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S01e02 5


████    重点词汇
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████    词组 & 惯用语

[学习本文需要基础词汇量:3,000 ]
[本次分析采用基础词汇量:4,000 ]


Well, I'm...

You got plugs.

Careful, careful.
They haven't quite taken yet.

And you got lenses.

But you hate sticking
your finger in your eye.

Not for her.


Listen, I really wanted to thank you.


About a month ago, I wanted to hurt you...

...more than I've ever
wanted to hurt anyone in my life.

And I'm an orthodontist.


You know, you were right.
I mean, I thought we were happy.

We weren't happy.

But with Mindy... I'm happy.

- Spit.
- What?


Anyway, um...

I guess, uh... I guess this belongs to you.

And thank you for giving it to me.

Well, thank you for giving it back.


Oh, please. What's wrong with Helen?

Helen Geller?

- I don't think so.
- Hello, it's not gonna be Helen Geller.

Thank you.

No. I mean, it's not Geller.

What, it's gonna be Helen Willick?

No, actually, um, we talked about
Helen Willick Bunch.

Well, wait a minute.
Why is she in the title?

Because it's my baby too.

That's funny. Really? I don't remember
you making any sperm.

And we all know what
a challenge that is.

- Uh-huh. See?
- All right, you two, stop it.

No, no. She gets a credit.
Hey, I'm in there too.

Honestly. You're not actually suggesting
Helen Willick Bunch Geller.

I think that borders on child abuse.

Of course not.
I'm suggesting Geller Willick Bunch.

Oh, no. No, no, no.
You see what he's doing?

He knows no one
is gonna say all those names.

He knows they'll wind up calling her Geller.
Then he gets his way.

My way? You think this is my way?

Believe me, of all the ways I ever imagined
this moment in my life being...

...this is not my way. You know what?
This is too hard.

Knock, knock.
How are we today? Any nausea?

- A little.
- Just a little.

Well, I was just wondering about the
mother-to-be, but, uh, thanks for sharing.

Uh, lie back.

You know what? I'm gonna go.

Um, I don't think I can be involved
in this particular family thing.


Oh, my God.

Look at that.

I know.

Well, isn't that amazing?

What are we supposed
to be seeing here?

I don't know, but I think it's about
to attack the Enterprise.

You know, if you tilt your head
to the left and relax your eyes... kind of looks like an old potato.

Then don't do that, all right?


What do you think?


Are you welling up?

- No.
- You are.

- You are. You're welling up.
- No, I'm not.

- You're gonna be an aunt.
- Oh, shut up.

Hi, Mindy.

Hi, it's Rachel.

Yeah, I'm fine. I saw Barry today.

Oh, yeah, yeah, he told me.

No, it's okay. Really, it's okay.

I hope you two are very happy.
I really do.

And, Min, you know,
if everything works out...

...and you guys end up getting
married and having kids and everything...

...I just hope they have his
old hairline and your old nose.

Okay, I know it was a cheap shot,
but I feel so much better now.

[English - US - SDH]


honestly [ˈɒnɪstli] adv. 真诚地;公正地 { :4518}

spit [spɪt] n. 唾液 vi. 吐痰;吐口水;发出劈啪声 vt. 吐,吐出;发出;发射 {gk cet4 cet6 ky ielts :4932}

tilt [tɪlt] n. 倾斜 vt. 使倾斜;使翘起 vi. 倾斜;翘起;以言词或文字抨击 n. (Tilt)人名;(英)蒂尔特 {cet6 ky toefl ielts gre :5070}

min [mɪn] 分钟(minute) { :5199}

plugs [plʌɡz] n. [电] 插头;栓塞,[通信] 插塞(plug的复数) v. 插入,塞住;接插头(plug的第三人称单数) { :5586}

sperm [spɜ:m] n. 精子;精液;鲸蜡油 { :6966}

lenses [[lenz]] 柔性焦距透镜组 { :8753}

nausea [ˈnɔ:ziə] n. 恶心,晕船;极端的憎恶 {ielts gre :9312}

hairline [ˈheəlaɪn] n. 发际线;极细的线;细缝 adj. 极细的;差别极小的 { :15680}

orthodontist [ˌɔ:θəˈdɒntɪst] n. 正牙医生;牙齿矫正医师 { :27437}

welling ['weliŋ] n. 威林(姓氏);威灵电机(商品名称) { :38393}

helen ['helәn] n. 海伦(女子名,火把、光亮的之义) { :2895}

willick [ ] [网络] 威克斯

knock knock [ ] [网络] 敲敲门;敲敲门,你们在不在;咚咚

old potato [ ] [网络] 变质了的土豆

welling up [ ] un. 腾起 [网络] 热泪盈眶;涌现;涌出

you know

zk/中考 gk/中考 ky/考研 cet4/四级 cet6/六级 ielts/雅思 toefl/托福 gre/GRE
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