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S01E09 3


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[学习本文需要基础词汇量:4,000 ]
[本次分析采用基础词汇量:7,000 ]

It was a joke.

Yep, tip your waitresses.

I'm here all week.

Penny, just to save you from further awkwardness,

Know that I'm perfectly comfortable with the two of us

Climbing the stairs in silence.

Oh, yeah, okay, me, too.

Zip it, lock it.

Put it in your pocket.

So, you and leonard.

Oh, dear god.

A little misunderstanding, huh?

A little misundersta...?

Galileo and the pope had a little misunderstanding.

Anyway, I was talking to leonard this morning,

And I think he feels really bad about it.

Well, how do you feel?

I don't understand the question.

No, I'm just asking if it's difficult

To be fighting with your best friend.

Oh, I hadn't thought about it like that.

I wonder if I've been experiencing

Physiological manifestations

of some sort of unconscious emotional turmoil.

Wait. what?

I couldn't poop this morning.

Just talk to him.

I'm sure you guys can work this out.

It's certainly preferable to my plan.

Which was?

A powerful laxative.

Okay, so you absolutely should talk to him.

Look, I know leonard values you as a friend,

And he told me himself that without your little idea,

There's no way he could have

Come up with this whole experiment thing.

Excuse me. "little idea"?

Yeah, I mean, he tried to explain it to me.

I didn't really understand it...

Of course, you didn't.

He said, "little idea"?

Well, no, not in... not in those words.

In what words then, exactly?

Um, you know, gee, the exact words...

It's more the spirit in which...

What did he say?

You had a lucky hunch.

Hey, sheldon, I've been thinking.

Instead of arguing about this...

Don't you ever speak to me again.



Okay, I'm leaving for the conference.

Have fun presenting my "lucky hunch."

Shel, I didn't mean it like that.

Then why did you say it?

I don't know. I wasn't...

Were you trying to impress penny?

No, no, not at all. a little bit.

How'd that work out for you?

Leonard, ready to go?

libido 1.0.

Okay, I'm gonna ask you one more time.

We did the work together.

Let's present the paper together.

And I'm telling you for the last time

It's pandering, it's undignified, and bite me.

Let's go.

Bye, sheldon.

Good-bye, penny.

One of these days...

There you go.

You're right. this side does look better.

No, no, I didn't say "better."

I said "less stained."

i just checked the house. there's probably

20-25 people in there.

You're kidding?

Is that all? "all"?

In particle physics, 25 is woodstock.

Oh, well, then good.

I wasn't expecting such a crowd. I'm a little nervous.

It's okay. just open with a joke. you'll be fine.

Uh, joke. okay,

How about this?

Um, okay, uh, there's this farmer,

And he has these chickens,

But they won't lay any eggs, so he calls a physicist to help.

The physicist then does some calculations,

And he says, "i have a solution,

But it only works with spherical chickens in a vacuum."


Oh, sorry, I just... I've heard it before.

Let's roll. okay.

Hey, nice suit.

It's a classic, right?

I really should have brought my own car.

So, in conclusion, the data show

That at temperatures approaching absolute zero,

The moment of inertia changes,

And the solid becomes a supersolid which clearly appears

To be a previously unknown state of matter.

Thank you.

Were there any questions?


gee [dʒi:] n. 马;字母G;一千美元(美俚) n. (Gee)人名;(英)吉 v. 向右转 int. 向右!前进!快!(驾驭马牛等的吆喝声) { :7210}

um [ʌm, əm] n. (Um)人名;(柬)温;(阿拉伯)乌姆 int. 嗯(表示迟疑) { :7325}

physiological [ˌfɪzɪə'lɒdʒɪkl] adj. 生理学的,生理的 {cet6 ky toefl ielts gre :8058}

zip [zɪp] n. 拉链; 精力,活力; 尖啸声; 一种程序压缩格式 vt. 给予…速度; 用拉链拉上或扣上 vt.& vi. 尖啸而过; (使沿某方向)快速移动 {gk ky :8896}

hunch [hʌntʃ] n. 预感;大块;肉峰 vt. 耸肩;预感到;弯腰驼背 vi. 隆起;向前移动 {gre :9261}

wha [ ] [医][=warmed,humidified air]温暖、潮湿的空气 { :11046}

inertia [ɪˈnɜ:ʃə] n. [力] 惯性;惰性,迟钝;不活动 {cet6 ky ielts gre :11341}

Galileo [.gæli'leiәu] n. 伽利略(意大利物理学家和天文学家) { :13118}

spherical [ˈsferɪkl] adj. 球形的,球面的;天体的 {cet6 toefl :14655}

pandering [ˈpændərɪŋ] vi. 迎合;勾引;怂恿;拉皮条 n. 怂恿者;拉皮条者;老鸨 vt. 为…拉皮条 n. (Pander)人名;(德、俄)潘德尔 { :15297}

woodstock ['wʊd.stɒk] n. 伍德斯托克音乐节(每年8月在纽约州东南部Woodstock举行的摇滚音乐节) { :17080}

awkwardness ['ɔ:kwədnəs] n. 尴尬;笨拙 { :17202}

libido [lɪˈbi:dəʊ] n. 性欲;生命力 {gre :17995}

undignified [ʌnˈdɪgnɪfaɪd] adj. 不庄重的;无威严的 { :19198}

poop [pu:p] n. 船尾;傻子;内幕消息 vt. 使精疲力尽;使船尾受击 vi. 疲乏;排便 { :20629}

laxative [ˈlæksətɪv] n. 泻药;[药] 缓泻药 adj. 通便的 {gre :23288}

gonna [ˈgənə] abbr. (美)将要(等于going to)

good-bye ['gʊd'baɪ] n. 告辞 int. 再见

shel [ ] abbr. shore ELINT system 海岸电子侦察系统

supersolid [sju:pə'sɒlɪd] n. 超立体,多次体

a vacuum [ ] [网络] 真空

absolute zero [ˈæbsəlju:t ˈziərəu] n. 绝对零度 [网络] 绝对零点;冰河末世纪;具绝对零点

bite me [ ] [网络] 狠我把;咬我吗;恨我把

emotional turmoil [iˈməuʃənl ˈtə:mɔil] [网络] 情绪骚动;感情波动;感情骚动

excuse me [ ] un. 请原谅;对不起 [网络] 劳驾;打扰一下;打扰了

in a vacuum [in ə ˈvækjuəm] [网络] 在真空中;似在真空中;在真空环境下

moment of inertia [ˈməumənt ɔv iˈnə:ʃjə] na. 惯性矩;【物理学】转动矩量 [网络] 转动惯量;惯性力矩;截面惯性矩

particle physics [ˈpɑ:tikl ˈfiziks] n. 粒子物理(学) [网络] 粒子物理学;核物理;粒子物理学导论

physiological manifestation [ ] 生理表现

preferable to [ ] adj. 优于;胜过 [网络] 更好的;更可取的;比…更可取

the Pope [ ] [网络] 教皇;教宗;罗马教皇

zip it [ ] [网络] 闭嘴;给我闭嘴;闭嘴l

zk/中考 gk/中考 ky/考研 cet4/四级 cet6/六级 ielts/雅思 toefl/托福 gre/GRE
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