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S01E05 1


████    重点词汇
████    难点词汇
████    生僻词
████    词组 & 惯用语

[学习本文需要基础词汇量:7,000 ]
[本次分析采用基础词汇量:7,000 ]

All right, I'm moving my infantry division...

...augmented by a battalion of orcs from Lord of the Rings.

We flank the Tennessee volunteers

and the North once again wins the Battle of Gettysburg.

Not so fast.

Remember, the South still has two infantry divisions.

Plus Superman and Godzilla.

No, no, no. Orcs are magic. Superman is vulnerable to magic.

Not to mention

you already lost Godzilla to the Illinois Cavalry and Hulk.

Why don't you just have Robert E. Lee charge the line

with Shiva and Ganesh?

- You guys ready to order? - Hang on,honey.

Shiva and Ganesh,

the Hindu gods,against the entire Union army?

And orcs.

I'll be back.

Excuse me.

Ganesh is the Remover of Obstacles and Shiva is the Destroyer.

When the smoke clears

Abraham Lincoln will be speaking Hindi and drinking mint juleps.

All right,my boss says you have to either order or leave and never come back.

What do you recommend for someone who worked up a man-sized appetite

from a morning of weight training and cardio funk?

A shower.

I'll take the Heart Smart platter.

All right,thank you,and Sheldon?

We don't eat here.

I don't know what's good.

Well,it's all good.

Statistically unlikely.

Just get a hamburger.

You like hamburgers.

I like the hamburgers where we usually have hamburgers.

You can't make the assumption that I'll like the hamburgers here.

I'm sorry.

Give him a hamburger.

All right,which one?

The Classic Burger,the Ranch House Burger,

the Barbecue Burger,or the Kobe Burger?

Can't we just go to Big Boy?

They only have one burger... the Big Boy.

Well,the Barbecue Burger is like the Big Boy.

Excuse me, in a world that already includes a Big Boy

why would I settle for something like a Big Boy?

Because you're not at Big Boy!

Fine,I'll have the Barbecue Burger.

Make it two.

Waitresses don't yell at you at Big Boy.

- Hey,Leonard. - Hi,guys.

Hey. Hi,Leslie.

I didn't know you ate here. We don't.

This is a disturbing aberration.

Leslie,this is Penny.

She lives across the hall from Sheldon and me.

And walks in quiet beauty like the night.

Howard,I've asked you not to do that.

Leslie and I do research together at the university.

Oh,wow,a girl scientist.

Yep,come for the breasts,stay for the brains.

So,I'm glad I ran into you.

The Physics Department string quartet needs a new cellist.

What happened to Elliot Wong?

He switched over to high-energy radiation research

had a little mishap,and now the other guys are uncomfortable sitting next to him.

So are you in?

Yeah,sure,why not?

Great,we rehearse on Tuesdays at your place.

Why at my place?

Yeah,Department of Energy said our regular space is kind of a hot zone.

Nice meeting you.


Leonard,I didn't know you played the cello.

Yeah,my parents felt that naming me Leonard

and putting me in Advanced Placement classes

wasn't getting me beaten up enough.

If you're into music, I happen to be a human beatbox.


I'm actually not that into music.

So,hey,your friend's really cute. Anything going on with you two?

L - Leslie?

No,no. What,are you kidding?

He asked her out once. It was an embarrassing failure.

Thank you,Sheldon.

Oh,I'm sorry.

Was that supposed to be a secret?

Aw,that's too bad.

You guys'd make a cute couple.


What's the matter?

She didn't take my order.

How can she take your order

when you're too neurotic to talk to her?

Nevertheless,this will be reflected in her tip.

What did Penny mean,"You'd make a cute couple?"

Well,I assume she meant the two of you together would constitute a couple

that others might consider cute.

An alternate and somewhat less likely interpretation

is that you could manufacture one.

As in,"Oh,look,Leonard and Leslie made Mr.and Mrs.Goldfarb.

Aren't they adorable?"

If Penny didn't know that Leslie had turned me down,

then it would unambiguously mean

that she,Penny,thought I should ask her,Leslie,out

indicating that she,Penny, had no interest in me asking her,Penny,out.

But,because she did know that I had asked Leslie out

and that she,Leslie,had turned me down,

then she,Penny,could be offering consolation.

"That's too bad, you would have made a cute couple..."

but while thinking:"Good, Leonard remains available."

You're a lucky man,Leonard.

How so?

You're talking to one of the three men

in the western hemisphere capable of following that train of thought.

Well,what do you think?

I said I could follow it. I didn't say I care.

