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S01E11 3


████    重点词汇
████    难点词汇
████    生僻词
████    词组 & 惯用语

[学习本文需要基础词汇量:6,000 ]
[本次分析采用基础词汇量:7,000 ]

Look at this. everyone went chimp.

I'd like to point out that I voted for orangutan,

But you shouted me down!

- hi, penny. - hey, where are you?

I'm... at work.

You sound funny.

Look. I'm... I'm in a radiation suit.

- what's up? - i'm at work, too,

And you'll never guess who's here infecting my entire station.

Sheldon's at the cheesecake factory.

- just tell him to go home. - he won't leave.

He's afraid he'll pass out on the bus,

And someone will harvest his organs.

He's paranoid, and he's established a nest.

Can you please come get him?

Yeah, I'd be happy to.

Oh, my god, there's a breach in the radiation unit!

The whole city is in jeopardy! oh, my god!

The containment vessel's melting. gotta go. bye!

I feel really guilty.

You did what you had to do.

Take your stinking paws off my popcorn,

You damn dirty ape!

Thanks for bringing me home.

It's okay. I didn't really need to work today.

It's not like I have rent or car payments or anything.

Good, good.

Okay, well, you feel better.

Wait! where are you going?

Home... to write some bad checks.

You're going to leave me?

Sheldon, you are a grown man. haven't you ever been sick before?

Of course, but not by myself.

Really? never?

Well, once, when I was 15,

Spending the summer at the heidelberg institute in germany.

Studying abroad?

No. visiting professor.

Anyway, the local cuisine was a little more sausage-based

Than I'm used to, and the result was an internal blitzkrieg,

With my lower intestine playing the part of czechoslovakia.

And there was no one there to take care of you?

My mom had to fly back to texas to help my dad,

Because the house had slipped off the cinder blocks again.

- again? - it was tornado season.

And it was an aluminum house.

The housekeeper in the faculty residence didn't speak any english.

When I finally managed to convince her I was sick,

She said,"mochtest du eine darmspfilung?"

What does that mean?

Based on what happened next, I assume it means,

"would you like an enema?"

Okay, sweetie. I'll take care of you.

What do you need?

My mom used to give me sponge baths.

Ok ground rules. No sponge baths,

And definitely no enemas.


Here we go.

Ten-and-a-half hours of ape-y goodness.

Damn it, my glasses.

Okay, I'm blind here, guys. can you help me find them?

- sorry. - okay.

Found them.

Oh, great.

I'm sorry. don't you have a spare?

Yeah, at home.

If you leave now,

You can be back before the gorillas rip the crap out of charlton heston.

Unless sheldon's there, in which case, you'll be trapped forever

In his whiny, hyper-neurotic snot web.

Hi. penny?

I was just wondering, is sheldon still at the restaurant?

Okay, that was very nice of you. okay, I gotta go.

Got kind of a full-blown chernobyl thing here. gotta go, bye.

He's home. I'm screwed.

Ten-and-a-half hours of ape-y blurriness.

How about lasik?

You want me to get eye surgery?

Would you rather go home and deal with sheldon,

Or have a stranger carve out your corneas with a laser beam?

- well? - i'm thinking.

Okay, nice and cozy.

Okay? I'll see you later.


Will you please rub this on my chest?

Sheldon, can't you do that yourself?

Vaporub makes my hands smell funny.

- but, sheldon... - please, please, please?

I can't believe I'm doing this.

No, no. counterclockwise, or my chest hair mats.


crap [kræp] n. 废话;废物;屎;拉屎 vi. 掷骰子;拉屎 n. (Crap)人名;(英)克拉普 { :7117}

cozy ['kəʊzɪ] n. 保温罩 vt. 蒙骗;抚慰 adj. 舒适的;安逸的 {cet6 toefl :7168}

Charlton [ ] n. 查尔顿;爵敦小学 { :7450}

sponge [spʌndʒ] n. 海绵;海绵状物 vt. 抹掉;用海绵擦拭;讨得 vi. 采集海绵;过寄生生活;海绵般地吸收 {cet4 cet6 ky toefl ielts :7966}

paws [pɔ:z] n. (复数)爪子;〈美口〉同“papa”;〈谑〉(人的)手;〈俚〉笔迹 { :8033}

housekeeper [ˈhaʊski:pə(r)] n. 女管家;主妇 { :8081}

jeopardy [ˈdʒepədi] n. 危险;(被告处于被判罪或受处罚的)危险境地 {toefl gre :8398}

stinking [ˈstɪŋkɪŋ] adj. 发恶臭的;非常讨厌的;烂醉如泥的 v. 散发出恶臭;名声臭(stink的现在分词) { :8551}

ape [eɪp] n. [脊椎] 猿;傻瓜;模仿者 vt. 模仿;抢台词 adj. 狂热的 n. (Ape)人名;(意)阿佩 {toefl ielts :8577}

