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S01E06 3


████    重点词汇
████    难点词汇
████    生僻词
████    词组 & 惯用语

[学习本文需要基础词汇量:5,000 ]
[本次分析采用基础词汇量:7,000 ]

This is ridiculous.

I'm jumping in.

Good luck.

No,you're coming with me.

Oh,I hardly think so.

Oh,come on.

Aren't you afraid I'll embarrass you?

Yes; but I need a wing man.

All right,but if we're going to use flight metaphors,

I'm much more suited to being the guy from the FAA analyzing wreckage.


Hi. Hello.

So what are you supposed to be?

Me? I'll give you a hint.

A choo-choo train?


A brain damaged choo-choo train?

How wasted am I?

I still don't get it.

I'm the Doppler effect.

Okay,if that's some sort of learning disability,

I think it's very insensitive.

Why don't you just tell people you're a zebra?

Well,why don't you just tell people you're one of the seven dwarves?

Because I'm Frodo.

Yes,well,I'm the Doppler effect.

- Oh,no. - What?

That's Penny's ex-boyfriend.

What do you suppose he's doing here?

Besides disrupting the local gravity field.

If he were any bigger,he'd have moons orbiting him.


So,I guess we'll be leaving now.

Why should we leave?

For all we know he crashed the party and Penny doesn't even want him here.

You have a backup hypothesis?

Maybe they want to be friends.

Or maybe she wants to be friends and he wants something more.

Then he and I are on equal ground.

Yes,but you're much closer to it than he is.

Look,if this was 1,500 years ago,

by virtue of his size and strength,

Kurt would be entitled to his choice of female partners.

And male partners,animal partners, large primordial eggplants--

pretty much whatever tickled his fancy.

Yes,but our society has undergone a paradigm shift.

In the Information Age,Sheldon,

you and I are the alpha males.

We shouldn't have to back down.


Why don't you text him that and see if he backs down?


I'm going to assert my dominance face-to-face.

Face-to-face? Are you going to wait for him to sit down,

or are you going to stand on the coffee table?



Oh,hey,guys,are you having a good time?

Given the reaction to my costume,

this party is a scathing indictment of the American education system.

What,you're a zebra,right?

Yet another child left behind.

And what are you supposed to be,an elf?

No,I'm a hobbit.

What's the difference?

A hobbit is a mortal halfling inhabitant of Middle Earth,

whereas an elf is an immortal,tall warrior.

So why the hell would you want to be a hobbit?

Because he's neither tall nor immortal

and none of us could be The Flash.


Why don't you go hop off on a quest?

I'm talking to Penny here.

I think we're all talking to Penny here.

I'm not. No offense.

Okay,maybe you didn't hear me.

- Go away. - All right,Kurt,be nice.

Oh,I am being nice.

Right,little buddy?

- Kurt. - Okay.

I understand your impulse to try to physically intimidate me.

I mean,you can't compete with me on an intellectual level

so you're driven to animalistic puffery.

You calling me a puffy animal?

Of course not. No,he's not.

You're not,right,Leonard?

No,I said "animalistic."

Of course we're all animals,

but some of us have climbed a little higher on the evolutionary tree.

If he understands that,you're in trouble.

So,what,I'm unevolved?

You're in trouble.

You know,you use a lot of big words for such a little dwarf.


Penny,it's okay. I can handle this.

I am not a dwarf,

I'm a hobbit.

A hobbit.

Are misfiring neurons in your hippocampus preventing the conversion

from short-term to long-term memory?

Okay,now you're starting to make me mad.

A homo habilis discovering his opposable thumbs says what?


I think I've made my point.

Yeah? How about I make a point out of your pointy little head?

Let me remind you,while my moral support is absolute,

in a physical confrontation,I will be less than useless.

There's not going to be a confrontation.

In fact,I doubt if he can even spell "confrontation."




embarrass [ɪmˈbærəs] vt. 使局促不安;使困窘;阻碍 {gk cet4 cet6 ky toefl ielts gre :7138}

ELF [elf] n. 小精灵;淘气鬼 n. (Elf)人名;(芬、瑞典)埃尔夫 { :7462}

wreckage [ˈrekɪdʒ] n. (失事船或飞机等的)残骸;(船只等的)失事 {cet4 gre :8825}

neurons [ ] n. 神经元,神经细胞(neuron的复数形式) { :9397}

tickled [ˈtikld] vt. 使发痒;使高兴;使满足 vi. 觉得痒;(东西)使人发痒 n. 胳肢;痒感;使人发痒、高兴的东西 n. (Tickle)人名;(英)蒂克尔 { :9498}

mortal [ˈmɔ:tl] adj. 凡人的;致死的;终有一死的;不共戴天的 n. 人类,凡人 n. (Mortal)人名;(法、葡)莫塔尔 {cet4 cet6 ky toefl ielts :9517}