Our whole universe was in a hot,dense state

Then nearly 14 billion years ago expansion started... Wait!

The Earth began to cool

The autotrophs began to drool, Neanderthals developed tools

We built the Wall We built the pyramids

Math,Science,History,unraveling the mystery

That all started with a big bang


flank [flæŋk] n. 侧面;侧翼;侧腹 vt. 守侧面;位于…的侧面;攻击侧面 vi. 侧面与…相接 adv. 在左右两边 n. (Flank)人名;(瑞典、匈)弗兰克;(法)弗朗克 {cet6 ielts :7126}

platter [ˈplætə(r)] n. 大浅盘;唱片;唱机转盘 n. (Platter)人名;(英、法、德)普拉特 { :7214}

battalion [bəˈtæliən] n. 营,军营;军队,部队 {gre :7237}

burger [ˈbɜ:gə(r)] n. 汉堡包 n. (Burger)人名;(西)布尔赫尔;(法)比尔热;(英)伯格;(德、罗、捷、塞、匈)布格尔 {ielts :7267}

alternate [ɔ:lˈtɜ:nət] n. 替换物 adj. 交替的;轮流的 vt. 使交替;使轮流 vi. 交替;轮流 {cet6 ky toefl ielts gre :7396}

hamburgers ['hæmbɜ:ɡəz] n. 汉堡包( hamburger的名词复数 ) { :7483}

hamburger [ˈhæmbɜ:gə(r)] n. 汉堡包,火腿汉堡;牛肉饼,肉饼;碎牛肉 n. (Hamburger)人名;(英)汉堡;(瑞典)汉布里耶;(德)汉布格尔 {zk gk cet4 cet6 ky toefl :7483}

rehearse [rɪˈhɜ:s] vt. 排练;预演 vi. 排练;演习 {toefl gre :7588}

consolation [ˌkɒnsəˈleɪʃn] n. 安慰;慰问;起安慰作用的人或事物 { :7614}

Hindu ['hindu:] n. 印度人;印度教教徒 adj. 印度教的;印度的 { :8019}

quartet [kwɔ:ˈtet] n. 四重奏;四重唱;四件一套 {gre :8027}

cavalry [ˈkævlri] n. 骑兵;装甲兵;装甲部队 {gre :8043}

infantry [ˈɪnfəntri] n. 步兵;步兵团 {gre :8162}

augmented [ɔ:g'mentɪd] adj. 增广的;增音的;扩张的 { :8589}

mint [mɪnt] n. 薄荷;[金融] 造币厂,巨款 vt. 铸造,铸币 adj. 完美的 n. (Mint)人名;(毛里塔)明特 {cet6 toefl ielts gre :8674}

abraham ['eɪbrəˌhæm] n. 亚伯拉罕(男子名) { :9098}

aw [ɔ:] int. 哦!噢!(表示抗议, 厌恶, 讨厌等) n. (Aw)人名;(马里、塞内)阿乌;(中)胡(广东话·威妥玛);(东南亚国家华语)胡 { :11390}

destroyer [dɪˈstrɔɪə(r)] n. 驱逐舰;破坏者;起破坏作用的事物 { :11489}

neurotic [njʊəˈrɒtɪk] adj. 神经过敏的;神经病的 n. 神经病患者;神经过敏者 {ielts :11764}

aberration [ˌæbəˈreɪʃn] n. 失常;离开正路,越轨 {gre :12462}

adorable [əˈdɔ:rəbl] adj. 可爱的;可敬重的,值得崇拜的 { :12799}

cello [ˈtʃeləʊ] n. 大提琴 n. (Cello)人名;(意)切洛;(法)塞洛 {toefl gre :12971}

funk [fʌŋk] n. 恐惧;怯懦;恐怖;臭味 vt. 害怕;畏缩;使闻到臭味 vi. 惊恐;畏缩;发出臭味 n. (Funk)人名;(瑞典、德、罗、匈、捷)丰克;(英)芬克 { :13330}

