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S01E07 3


████    重点词汇
████    难点词汇
████    生僻词
████    词组 & 惯用语

[学习本文需要基础词汇量:5,000 ]
[本次分析采用基础词汇量:7,000 ]

Every saturday since we've lived in this apartment I have awakened at 6:15,

- poured myself a bowl of cereal... - I know,I know.

Look,you have a tv in your room.

Why don't you just have breakfast in bed?

Because I am neither an invalid,nor a woman celebrating mother's day.

What time is it?

Almost 6:30.

I slept all day?

No,it's 6:30 in the morning.

What the hell is your problem?

Okay,this cereal has lost all its molecular integrity.

I now have a bowl of shredded wheat paste.


Why do you people hate sleep?

Are you wearing my robe?

Oh,yeah. Sorry,I'll have it cleaned.

That's okay,keep it.

Where's christy?

In the shower.

Oh,by the way,where did you get that loofah mitt?

Yours reaches places that mine just won'T.

You used my loofah?

More precisely,we used your loofah.

I exfoliated her brains out.

You can keep that,too.

Well,then we'll probably need to talk about your stuffed bear collection.


In here,milady!

There's my little engine that could.


Well,there's one beloved children's book I'll never read again.

Hi. Christy.


I'm sheldon.

Right. You're howard's entourage.

Uh,so,christy,what are your plans?

Oh,well,howard said he'd take me shopping in beverly hills.

Yeah,no,I meant plans to find someplace to live.

You know,other than with me.

Not that I don't love having you,but it'S...

it's a little crowded.

You know,penny,you're always welcome to stay with us.


Now we're running a cute little b & B.

Let me offer a little outside-the-box thinking here.

Why doesn't christy stay with me?

For one thing,you live with your mother.

I do not.

My mother lives with me.

Well,then it's all settled.

Christy will stay with howard,penny can go back to her apartment,

and I'll watch the last 24 minutes of doctor who.

Although at this point,it's more like doctor why bother?

Sheldon,you just can't dictate...

no more talking! Everybody go!

So what do you say?

Want to repair to casa wolowitz?

What is that,like a mexican deli?

I'm sorry,I should have mentioned this earlier.

My last name is wolowitz.

Oh,that's so cool.

My first jew.

I imagine there aren't very many kosher cornhuskers.

But you're still taking me shopping,right?

Anything you want.

Okay,I'll go pack my stuff.

When they perfect human cloning,I'm going to order 12 of those.

Howard,can't you see she's using you?

Who cares? Last night,she pulled off her blouse and I wept.

Look,howard,I know her. Okay?

She'll have sex with anyone,as long as they keep buying her things.

- Really? - Yeah.


If you'll excuse me,I have some bar mitzvah bonds to cash.

I'm sorry,we cannot do this without wolowitz.

We can't order chinese food without wolowitz?

Let me walk you through it.

Our standard order is: The steamed dumpling appetizer,general tso's chicken,

beef with broccoli,shrimp with lobster sauce and vegetable lo mein.

Do you see the problem?

I see a problem.

Our entire order is predicated on four dumplings

and four entrees divided amongst four people.

So,we'll just order three entrees.

Fine. What do you want to eliminate?

And who gets the extra dumpling?

We could cut it into thirds.

Then it's no longer a dumpling.

Once you cut it open it is,at best,a very small open-faced sandwich.


Oh,where's your annoying little friend who thinks he speaks mandarin?

He's putting his needs ahead of the collective good.

Where he comes from,that's punishable by death.

I come from sacramento.

Can we get an order of dumplings but with three instead of four?

No substitutions.

This isn't a substitution. It's a reduction.

- Okay.No reductions. - Fine.

Uh,bring us three orders of dumplings.

That's 12. We'll each have four.

That works.

No. If we fill up on dumplings,we need to eliminate another entree.

No eliminations.

If we have extra,we'll just take the leftovers home.

And divide it how?

I'm telling you,we cannot do this without wolowitz.

Wolowitz is with his new girlfriend.

If you had let me invite penny,then you would have had your fourth.

Have you seen penny eat chinese food?

She uses a fork and she double-dips her egg rolls.

We don't order egg rolls.


someplace [ˈsʌmpleɪs] n. 某处 adv. 在某处 { :7128}

eliminations [ɪˌlɪmɪˈneɪʃənz] n. 排除( elimination的名词复数 ); 除去; 根除; 淘汰 { :7330}

paste [peɪst] n. 面团,膏;糊状物,[胶粘] 浆糊 vt. 张贴,裱糊;用浆糊粘 n. (Paste)人名;(法)帕斯泰 {cet4 cet6 ky :7619}

annoying [əˈnɔɪɪŋ] v. 骚扰(annoy的ing形式) adj. 讨厌的;恼人的 {toefl :7731}

broccoli [ˈbrɒkəli] n. 花椰菜;西兰花 n. (Broccoli)人名;(英、意)布罗科利 { :7853}

invalid [ɪnˈvælɪd] n. 病人;残疾者 adj. 无效的;有病的;残疾的 vt. 使伤残;使退役 vi. 变得病弱;因病而奉命退役 {cet6 ky toefl ielts :7986}