paranoid [ˈpærənɔɪd] n. 患妄想狂的人;偏执狂患者 adj. 类似妄想狂的;属于偏执狂的 {gre :8652}

popcorn [ˈpɒpkɔ:n] n. 爆米花,爆玉米花 {gk toefl :8839}

intestine [ɪnˈtestɪn] n. 肠 adj. 内部的;国内的 {toefl gre :9135}

gorillas [ɡəˈriləz] n. [脊椎] 大猩猩;暴徒(gorilla的复数) { :9367}

containment [kənˈteɪnmənt] n. 包含;牵制;容量;密闭度;抑制, 牵制;牵制 [遏制] 政策 {gre :9567}

Chernobyl [tʃiә'nɔ:bil] [经] 车诺比 { :10796}

sweetie [ˈswi:ti] n. 爱人,情人;甜的糕饼糖果 { :11067}

chimp [tʃɪmp] n. (非洲的)黑猩猩 { :13487}

cheesecake [ˈtʃi:zkeɪk] n. 奶酪蛋糕;半裸体的女人照片 { :13628}

cinder [ˈsɪndə(r)] n. 煤渣;灰烬 vt. 用煤渣等铺 vi. 用煤渣等铺路面 {gre :14664}

enemas [ˈeniməˈenəməz] n. 灌肠剂( enema的名词复数 ) { :17677}

enema [ˈenəmə] n. 灌肠剂(复数enemas) { :17677}

corneas [ˈkɔ:ni:əz] n. 眼角膜( cornea的名词复数 ) { :19905}

orangutan [ɔ:ˌræŋu:'tæn] n. [脊椎] 猩猩(等于orangoutang) { :21573}

counterclockwise [ˌkaʊntəˈklɒkwaɪz] adj. 反时针方向的 adv. 反时针方向 {toefl :22115}

snot [snɒt] n. 鼻涕;惹人嫌的人;蛮横无理的话 { :23232}

Heidelberg ['haidlbә:^] 海德尔堡 { :24699}

whiny ['waɪnɪ] adj. 烦躁的;爱抱怨的;常发牢骚的 { :25923}

Heston [ ] [人名] 赫斯顿 { :27229}

blitzkrieg [ˈblɪtskri:g] n. (德)闪电战;突然袭击 { :28910}

eine [ ] n. (Eine)人名;(法、芬)埃内 { :40839}

blurriness [ ] n. 模糊强度 { :45251}

full-blown [ˈfʊlˈbləʊn] adj. 成熟的;(花)盛开的;(帆等)张满的 {gre :0}

gotta [ˈgɒtə] n. (Gotta)人名;(意)戈塔 adv. 必须(等于have got to)

LASIK [ ] abbr. laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis 激光援助屈光角膜层状重塑术

vaporub [ ] [网络] 药膏

carve out [kɑ:v aut] 雕刻出…; 用辛勤的劳动创造出…; 剜

Charlton Heston [ ] n. 查尔顿·赫斯顿

cinder block [ˈsɪndə blɔk] n. 煤渣砌块 [网络] 渣煤砖;炉渣砖;美煤渣砌块

cinder blocks [ ] un. 煤渣砖 [网络] 炉渣块;炉渣砖

crap out [kræp aut] un. 输掉;放弃计划 [网络] 输得屁滚尿流;退出;参赌者永远也不可能赢

damn it [dæm it] [网络] 该死;可恶;该死的

I'm blind [ ] [网络] 而我是如此的;我就像个盲人;无讯号

in jeopardy [in ˈdʒepədi:] un. 处于危险状态 [网络] 出局危险;在危险中;处于危险中

laser beam [ ] n. 激光束 [网络] 雷射光束;激光光束;雷射束

paw off [ ] [网络] 爪子关闭

radiation unit [ ] 辐射长度;辐射单位

sponge bath [spʌndʒ bɑ:θ] n. (为卧床不起者所作的)擦身浴 [网络] 擦澡;海绵浴;用海绵擦洗的沐浴

sponge baths [ ] na. (不入水的)海绵擦浴

zk/中考 gk/中考 ky/考研 cet4/四级 cet6/六级 ielts/雅思 toefl/托福 gre/GRE
* 词汇量测试建议用