mishap [ˈmɪshæp] n. 灾祸;不幸事故;晦气 {toefl ielts :14062}

Tennessee [.teni'si:] n. 田纳西州(美国州名) { :14882}

Illinois [.ili'nɒis] n. 伊利诺斯州(美国州名) { :15370}

Elliot [eli'ɔt] n. 埃利奥特(男子名) { :15512}

unambiguously [ˌʌnæm'bɪɡjʊəslɪ] adv. 不含糊地;明白地;单意义地 { :15539}

hulk [hʌlk] n. 废船;笨重的船;船体;绿巨人,浩克(美国漫威漫画旗下超级英雄) vi. 庞然大物般出现;赫然显现 {gre :15605}

drool [dru:l] n. 口水;梦话,胡说 vt. 从嘴淌下;散漫地说 vi. 流口水;胡说 { :15812}

ORCS [ ] abbr. Organic Rankine Cycle System 组织兰金分类环系统 { :18285}

superman [ˈsu:pəmæn] n. 超人,能力非凡的 {gk :20120}

cellist [ˈtʃelɪst] n. 大提琴演奏家 {toefl :20324}

remover [rɪˈmu:və(r)] n. 去除剂;搬运工;搬家公司 { :21467}

Neanderthals [ ] n. 尼安德塔人;穴居人(Neanderthal的复数) { :22823}

unraveling [ʌnˈrævəlɪŋ] 解开 阐明 解决 拆散(unravel的现在分词) { :23439}

wong [ ] abbr. weight on nose gear 前起落架承担的重量 { :26885}

Hindi ['hindi:] n. 北印度语 adj. 北印度的 { :29713}

shiva ['ʃi:vә] n. (犹太教)七日服丧期 n. (Shiva)人名;(印、尼)希瓦 { :29720}

juleps [ ] (julep 的第三人称 -s形式) [医] 甜酒, 甜香酒 { :31341}

Gettysburg ['getizbә:g] n. 葛底斯堡(美国一城市名) { :48928}

autotrophs ['ɒtəˌtrɒfs] 自养生物

beatbox [ˈbi:tbɒks] n. 电子鼓,重音乐播放器

cardio ['kɑ:dɪəʊ] n. 有氧运动 pref. 表示心

ganesh [ ] 象鼻神

godzilla [ ] [电影]哥斯拉

goldfarb [ ] [人名] 戈德法布

high-energy ['haɪ'enədʒɪ] 高能的

kobe [ˈkəubi] n. 神户(日本本州岛西南岸港市)

man-sized [ˈmænˌsaɪzd] adj. 大型的;困难的;宜于成年男人的

a battalion of [ ] [网络] 一大队

Abraham Lincoln [ ] [网络] 林肯;亚伯拉罕·林肯;林肯总统

advanced placement [ədˈvɑ:nst ˈpleɪsmənt] n. 先修课程 [网络] 大学先修课程;高级课程班;预修课程

Battle of Gettysburg [ ] n. 盖茨堡之役 [网络] 葛底斯堡战役;盖茨堡战役;盖茨堡之战

Big Bang [biɡ bæŋ] n. (基本而具有深远意义的)一整套改革,一揽子改革计划,具有轰动效应的大变革; [宇宙学](宇宙)大爆炸

dense state [ ] 密实状态

excuse me [ ] un. 请原谅;对不起 [网络] 劳驾;打扰一下;打扰了

high-energy radiation [ ] 高能辐射;高能射线

infantry division [ ] [网络] 步兵师;机步师;陆军师

mint julep [mint ˈdʒu:lep] n. 薄荷冰酒(用波旁威士忌、碎冰、糖和薄荷调制而成) [网络] 薄荷朱丽浦;薄荷朱利酒;薄荷茱莉普

mint juleps [ ] n. 薄荷酒 [网络] 薄荷朱利酒;人品着薄荷朱利酒;薄荷饮品

ranch house [rɑ:ntʃ haus] n. 农场庄园;牧场住宅;平房住宅(矮屋顶单层,开敞长方形) [网络] 低矮的平房;牧场小屋;牧场式住宅

Robert E. Lee [ ] [网络] 李将军;罗伯特·李;南方的统帅

string quartet [striŋ kwɔ:ˈtet] na. 【乐】弦乐器部合奏(曲) [网络] 弦乐四重奏;弦乐四重奏曲;弦乐四重奏乐团

the classic [ ] [网络] 假如爱有天意;不可不信缘;经典

the hindu [ ] [网络] 印度教徒报;印度徒报;印度人报

the pyramid [ ] [网络] 金字塔体育馆;金子塔拼图;金字塔拼图

the smoke [ ] [网络] 烟;大烟;年夜烟

the western hemisphere [ ] na. 西半球

vulnerable to [ ] [网络] 易受伤害的;容易;容易受…的影响

western hemisphere [ˈwestən ˈhemiˌsfiə] na. 西半球 [网络] 经西半球方向;西半球地域事务局;西赫米斯菲尔

yell at [ ] [网络] 对…吼叫;你给我小心一点;对别人大叫

all right

zk/中考 gk/中考 ky/考研 cet4/四级 cet6/六级 ielts/雅思 toefl/托福 gre/GRE
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