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S01E11 1


████    重点词汇
████    难点词汇
████    生僻词
████    词组 & 惯用语

[学习本文需要基础词汇量:6,000 ]
[本次分析采用基础词汇量:7,000 ]


- again? - obviously,

You're not well suited for three-dimensional chess.

Perhaps three-dimensional candy land would be more your speed.

Just reset the board.

It must be humbling to suck on so many different levels.

Hey, guys.

- did you get my mail? - yeah, right here.

- how was nebraska? - well, better than north dakota.

I guess that joke's only funny in nebraska.

From the data at hand, you really can't draw that conclusion.

All you can say with absolute certainty is that

that joke is not funny here.

Boy, it's good to be back.

- how's your family? - it was the worst trip.

Everyone got sick over the weekend.

- sick? - here we go.

What kind of sick?

The flu, I guess.

I don't need you to guess. I need you to know.

Now, when did the symptoms first appear?

Maybe friday.

Friday. was that morning or afternoon?

I-i don't...

Think, woman. who blew their nose and when?

Sheldon, relax.

She doesn't have any symptoms. I'm sure she's not contagious.

Oh, please.

If influenza was only contagious after symptoms appear,

It would have died out thousands of years ago.

Somewhere between tool using and cave painting,

Homo habilis would have figured out

how to kill the guy with the runny nose.

Penny, you'll have to excuse sheldon. he's a bit of a germaphobe.

It's okay. I understand.

Thanks for your consideration. now please leave.

You'd better go before he starts spraying you with lysol.

Okay. well, thank you for getting my mail.

No problem. welcome home.



What the hell are you doing?

I'm making petri dishes to grow throat cultures.

With lime jell-o?

I need a growth medium,

And someone polished off the apricot yogurt.

Here, swab my throat.

I don't think so.

If I'm going to get ahead of this thing,

I need to find out what's growing in my throat.

Sheldon, you are not sick.

This is, but you are not.

We have no idea what pathogen typhoid

penny has introduced into our environment.

For having never been to nebraska,

I'm fairly certain that I have no corn-husking antibodies.

Sheldon, don't you think you're overreacting?

When I'm lying comatose in a hospital

relying on inferior minds to cure me,

These jell-o cultures and my accompanying notes

Will give them a fighting chance.

- i'm going back to bed. - wait.

- put this in the bathroom. - what for?

I need to measure my fluid intake and output

To make sure my kidneys aren't shutting down.

I mixed pancake batter in this!

No, that measuring cup has always been for urine.

You had time to make a label for everything in this apartment

Including the label maker,

But you didn't have ten seconds to make one that said "urine cup"?

It's right here on the bottom.

I guess I owe the betty crocker company a letter of apology.

Oh, dear god.

Leonard, I'm sick!

Leonard, I'm sick!

Leonard, my comforter fell down, and my sinuses hurt when I bend over.

- hey! - leonard, where are you?


batter [ˈbætə(r)] n. 击球手;(用鸡蛋、牛奶、面粉等调成的)糊状物;墙面的倾斜 vt. 猛击;打坏;使向上倾斜 vi. 接连猛击;向上倾斜 n. (Batter)人名;(罗)巴特尔 {toefl ielts :7225}

pancake [ˈpænkeɪk] n. 薄烤饼;粉饼;平降(全称pancake landing) vt. 使平坠著陆;使平展 vi. 平坠着陆;平展 {zk gk :7331}

