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S01E10 1


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[学习本文需要基础词汇量:7,000 ]
[本次分析采用基础词汇量:7,000 ]

No, see, the liquid-metal terminators were created

In the future by skynet,

And skynet was developed by miles dyson,

But that future no longer exists

Due to dyson's death in terminator 2.

Okay,read only this.

Assuming all the good terminators

Were originally evil terminators created by skynet

But then reprogrammed by the future john connor,

Why would skynet, an artificial computer intelligence,

Bother to create a petite, hot, 17-year-old killer robot?

Skynet is kinky?

I don't know...

Artificial intelligences do not have teen fetishes.

All right. Wait! they use it to...

Too late. I win.

What the hell is that?

I don't know, but if cats could sing...

They'd hate it, too.

Hey, guys!

Hi! where you going?


We just had to mail some letters and...

Throw away some chicken.

You'll never guess what just happened.

Oh, I give up.

I don't guess.

As a scientist, I reach conclusions

Based on observation and experimentation...

Although as I'm saying this,

It occurs to me you may have been employing

A rhetorical device rendering my response moot.

What was that?

Believe it or not, personal growth.

What happened?

All right, remember when I auditioned for that workshop

Production of rent, but I didn't get it

And I couldn't figure out why.

I have a conclusion based on an observation.

No, you don't.

No, he doesn't.

Well, the girl they picked to play mimi--

She dropped out, and they asked me to replace her.

Congratulations. what a lucky break.

It's not that big a deal, just a one-night showcase,

But they invite a lot of casting people and agents.

So, you never know.

I think I know. no, you don't.

He doesn't.

It's this friday night at 8:00. you guys want to come?

No. no.

Because... uh...

Friday we are attending a symposium

On molecular positronium.

I think that's a week from tuesday,at 6:00.

No, it's this friday.

At 8:00.

Oh, too bad.

Well, I gotta get to rehearsal.

See you guys. see ya.

You just lied to penny.

Yes, I did. and you did it

So casually-- no rapid breathing,

No increase in perspiration...


So, lack of a physiological response while lying

Is characteristic of a violent sociopath.

Sheldon, are you worried about your safety?

No, I imagine if you were going to kill me,

You'd have done it a long time ago.

That's very true.




Leonard? what?

I need to speak to you.

It's 2:00 in the morning!

It's important.

I highly doubt that.

Go away.

Are you still out there?



You're right; it can wait until morning.

What, what, what, what, what?

Never mind.

I clearly woke you up in the middle of a rem cycle.

You're in no state of mind to talk.

Sheldon, what is it?

I'm uncomfortable having been included in your lie to penny.

What was I supposed to say?

You could have told her the truth.

That would have hurt her feelings.

Is that a relevant factor?


Then I suppose you could've agreed to go.

And what would I have said afterwards?

I would suggest something to be a fact of


showcase [ˈʃəʊkeɪs] n. 陈列橱,[家具] 陈列柜;显示优点的东西 vt. 使展现;在玻璃橱窗陈列 { :7291}

rhetorical [rɪˈtɒrɪkl] adj. 修辞的;修辞学的;夸张的 { :7493}

congratulations [kənˌgrætjʊ'leɪʃənz] n. 祝贺;恭喜;贺词(congratulation的复数形式) { :7729}

physiological [ˌfɪzɪə'lɒdʒɪkl] adj. 生理学的,生理的 {cet6 ky toefl ielts gre :8058}

experimentation [ɪkˌsperɪmenˈteɪʃn] n. 实验;试验;实验法;实验过程 {cet6 :8997}

connor [kɔnə] n. 康纳(男子名) { :9316}

auditioned [ ] vi. 试听(audition的过去式与过去分词形式) { :10280}

symposium [sɪmˈpəʊziəm] n. 讨论会,座谈会;专题论文集;酒宴,宴会 {cet6 ky ielts gre :11312}

petite [pəˈti:t] n. 妇女服装尺码的小号 adj. (女子)娇小的,小个子的 n. (Petite)人名;(法)珀蒂特 { :11652}

REM [rem] abbr. 识别内存(recognition memory);指定由DOS忽略的命令行 { :13362}

Dyson [ ] 戴森(人名) { :13444}

perspiration [ˌpɜ:spəˈreɪʃn] n. 汗水;流汗;努力 {cet6 toefl :14005}

moot [mu:t] adj. 无实际意义的;未决议的 vt. 提出…供讨论 n. 大会;辩论会;假设案件 n. (Moot)人名;(英)穆特 { :14627}

fetishes [ˈfetɪʃiz] n. 盲目崇拜( fetish的名词复数 ); <心>恋物; 神物; 被盲目崇拜之物 { :15974}

kinky [ˈkɪŋki] adj. 奇形怪状的,怪癖的;稍微变态的;扭结的,古怪的 { :19942}

reprogrammed [ˈri:prəuɡræmd] v. 再次(重新)设定程序 { :21557}

terminators [ˈtə:mineitəz] n. 终结者,终结器,明暗界限( terminator的名词复数 ) { :22825}

terminator ['tɜ:mɪneɪtə] n. 终结者;终止子;明暗界限 { :22825}

sociopath [ˈsəʊsiəʊpæθ] n. 反社会的人;不爱社交的人 { :23051}

-year-old [ ] [网络] -岁

gotta [ˈgɒtə] n. (Gotta)人名;(意)戈塔 adv. 必须(等于have got to)

liquid-metal [ ] n. 液态金属

one-night [ ] 一夜之间(歌曲名)

positronium [pɒzɪ'trəʊnɪəm] n. 电子偶素,正电子素

skynet [s'kaɪnet] 天网(卫星)

artificial intelligence [ˌɑ:tiˈfiʃəl inˈtelidʒəns] n. 人工智能 [网络] 人工智慧;人工智能专业研究生排名;人工知能

artificial intelligences [ ] 人工智能

audition for [ ] [网络] 参加……面试;参加…的面试

characteristic of [ ] [网络] 特有的;独特;是……的特征

lucky break [ ] n. 幸运 [网络] 逃狱松一松;幸运的灾难;幸运的裂痕

physiological response [ ] un. 生理反应

rapid breathing [ ] un. 呼吸促迫;喘息 [网络] 呼吸快速;呼吸急促;呼吸加快

rhetorical device [ ] [网络] 修辞手法;修辞手段题型;修辞格

zk/中考 gk/中考 ky/考研 cet4/四级 cet6/六级 ielts/雅思 toefl/托福 gre/GRE
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