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S01E11 4


████    重点词汇
████    难点词汇
████    生僻词
████    词组 & 惯用语

[学习本文需要基础词汇量:5,000 ]
[本次分析采用基础词汇量:7,000 ]

No, no. counterclockwise, or my chest hair mats.


Can you sing "soft kitty"?


My mom used to sing it to me when I was sick.

- oh, sorry, honey. I don't know it. - i'll teach you.

Soft kitty, warm kitty,

Little ball of fur

Happy kitty, sleepy kitty,

Purr, purr, purr

Now you.

Soft kitty,

Warm kitty...

Little ball of fur

Keep rubbing.

Little ball of fur

What do you see? I can't.

The living room appears to be empty.

He must be in his bedroom.

My spare glasses are in my bedroom, on my dresser,

Next to my bat signal.

I'm not going in there.

- raj? - no way, jose.

But I can't do it. I can't see anything.

It's all right. wireless minicam and bluetooth headset.

We'll be your eyes.


One more thing.

This is a subsonic impact sensor.

If sheldon gets out of bed and starts to walk,

This device will register it and send a signal to the laptop.

At that point, based on the geography of the apartment

And the ambulatory speed of a sick sheldon,

You'll have 7 seconds to get out, glasses or no glasses.

Won't my footsteps set it off?

No. you'll be on your hands and knees.

You'll need to get the sensor as close as you can to sheldon's room.

How do I carry it if I'm on my hands and knees?

Stay low.

Bear left.

- now keep true. - what?

- it means "go straight." - then just say, "go straight."

You don't say, "go straight."

When you're giving bearings, you say, "keep true."

All right.

I just hit my head.

Because you didn't keep true.

Okay, turn right.

The picture's breaking up.

Angle your head to the right.

Now, a little more.

Little more.

That's it. now, just keep true.

You're close enough to sheldon's room. deploy the sensor.

Now, turn it on.

It wasn't on?

Then why did I have to crawl?

No, I guess you didn't.

Okay, it's on.

Good. from this point forward, you will have to crawl.

I know.

Hang on, the sensor's picking up something. turn your head back.

You rat bastard.

Told you the sensor would work.

You deliberately stuck me with sheldon.

Come on, I had to. you see what he's like?

Penny, I'm hungry.

It's okay, sweetie. good news! leonard's home!

Here you go. good luck. bye.

Leonard! I'm hungry!

Penny, take me with you!

I want grilled cheese.

Do you think penny will come here and take care of us?

I don't think penny's ever coming here again.

I'm very congested.

Yeah? so?

Could you go to the kitchen

And get me the turkey baster labeled "mucous"?

If I stand, I'll vomit.

Under the sink, yellow tupper ware bowl.


sleepy [ˈsli:pi] adj. 欲睡的;困乏的;不活跃的 {zk gk cet4 cet6 ielts :7429}

dresser [ˈdresə(r)] n. 梳妆台;碗柜;化妆师;裹伤员 n. (Dresser)人名;(英、德)德雷瑟 { :8499}

vomit [ˈvɒmɪt] n. 呕吐;呕吐物;催吐剂 vi. 呕吐;吐出 vt. 吐出;使……呕吐 {ielts gre :8753}

ware [weə(r)] n. 陶器,器皿;制品;器具;货物 vt. 留心;小心 n. (Ware)人名;(罗)瓦雷;(英、加纳)韦尔;(日)吾(姓) {cet6 toefl :9728}

jose [hoʊ'zeɪ] n. 约瑟(人名) { :10812}

sweetie [ˈswi:ti] n. 爱人,情人;甜的糕饼糖果 { :11067}

headset [ˈhedset] n. 耳机;头戴式受话器 { :11219}

kitty [ˈkɪti] n. 小猫,猫咪 { :13303}

congested [kənˈdʒestɪd] adj. 堵塞的,拥挤的 v. 挤满;超负荷(congest的过去分词) {toefl :14407}

purr [pɜ:(r)] n. 咕噜咕噜声;(猫的)呜呜声;(机器等)颤动声 n. (Purr)人名;(德、捷)普尔 vt. 发出喉音;满意地说 vi. 发出喉音;猫发出呜呜声 { :15543}

ambulatory [ˈæmbjələtəri] n. [建] 回廊 adj. 流动的;走动的;非固定的 {gre :20221}

counterclockwise [ˌkaʊntəˈklɒkwaɪz] adj. 反时针方向的 adv. 反时针方向 {toefl :22115}

mucous ['mju:kəs] adj. 黏液的;分泌黏液的 {ielts :28449}

subsonic [ˌsʌbˈsɒnɪk] n. 亚音速飞机 adj. 次音速的;比音速稍慢的 { :34577}

baster ['bæstər] n. 润肉者 n. (Baster)人名;(英)巴斯特 { :34651}

minicam [ˈmɪnikæm] n. 小型照相机(等于miniature camera) { :40534}

bluetooth ['bluː.tuːθ] n. 蓝牙技术(一种无线通信的标准)

Tupper [ ] [人名] [英格兰人姓氏] 塔珀职业名称,管理公羊的牧人,来源于中世纪英语,含义是“公羊”(ram); [地名] [加拿大] 塔珀

Bluetooth headset [ ] [网络] 蓝牙耳机;蓝芽耳机;蓝牙耳机系列产品

good luck [ɡud lʌk] na. 幸运 [网络] 祝你好运;祝好运;好运气

I'm hungry [ ] [网络] 我饿了;我饿死了;我肚子饿了

rat bastard [ ] [网络] 彻头彻尾的大混蛋

go straight
little ball of fur
soft kitty

zk/中考 gk/中考 ky/考研 cet4/四级 cet6/六级 ielts/雅思 toefl/托福 gre/GRE
* 词汇量测试建议用