shredded [ʃredid] adj. 切碎的 v. 变成碎片(shred的过去分词形式) { :8713}

entrees [ˈɔntreɪz] n. <法>入场权( entree的名词复数 ); <美>主菜 { :8922}

entree [ˈɒntreɪ] n. (美)主菜;(法)入场许可 { :8922}

appetizer [ˈæpɪtaɪzə(r)] n. 开胃物,开胃食品 {gre :9260}

cloning ['klɒnɪŋ] n. 克隆 v. 无性繁殖(clone的ing形式) { :9372}

leftovers ['leftəʊvə] n. 遗留;剩余物;吃剩的食物(leftover的复数形式) { :9769}

kosher [ˈkəʊʃə(r)] adj. 合适的;符合犹太教教规的,干净的 { :10210}

deli [ˈdeli] n. 熟食店;[食品] 熟食品(等于delicatessen) n. (Deli)人名;(法、意、罗、塞、匈、瑞典)德利 { :10576}

fellas [ˈfeləz] n. 伙计们,小伙子们; <俚>伙伴,伙计,小伙子( fella的名词复数 ) { :10720}

entourage [ˈɒnturɑ:ʒ] n. 随从;周围;环境 {gre :11325}

mandarin [ˈmændərɪn] n. (中国)普通话;国语;官话;满清官吏;柑橘 adj. 紧身马褂的 { :11837}

dumplings ['dʌmplɪŋz] n. 饺子(dumpling的复数) { :12528}

predicated ['predikeitid] v. 断言;断定(predicate的过去式) adj. 断言的,断定的 { :13700}

dumpling [ˈdʌmplɪŋ] n. 饺子,汤团;面团布丁 {zk gk :14302}

mitt [mɪt] n. 手;棒球手套;连指手套;女用露指长手套 n. (Mitt)人名;(瑞典)米特 { :16039}

beverly [ˈbevəli] n. 贝弗莉(女子名) { :16054}

casa [ˈkɑ:sə] n. 房屋 { :17376}

lo [ləʊ] int. 瞧!看!(表示惊讶或用以引起注意) n. (Lo)人名;(东南亚国家华语)罗;(朝)卢;(柬、刚(金)、缅、塞内)洛 { :18198}

punishable [ˈpʌnɪʃəbl] adj. 可罚的;该罚的 { :19790}

mitzvah ['mɪtsvɑ:] n. 戒律;实行戒律;善行 { :19883}

sacramento [ˌsækrə'mentəʊ] n. 萨克拉门托(美国加州首府) { :26606}

Christy [ ] n. (Christy)人名;(英)克里斯蒂,克丽丝蒂(女名) (教名Christian、Christabel的昵称) 挪威式转弯 { :26939}

exfoliated [eksˈfəulieitid] v. 片状剥落( exfoliate的过去式和过去分词 ); 鳞片样脱落; 使片状脱落; 使鳞片脱落 { :31893}

milady [mɪˈleɪdi] n. 夫人(尊称);时髦妇女;上流社会妇女 { :32182}

loofah [ˈlu:fə] n. 丝瓜 { :33874}

mein [ ] abbr. medium energy intense neutron facility 中等能量强中子装置(美国立布鲁志海文实验室) { :34045}

cornhuskers [ ] n. 玉米穗剥皮人(机) [网络] 剥玉米皮的人们;剥玉米机;剥玉米皮的乡巴佬

double-dips [ ] [网络] 体正面临二度衰退

hola [ ] n. [西]你好

open-faced ['əʊpən'feɪst] adj. 坦率的;露面的

outside-the-box [ ] adj. 创造性的 [网络] 超脱常规;机外;跳出盒子

yay [ ] int. 哇(因高兴而欢呼) adv. 这么;非常

bar mitzvah [ˌbɑ: ˈmɪtsvə] n. 受诫礼(为年满 13 岁的犹太男孩举行的成人仪式) v. 【犹】使受戒 [网络] 成年礼;成人礼;犹太男子的成年礼

beef with broccoli [ ] [网络] 西兰花牛肉;西兰花炒牛肉;西兰花牛柳

beverly hill [ ] 比佛利希尔

Beverly Hills [ ] un. 贝弗利山(为洛杉矶的一个景色宜人的地区,在好莱坞附近) [网络] 比佛利山庄;比弗利山庄;比华利山

excuse me [ ] un. 请原谅;对不起 [网络] 劳驾;打扰一下;打扰了

in the shower [ ] [网络] 在雨中;在淋浴间;淋浴中

lo mein [ˈləuˈmein] [网络] 捞面;各式捞面;拌面

lobster sauce [ ] n. 豆豉

No Substitution [ ] 恕不调换

open-faced sandwich [ ] n. 单片三明治 [网络] 热烤开放式三明治;打单面三文治

predicate on [ ] un. 使基于 [网络] 以…为基础

repair to [ ] v. 往;去;赴 [网络] 去某地;常指一群人;到…去

Shredded Wheat [ ] [网络] 小麦片;麦片;麦丝卷

shrimp with lobster sauce [ ] [网络] 虾龙糊;龙汁虾仁;炒虾仁配龙虾酱

steamed dumpling [ ] n. 蒸饺 [网络] 小笼包;包子;蒸饺滑

wheat paste [ ] [网络] 浆糊;甜面酱;大型贴纸涂鸦

zk/中考 gk/中考 ky/考研 cet4/四级 cet6/六级 ielts/雅思 toefl/托福 gre/GRE
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