insensitive [ɪnˈsensətɪv] adj. 感觉迟钝的,对…没有感觉的 { :11204}

immortal [ɪˈmɔ:tl] n. 神仙;不朽人物 adj. 不朽的;神仙的;长生的 {cet6 toefl gre :11365}

puffy [ˈpʌfi] adj. 一阵阵吹的;胀大的;喘气的 { :11594}

kurt [kə:t] 库尔特(男名) { :12674}

primordial [praɪˈmɔ:diəl] adj. 原始的;根本的;原生的 {toefl :13189}

scathing [ˈskeɪðɪŋ] adj. 严厉的;损伤的 v. 损伤;伤害(scathe的ing形式) {gre :13730}

zebra [ˈzebrə] n. [脊椎] 斑马 adj. 有斑纹的 {zk gk cet4 cet6 ky :13912}

pointy [ˈpɔɪnti] adj. 尖的;非常尖的 { :18637}

HOMO ['hәumәu] n. 人,人类;同性恋者 n. (Homo)人名;(日)保母(姓);(法)奥莫 { :20144}

hippocampus [ˌhɪpəˈkæmpəs] n. [解剖][脊椎] 海马;马头鱼尾怪兽(神话中的一个形象) { :21713}

hobbit ['hɑbət] n. 霍毕特人(英国作家托尔金笔下的矮人族) { :23767}

misfiring [mɪs'faɪərɪŋ] v. (指枪、发动机等)不发火,不启动( misfire的现在分词 ); (指计划等)失败 { :26845}

doppler [ˈdɔplə] adj. (奥地利物理学家)多普勒的 n. 多普勒效应 { :28432}

frodo [ ] [人名]弗罗多 { :31694}

animalistic ['ænɪməlɪstɪk] adj. 兽性说的,肉欲的 { :33216}

opposable [ə'pəʊzəbl] adj. 可反对的;可相对的 { :34171}

puffery ['pʌfərɪ] n. 夸大广告;吹捧;极力称赞 {gre :39000}

choo-choo [ˈtʃu:tʃu:] 火车

ex-boyfriend ['eksb'ɔɪfrend] n. 前男友

face-to-face [ˈfeɪstəˈfeɪs] adj. 面对面的;当面的 adv. 面对面地

habilis [ ] [网络] 巧手;巧人种;比利斯

halfling ['hɑ:flɪŋ] n. 半成年人,半便士的银币

long-term [lɒŋ tɜ:m] adj. 长期的 从长远来看

short-term [ʃɔ:t tɜ:m] adj. 短期的

unevolved [ ] 未进化的

a homo [ ] None

alpha male [ˈælfə meil] n. 老大(某一群体中最有权力的男子或雄性动物) [网络] 雄性领袖;超男;男人中的男人

alpha males [ ] na. 大男子主义者 [网络] 阿尔发男;富有侵略性的男人;狒王

by virtue of [bai ˈvə:tju: ɔv] na. 靠 [网络] 由于;凭借;因

Doppler effect [ ] n. 多普勒效应(即声波、光波等按声源、光源等相对于观察者的传播方向的变化而变化) [网络] 都卜勒效应;都普勒效应;杜普勒效应

Doppler effect. ['dɒplər ɪfekt] un. 多普勒效应频移 [网络] 都卜勒效应;都普勒效应;杜普勒效应

dwarf . [ ] 《英汉医学词典》dwarf . 短小绦虫

entitle to [inˈtaitl tu:] un. 有资格 [网络] 给……权利;赋予…做;拥有…的权利

evolutionary tree [ˌi:vəˈlu:ʃənəri tri:] [网络] 进化树;演化树;进化树关系

good luck [ɡud lʌk] na. 幸运 [网络] 祝你好运;祝好运;好运气

gravity field [ ] n. 重力场 [网络] 引力场;重力原野;吸力场

Homo habilis [ ] n. 能人(能用手准确抓握器物的早期人科成员) [网络] 人属能人种;智人;直立人

hop off [hɔp ɔf] v. 起飞 [网络] 跳下;外线呼出;走开

learning disability [ˈlə:niŋ ˌdisəˈbiliti] n. 学习无能(先天性或由疾病、受伤引起) [网络] 学习障碍;学习困难;学习不能

little buddy [ ]

local gravity [ ] 局部重力

no offense [ ] [网络] 无意冒犯;请勿见怪;没有冒犯你的意思

oh, snap [ ] [网络] 哦,快点

opposable thumb [ ] [网络] 对生拇指;可相对拇指

paradigm shift [ˈpærəˌdaɪm ʃift] n. 范式转移(指行事或思维方式的重大变化) [网络] 典范转移;典范移转;范式转换

physical confrontation [ ] [网络] 临场面对

the doppler effect ['dɒplər ɪfekt] n. 多普勒效应(即声波、光波等按声源、光源等相对于观察者的传播方向的变化而变化) [网络] 多普勒启示

virtue of [ ] [网络] 有…优点

zk/中考 gk/中考 ky/考研 cet4/四级 cet6/六级 ielts/雅思 toefl/托福 gre/GRE
* 词汇量测试建议用