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S01E17 4


████    重点词汇
████    难点词汇
████    生僻词
████    词组 & 惯用语

[学习本文需要基础词汇量:8,000 ]
[本次分析采用基础词汇量:7,000 ]

Right. thanks.

It's common mistake.

Not the first one I've made today.


I think this will be my seat.

Sheldon, do you have anything to say

That has anything to do with, you know,

What I'm talking about?

Well, let's see...

We might cononsider schrodinger's cat.


Is that the woman in 2a?

No, that's mrs. grossinger.

And she doesn't have a cat, she has a mexican hairless.

Annoying little animal. yip, yip, yip, yip.


Sorry, you diverted me.

Anyway, in 1935, erwin schrodinger,

In an attempt to explain the copenhagen interpretation

Of quantum physics,

He proposed an experimen

Where a cat is placed in a box with a sealed vial of poison

That will break open at a random time.

Now, since no one knows when

Or if the poison has been released,

Until the box is opened,

The cat can be thought of as both alive and dead.

I'm sorry. I don't get the point.

Wellofof course you don't get it; I haven't made it yet.

You'd have to be psychic to get it,

And there's no such thing as "psychic."

Sheldon, what's the point?!

Just like schrodinger's cat,

Your potential relationship with leonard right now

Can be thought of as both good andadad.

It is only by opening the box

That you'll find out which it is.

Okay, so you're saying I should go out with leonard.

No, no, no, no, no.

Let me start again.

In 1935, erwin schrodinger...

Two seats right there.

Shay shay.

Sheldon, I think I've made a mistake.

I can seththat.

Unless you're planning on running a marathon,

Choosing both stuffing and mashed potatoes

Is a starch-filled redundancy.

No, it's about penny.

A mistake involving penny.

Okay, you'll have to narrow it down.

I don't think I can go out with her tonight.

Then don't.

Other pelele would say "why not?"

Other people might be interested.

I'm going to talk anyway.

I assumed you would.

Now that I'm actually about to go out with penny,

I'm not excited-- i'm nauseous.

Ah, then your meal choice is appropriate.

Starch absorbs fluid which reduces the amount of vomit

Available for violent expulsion.

Right. you also made

A common grammatical mistake.

You said "nauseous," when you meant "nauseated."

But go on.

Sheldon, this date is probably my one chance with penny.

What happens if I blow it?

Well, if we accept your premise

And also accept the highly improbable assumption

That penny is the only woman in the world for you,

Then we can logically conclude that the result

Of blowing it would be that you end up

A lonely, bitter old man with no progeny.

The image of any number of evil lighthouse keepers

From scooby-doo cartoons comes to mind.

You're not helping.

All right, what respon on my part

Would bring this conversation to a speedy conclusion?

Tell me whether or not to go through with the date.

Scododinger's cat.

Wow,that's brilliant.

You sound surprised.



Come on in.

Thank you.

You look very nice.

Thank you. so do you.

I made an 8:00 reservation.

Okay, yeah, great.

Listen, um...

Maybe we should talk first.


But before you say anything,

Have you ever heard of schrodinger's cat?

Actually, I've heard far too much about schrodinger's cat.


All right, the cat's alive.

L's go to dinner.

Bee ti tsai nar! bee ti!

Xing gan jing bi ti hou quai zoui.

Zhe bu shi lui ding jiao ta che!

Crazy man. call the police!

Bu bie da gei tu shu guan.

Bee ti tsai nar!

Man niu zai wo chuang shang!

Hen duo hen duo man niu!

Ai yah!


um [ʌm, əm] n. (Um)人名;(柬)温;(阿拉伯)乌姆 int. 嗯(表示迟疑) { :7325}

logically ['lɒdʒɪklɪ] adv. 逻辑上;合乎逻辑 { :7689}

annoying [əˈnɔɪɪŋ] v. 骚扰(annoy的ing形式) adj. 讨厌的;恼人的 {toefl :7731}

speedy [ˈspi:di] adj. 快的;迅速的;敏捷的 n. (Speedy)人名;(英)斯皮迪 {toefl :7734}

psychic [ˈsaɪkɪk] n. 灵媒;巫师 adj. 精神的;心灵的;灵魂的;超自然的 { :7820}

vomit [ˈvɒmɪt] n. 呕吐;呕吐物;催吐剂 vi. 呕吐;吐出 vt. 吐出;使……呕吐 {ielts gre :8753}

duo [ˈdju:əʊ] n. 二重奏;二重唱;二人组 n. (Duo)人名;(意、西)杜奥 { :9022}

DA [,di:'ei] n. (俄)是,是的;爸爸(等于dad) n. (Da)人名;(柬)达 { :9075}

improbable [ɪmˈprɒbəbl] adj. 不大可能的,未必确实的;不可信的;未必会发生的 {toefl :9661}

lighthouse [ˈlaɪthaʊs] n. 灯塔 {toefl :9988}

mashed [mæʃt] adj. 捣碎的;捣烂的;被捣成糊状的 v. 捣碎;调情(mash的过去分词) { :10025}

expulsion [ɪkˈspʌlʃn] n. 驱逐;开除 {ielts gre :10166}

vial [ˈvaɪəl] n. 小瓶;药水瓶 n. (Vial)人名;(西)比亚尔;(法、意)维亚尔 vt. 装入小瓶 { :10811}

Copenhagen [.kәupәn'heigәn] n. 哥本哈根(丹麦首都) { :12296}

starch [stɑ:tʃ] n. 淀粉;刻板,生硬 vt. 给…上浆 n. (Starch)人名;(英)斯塔奇;(德、捷)施塔希 {toefl ielts :13530}

