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S01E16 2


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[学习本文需要基础词汇量:5,000 ]
[本次分析采用基础词汇量:7,000 ]

Forced into the crowded, sweaty hell of bouncy castles.

Not to mention being blindfolded and being spun toward a

Grotesque illess donkey as the other children mocked my disorientation.

Okay, sweetie,

I understand u have scars that no nonprofeioional can heal, but,

Nevertheless, we're going to throw leonard a birthday party.

Have I pointed out that I'm extremely uncomforblble with dancing,

Loud music and most other forms of alcohol-induced frivolity?

Nevertheless, we're...

In addition, I really don't think that leonard wtsts...

You either you help me throw leonard a birtayay party or, so help me god,

I will go into your bedroom and unbag all of your most valuable,

Mint-condition comic books.

And on one of them-- you won't know which--

I'll draw a tiny happy face in ink. you can't do that.

If you make a mark in a mint comic book, it's no longer mint.

Sheldon, do you understand the concept of blackmail?

Well, of course, i... oh.

Yeah, I have an idea.

Let's throw leonard a kick-ass birthday party.

That's not the secret knock.

This is the secret knock.

what difference does it make?

The whole point of a secret knock is to establish a

Non-verbal signal to verify the identity of one's co-conspirators.

Is that raj and howard?

Possibly, but unverified.

Will you just let us in.

Luckily for you, this is not a nuclear reactor.

So what'd you get the birthday boy?

Well, raj got him an awesome,

Limited edition dark knight sculpture

Based on alex ross's definitive batman.

And I got him this amazing autographed copy

Of the feynman lectures on physics.


I got him a sweater.

Okay, well, he might like that.

I've seen him get chilly.

Sheldon, I didn't see your present.

That's because I didn't bring one.

Why not? don't ask.

The entire institution of gift-giving makes no sense.

Too late. let's say I go out and I spend $50 on you.

It's a laborious activity because I have to imagine what you need,

Whereas you know what you need.

Now, I could simplify things-- just give you the $50 directly,

And then you could give me $50 on my birthday, and so on,

Until one of us dies, leaving the other one old and $50 richer.

And I ask you, is it worth it?

Told you not to ask.

Well, sheldon, you're his friend.

Friends give each other presents.

I accept your premise; I reject your conclusion.

Try telling him it's a non-optional social convention.


Just do it.

It's a non-optional...

Social convention.

Oh. fair enough.

He came with a manual.

Question-- how am I going to get leonard

a present before the party?

I don't drive and the only things available within

Walking distance are a thai restaurant and a gas station.

I suppose I could wrap up an order of

Mee krob and a couple of lottery scratchers.

Okay let's do this-- I will drive sheldon to get a present.

And howard, you need to get rid of leonard for about two hours.

No problem.

And then, raj, you bring the stuff

across the hall and start setting up.

What if guests show up?

Entertain them.

What if they're women?

Stare at them and make them feel uncomfortable.

How's it goin'?


So listen, the nuart is showing the revised,

Definitive cut of blade runner.

Seen it.

No, you've seen the 25th anniversary final cut.

This one has eight seconds of previously unseen footage.

They say it completely changes the tone of the film.

Uh... pass.

Come on.

Afterwards, there's a q & a with harrison ford's body double.

Look, I'm in the halo battle of my life here.

There's this kid in copenhagen-- he has no immune system,

So all he does is sit in his bubble and play halo 24-seven.

Can't you play him some other time?

Not if you believe his doctors.

Oh, my god, do you smell gas?


Yeah, no.

You know, they have dvds over there.

Yes, but they have dvd burners over here.

leonard needs a dvd burner.

Sheldon, a gift shouldn't be something someone needs,


donkey [ˈdɒŋki] n. 驴子;傻瓜;顽固的人 {cet4 ky :7036}

simplify [ˈsɪmplɪfaɪ] vt. 简化;使单纯;使简易 {gk cet4 cet6 ky ielts :7074}

mocked [mɔkt] 欺骗 { :7541}

unseen [ˌʌnˈsi:n] n. (事前未看过原文的)即席翻译 adj. 看不见的,未看见的;未经预习的 { :8001}

burner [ˈbɜ:nə(r)] n. 燃烧器;火炉;[化工] 燃烧炉;灯头 n. (Burner)人名;(法)比尔内;(德)布尔纳 {cet6 :8217}

burners ['bɜ:nəz] n. 炉子( burner的名词复数 ); (火炉、煤油灯等的)灯口; 燃烧器; 烧制者 { :8217}

chilly [ˈtʃɪli] adj. 寒冷的;怕冷的 n. (Chilly)人名;(法)希伊 {toefl :8438}

Thai [tai] n. 泰国人;泰国语 adj. 泰国的;泰国人的 { :8458}

mint [mɪnt] n. 薄荷;[金融] 造币厂,巨款 vt. 铸造,铸币 adj. 完美的 n. (Mint)人名;(毛里塔)明特 {cet6 toefl ielts gre :8674}