yogurt [ˈjəʊgət] n. 酸奶酪,[食品] 酸乳(等于yoghurt) { :7467}

anomaly [əˈnɒməli] n. 异常;不规则;反常事物 {toefl gre :7902}

pathogen [ˈpæθədʒən] n. 病原体;病菌 {toefl gre :8637}

apricot [ˈeɪprɪkɒt] n. 杏,杏子;[园艺] 杏树;杏黄色 adj. 杏黄色的 { :10300}

contagious [kənˈteɪdʒəs] adj. 感染性的;会蔓延的 {toefl gre :11527}

influenza [ˌɪnfluˈenzə] n. [内科] 流行性感冒(简写flu);家畜流行性感冒 {toefl :12570}

reset [ˌri:ˈset] n. 重新设定;重新组合;重排版 vt. 重置;重新设定;重新组合 vi. 重置;清零 { :12795}

overreacting [ˌəʊvəri:ˈæktɪŋ] v. 反应过火( overreact的现在分词 ) { :14284}

comforter [ˈkʌmfətə(r)] n. 安慰者;圣灵;(美)被子;(英)羊毛围巾 { :16393}

dakota [dә'kәutә] n. 达科他(美国过去一地区名, 现分为南、北达科他州) adj. 达科他人的 { :16611}

swab [swɒb] n. 药签,[外科] 拭子;医用海绵,纱布;拖把,擦帚;无赖 vt. 打扫,擦拭;涂抹(药)于 { :17891}

runny [ˈrʌni] adj. 流鼻涕的;水分过多的 { :18228}

comatose [ˈkəʊmətəʊs] adj. 昏迷的;昏睡状态的;麻木的;怠惰的 {gre :19074}

HOMO ['hәumәu] n. 人,人类;同性恋者 n. (Homo)人名;(日)保母(姓);(法)奥莫 { :20144}

petri [pɛtrə] n. 百丽牌照相机;佩特里(姓氏) { :21284}

typhoid [ˈtaɪfɔɪd] n. 伤寒 adj. 伤寒的;斑疹伤寒症的 { :25611}

Nebraska [ni'bræskә] n. 内布拉斯加州 { :26212}

Crocker [ ] [人名] [英格兰人姓氏] 克罗克 Croaker的变体; [人名] [英格兰人姓氏] 克罗克职业名称,陶工,来源于中世纪英语,含义是“壶,罐”(pot); [地名] [美国] 克罗克 { :30327}

checkmate [ˌtʃekˈmeɪt] n. 将死;挫败 vt. 把…将死;使彻底失败 { :34254}

germaphobe [ ] [网络] 病理恐惧;有洁癖的人;恐惧症

habilis [ ] [网络] 巧手;巧人种;比利斯

Jell-O ['dʒeləu] n. 美国吉露果子冻

lysol ['laisɒl] n. 来苏尔, 杂酚皂液 [化] 煤酚皂溶液; 来苏尔

sinuses ['sɪnɜ:ses] n. 鼻窦;鼻窦炎

three-dimensional [θri: dɪ'menʃənəl] adj. 三维的;立体的;真实的 {toefl :0}

betty crocker [ ] [网络] 贝蒂妙厨;贝蒂克罗克;贝蒂陶瓷公司

cave painting [keiv ˈpeintiŋ] n. (史前期画有动物和狩猎场面的)洞穴壁画 [网络] 石洞壁画;洞穴绘画;洞穴璧画

fluid intake [ ] un. 液体摄入 [网络] 液体摄取;水分摄入;液体摄取量

Homo habilis [ ] n. 能人(能用手准确抓握器物的早期人科成员) [网络] 人属能人种;智人;直立人

intake and output [ ] 《英汉医学词典》intake and output 摄入与排出,摄取量和排出量

letter of apology [ ] [网络] 道歉信;致歉信;道歉函

North Dakota ['nɔ:θdә'kәutә] n. 【城】北达科他州 [网络] 北达科塔州;北达科达州;北达克塔州

pancake batter [ ] [网络] 做薄煎饼的面糊;做煎饼的面糊

Petri dish [ 'petri dɪʃ] n. 培养皿(作细菌培养等用的有盖玻璃碟) [网络] 有盖培养皿;皮氏培养皿;陪替氏培养皿

Petri dishes [ ] na. 【生】(陪替氏)培养皿 [网络] 细菌培养皿;皮氏培养皿;灭菌盘

polish off [ˈpɔliʃ ɔf] na. “polish away”的变体 [网络] 草草做完;狼 吞 虎 咽;完成

runny nose [ ] [网络] 流鼻涕;流鼻水;流涕

suck on [ ] vi.吮吸

the flu [ ] [网络] 流感;流行性感冒;得流感

to suck [ ] [网络] 吮吸;吸吮;吮吮

zk/中考 gk/中考 ky/考研 cet4/四级 cet6/六级 ielts/雅思 toefl/托福 gre/GRE
* 词汇量测试建议用