wo [wә u] abbr. 准尉军官(warrant officer);陆军部(war office) n. (Wo)人名;(柬)沃 { :13585}

progeny [ˈprɒdʒəni] n. 子孙;后裔;成果 {toefl gre :16855}

TI [ti:] n. 铁树;全音阶的第七音(等于si或te) n. (Ti)人名;(中)地(广东话·威妥玛);(缅)蒂;(柬)狄 { :17958}

bu ['bu:] abbr. 支持(back-up) n. (Bu)人名;(柬、缅)布;(越)补 { :18196}

hairless [ˈheələs] adj. 无毛的;秃顶的 { :19842}

nauseous [ˈnɔ:ziəs] adj. 令人作呕的;厌恶的 { :20064}

nauseated ['nɔ:zɪeɪtɪd] adj. 厌恶的;作呕的 v. 作呕;厌恶(nauseate的过去分词) { :21153}

yah [jɑ:] int. 呀(表示不愉快,嘲笑的声音) n. (Yah)人名;(孟)亚赫 { :24443}

erwin [ˈə:win] n. 欧文(Irving的异体)(m.) { :25682}

ding [dɪŋ] n. 钟声 vt. 反复地说给人家听 vi. 响;执拗地讲 n. (Ding)人名;(英、德、缅)丁 { :26493}

yip [jɪp] n. 叫喊声 vi. 犬吠;尖叫 n. (Yip)人名;(英)伊普;(柬)义 { :26754}

che [ ] abbr. 胆碱酯酶(等于cholinesterase);化学(等于Chemical);充电指示灯 n. (Che)人名;(中)锗(广东话·威妥玛);(越)制;(柬)则 { :35827}

TU [ ] abbr. 工会(Trade Union);热量单位(Thermal Unit);传输单位(Transmission Unit);训练单位(Training Unit) n. (Tu)人名;(老)杜 { :40779}

guan [gwɑ:n] n. 中南美所产的冠雉(外形似火鸡) n. (Guan)人名;(日)愚庵 (姓);(西)古安 { :42659}

BI [bai] symb. 元素铋(bismuth)的符号 { :43270}

Quai [keɪ] n. <法>码头 { :44977}

hou ['hju] abbr. 休斯顿(Houston) n. (Hou)人名;(丹)霍;(柬)胡 { :46721}

shi [ ] abbr. 三星重工(Samsung Heavy Industries);日本芝蒲电气公司 n. (Shi)人名;(朝)时;(日)支(名) { :48988}

bie [ ] abbr. Bachelor of Industrial Engineering 工业工程学士

chuang [ ] [电影]窗

gan [ɡæn] n. (Gan)人名;(俄、西、德、罗)加恩 v. 开始;着手(gin的过去式)

gei [,dʒii'aɪ] [医][=gravimetric equivalent index]比重当量指数

grossinger [ ] [人名] 格罗辛格

jiao [dʒaʊ] n. 角(中国货币单位)

jing [dʒei] [复数] J's,j's, 或 Js,js /dʒeiz/;英语字母表的第十个字母

lui [ ] [医][=liver uptake index]肝摄取指数

nar [nɑ:] n. 一种双浮体小艇

niu [nju:] n. 一种单浮体小艇

respon [ ] [网络] 回答响应;网页自适应布局;请问

schrodinger [ ] [人名] 施罗丁格; 薛定谔

Scooby-Doo [ ] [网络] 史酷比;史酷比狗;小狗史酷比

shang [ʃæŋ] n. 商(中国古朝代名)

shay [ʃeɪ] n. 二轮(单座)的轻便马车 n. (Shay)人名;(英)谢伊

shu [ ] abbr. 上海大学(Shanghai University);辣味强弱程度(Scoville Heat Units) n. (Shu)人名;(缅)舒

tsai [ ] n. 蔡(姓氏)

xing [ ] n. 侨兴环球(公司名字,已在美国纳斯达克上市)

ZAI [ ] abbr. zaibatsu (Japanese=money clique) (日语)金钱集团(富裕的家庭,有钱有势的寡头执政者); zero address instruction 零地址指令

zhe [ ] abbr. zero headspace extraction vessel 零空间萃取容器(事业废弃物萃出液中挥发性有机物毒性检测程序)

a lonely [ ] 孤独地

a random [ ] None

ai yah [ ] None

copenhagen interpretation [ ] 哥本哈根解释

Erwin Schrodinger [ ] [网络] 埃尔温·薛定er

grammatical mistake [ ] 语法错误

lighthouse keeper [ˈlaɪtˌhaʊs ˈki:pə] [网络] 守灯塔的人;灯塔看守人;灯塔管理员

lighthouse keepers [ ] [网络] 灯塔看守人

mash potato [ ] [网络] 马铃薯泥;土豆泥;土豆泥步

Mexican hairless [ ] na. 墨西哥秃狗 [网络] 墨西哥无毛犬;墨西哥无毛狗

quantum physics [ ] na. 量子物理学 [网络] 量子物理学家;美国大学量子物理学专业;定量物理

random time [ ] un. 随机时间 [网络] 一随机时间;一段任意时间

tu shu [ ] 督俞

zk/中考 gk/中考 ky/考研 cet4/四级 cet6/六级 ielts/雅思 toefl/托福 gre/GRE
* 词汇量测试建议用