sweaty [ˈsweti] adj. 出汗的;吃力的;使人出汗的 { :8900}

autographed [ˈɔ:təˌgræft] 亲笔 { :8940}

halo [ˈheɪləʊ] n. 光环;荣光 vt. 使有晕轮;围以光环 vi. 成晕轮 {gre :9536}

sweetie [ˈswi:ti] n. 爱人,情人;甜的糕饼糖果 { :11067}

blackmail [ˈblækmeɪl] n. 勒索,敲诈;勒索所得之款 vt. 勒索,敲诈 {ky toefl gre :11953}

grotesque [grəʊˈtesk] n. 奇异风格;怪异的东西 adj. 奇形怪状的;奇怪的;可笑的 {gre :12252}

laborious [ləˈbɔ:riəs] adj. 勤劳的;艰苦的;费劲的 {toefl ielts :14158}

blindfolded [ˈblaɪndˌfəʊldid] v. 蒙住眼睛(blindfold的过去分词);被蒙上眼 adj. 被蒙上眼睛的 { :17339}

disorientation [dɪsˌɔ:rɪən'teɪʃn] n. 迷失方向;迷惑 { :19725}

bouncy [ˈbaʊnsi] adj. 有弹性的;快活的;精神饱满的;自大的 { :20316}

frivolity [frɪˈvɒləti] n. 轻浮;轻薄;轻率 {toefl :21360}

batman [ˈbætmən] n. 勤务兵,传令兵 n. (Batman)人名;(英、土)巴特曼 { :21517}

unverified [ˌʌn'verɪfaɪd] adj. 未经核对的,未经证实的 { :37113}

mee [,ɛmi'i] abbr. Methyl Ethyl Ether 甲基乙基醚 { :41218}

scratchers [ ] (scratcher 的复数) n. 抓扒者, 抓扒工具 { :41795}

Feynman ['fainmәn] 费曼(①姓氏 ②Richard Phillips, 1918-, 美国物理学家, 曾获1965年诺贝尔物理学奖) { :48192}

alcohol-induced [ ] [网络] 酒精诱导

co-conspirators [ ] (co-conspirator 的复数) n. 共谋人, 同谋者

dvd [.diː viː 'diː] abbr. 数字化视频光盘(Digital Video Disk) {zk gk :0}

dvds [ˌdi:vi:ˈdi:z] abbr. digital video display system 数字视频显示系统

gift-giving [ ] n. 馈赠

illess [ ] [网络] 无罪

kick-ass [ˈkikæs] adj. 强大的;粗暴的 n. 活力;精力

mint-condition [ ] [网络] 崭新的;品相完美;跟新的一样

non-verbal [nɑ:n'vɜ:rbəl] adj. 非语言的;非用言语的

unbag [ʌn'bæg] vt. 把…从袋里倒(或取、放)出来

a mint [ ] None

blade runner [ ] 银翼杀手,又名刀锋战士(电影名); 刀锋战士(奥斯卡·皮斯托瑞斯,南非残疾人。残疾人100米、200米和400米短跑世界纪录的保持者。人们把这个人称之为现实版“阿甘”、“刀锋战士”、“世界上跑得最快的无腿人”)

bouncy castle [ˈbaunsi ˈkɑːsl] n. 充气欢乐堡(儿童游戏用的塑料城堡) [网络] 充气城堡;弹跳城堡;快乐城堡

bouncy castles [ ] [网络] 充气城堡;加拿大求购充气城堡;弹性城堡

comic book [ˈkɔmik buk] n. 漫画书 [网络] 连环漫画册;连环画;连环漫画书

comic books [ ] na. 〈美〉连环漫画杂志 [网络] 漫画书;连环漫画书;连环画

dark knight [ ] [网络] 黑骑士;暗黑骑士;蝙蝠侠

DVD burner [ ] n. DVD 刻录机;光碟烧录机 [网络] 视频刻录;烧录器

get rid [ ] 摆脱;排除;处理掉

get rid of [ɡet rid ɔv] na. 除掉;摆脱;撵走 [网络] 除去;去掉;处理掉

immune system [iˈmju:n ˈsistəm] n. 免疫系统 [网络] 自身免疫;机体免疫系统;免疫力

mee krob [ ] [网络] 泰式酥炒面;泰式炒面;面条

nuclear reactor [ˈnju:kliə ri:ˈæktə] na. (原子)核反应堆 [网络] 核子反应炉;核反应器;核反应炉

rid of [ ] [网络] 摆脱;消除;使去掉

thai restaurant [ ] [网络] 泰国餐厅;泰娘子泰国餐厅;泰国餐馆

to get rid of [ ] [网络] 只要能摆脱……就行;干掉;摈除

zk/中考 gk/中考 ky/考研 cet4/四级 cet6/六级 ielts/雅思 toefl/托福 gre/GRE
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