, let's let the Alan-bashing begin.

Who's gonna take the first shot?


Come on.

I'll go.

Let's start with the way
he kept picking at...

You know, I'm sorry, I can't do this.

Can't do it. We loved him.

GROUP: We loved him.
- Wait a minute.

We're talking about someone
that I'm going out with?

- And did you notice?


Know what was great?
The way his smile was kind of crooked.

Yes, yes. Like the man in the shoe.

What shoe?

From the nursery rhyme.

"There was a crooked man
who had a crooked smile...

...who lived in a shoe for a while..."

So I think Alan...

...will become the yardstick...

...against which all future boyfriends
will be measured.

What future boyfriends?

No, no. I think this could be,
you know, "it."

- Really?
- Oh, yeah.

I'd marry him just for his
David Hasselhoff impression alone.

You know I'm gonna be doing that
at parties, right?

- You know what I like most about him?
- What?

The way he makes me feel about myself.



How was the game?


- We won!
- We won! Thank you! Yeah.

Fantastic. I have one question:
How is that possible?

- Alan.
- He was unbelievable.

He was like that Bugs Bunny cartoon
where Bugs is playing all the positions.

But instead of Bugs, it was first base, Alan.
Second base, Alan...

I mean, it was like he made us
into a team.

Yep. We sure showed
those Hasidic jewelers...

...a thing or two about softball.
- Nice.

Can I ask you guys a question?

Do you ever think that Alan
is maybe sometimes...

- What?
- I don't know. A little too Alan?

Oh, no. That's not possible.
You can never be too Alan.

Yeah, it's his innate Alan-ness
that we adore.

- I, personally, could have a gallon of Alan.
- Oh!

- Hey, Lizzy.
- Hey, Weird Girl.

- I brought you alphabet soup.
- Did you pick out the vowels?

Yes, but I left in the Y's.
Because, you know, "Sometimes Y."

Um, I also have something else for you.


No, but would you like $1000
and a football phone?


Oh, my God.

- Oh, my God. There's really money in here.
- I know.

Weird Girl, what are you doing?

Oh, I want you to have it. I don't want it.

No, no. I have to give you something.

No, it's fine. You don't...

Do you want my tinfoil hat?

No, because you need that.
No, it's okay. Thanks.

Please. Let me do something.

Okay, all right. I'll tell you what.

You buy me a soda
and then we're even. Okay?

- Okay.

Keep the change.


cartoon [kɑ:ˈtu:n] n. 卡通片,[电影] 动画片;连环漫画 vt. 为…画漫画 vi. 画漫画 {gk cet6 ky toefl ielts gre :4155}

bugs [bʌgz] adj. 发疯的,疯狂的 n. (Bugs)人名;(德)布格斯 { :4159}

fantastic [fænˈtæstɪk] n. 古怪的人 adj. 奇异的;空想的;异想天开的;古怪的;极好的,极出色的;不可思议的;不切实际的 {zk gk cet6 ky toefl ielts :4747}

yep [jep] adv. 是(美国俚语=yes) n. (Yep)人名;(英)耶普 { :4916}

soda [ˈsəʊdə] n. 苏打;碳酸水 n. (Soda)人名;(意)索达;(日)曾田(姓) {cet4 cet6 ky :5125}

gallon [ˈgælən] n. 加仑(容量单位) n. (Gallon)人名;(法、意、瑞典)加隆 {gk cet4 cet6 ky toefl gre :6013}

unbelievable [ˌʌnbɪˈli:vəbl] adj. 难以置信的;不可信的 {gk :6070}

vowels [ˈvaʊəlz] n. [语] 元音,母音(vowel的复数形式) { :7405}

adore [əˈdɔ:(r)] vt. 崇拜;爱慕;喜爱;极喜欢 vi. 崇拜;爱慕 n. (Adore)人名;(法)阿多尔 {gk cet6 ky toefl ielts gre :7705}

softball [ˈsɒftbɔ:l] n. 垒球;垒球运动 {gk :8130}

crooked [ˈkrʊkɪd] adj. 弯曲的;歪的;不正当的 {cet6 toefl ielts :8300}

rhyme [raɪm] n. 韵律;韵脚;韵文;押韵词 vt. 使押韵;用韵诗表达;把…写作诗 vi. 押韵;作押韵诗 {gk gre :8663}

alphabet [ˈælfəbet] n. 字母表,字母系统;入门,初步 n. Google创建的名为Alphabet的公司,改变Google原有公司架构,旨在使其当下主要业务和长期投资项目间的区别更加清晰。 {gk cet4 cet6 ky :9190}

innate [ɪˈneɪt] adj. 先天的;固有的;与生俱来的 {cet6 toefl gre :10109}

bunny [ˈbʌni] n. 兔子(特别是小兔子);可爱女郎 n. (Bunny)人名;(英)邦尼;(柬)本尼 { :10764}

jewelers [d'ʒu:ələrz] n. 珠宝商( jeweler的名词复数 ); 宝石匠; 钟表商; 钟表匠 { :13520}

yardstick [ˈjɑ:dstɪk] n. 码尺 {toefl :14283}

lizzy [ ] 莉茲(女子名) { :18000}

Hasidic [hæ'sɪdɪk] adj. 哈西德派的(犹太教) { :20903}

tinfoil [ˈtɪnfɔɪl] n. 锡箔,锡纸 adj. 锡箔的 { :27565}

saltines [sɔ:lˈti:nz] n. 撒盐饼干( saltine的名词复数 ) { :34872}

hasselhoff [ ] [网络] 哈塞尔霍夫

a crook [ ] [网络] 不诚实的人

a soda [ ] [网络] 一瓶苏打水

alphabet soup [ˈælfəbit su:p] n. (因含有许多符号或缩略语等而极难懂的)代号语言 [网络] 字母汤;字母形花片汤;是字母汤

Bugs Bunny [ ] 兔八哥;兔宝宝(美国的卡通兔子人物)

nursery rhyme [ˈnə:səri raim] n. 童谣;儿歌 [网络] 歌谣;摇篮曲;儿歌选

tinfoil hat [ ] [网络] 帽;锡箔帽子;全体交换配置

you know

zk/中考 gk/中考 ky/考研 cet4/四级 cet6/六级 ielts/雅思 toefl/托福 gre/GRE
* 词汇量测试建议用