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S01E03 4


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████    词组 & 惯用语

[学习本文需要基础词汇量:6,000 ]
[本次分析采用基础词汇量:7,000 ]

but nothing so critical that she'll feel uncomfortable going out with me in the future

if I want to try this again.

Got it.

So I'm assuming nothing venereal?

I'll just tell her that you had a routine conoloscopy and haven't quite bounced back.

Give me the phone.

I thought you wanted to cancel.

I can't,because if I don't show up she'll still be expecting you.

Why would she be expecting me?

Stop asking me all these questions. I need to take another shower.

So are the rest of the guys meeting us here?

Oh,yeah... no.

It turns out that raj and howard had to work,and sheldon...

had a colonoscopy and he hasn't quite bounced back yet.

Oh,my uncle just had a colonoscopy.

You're kidding. Then that's something we have in common.


We both have people in our lives who...

want to nip intestinal polyps in the bud.

so what's new in the world of physics?


Really? Nothing?

Well,with the exception of string theory, not much has happened since the 1930s.

And you can't prove string theory.

At best you can say,"hey,look,

my idea has an internal logical consistency.

" Ah.

Well,I'm sure things will pick up.

What's new at the cheesecake factory?

Oh,uh,not much.

We do have a chocolate key lime that's moving pretty well.

Good. Good.

What about your,uh...

hallway friend?

Doug? Oh,yeah,I don't know.

I mean,you know,he's nice and funny,but...

can I get you started with some drinks?


- You were saying? But... - I'd like a drink.

Just say the "but" thing about doug and then I'll get her back.

Okay,well,I don't know,it's just me.

I'm still getting over this breakup with kurt

and this thing with doug would stju be rebound sex.

Oh,don't get me started on rebound sex.

It's just... it's my pattern.

I break up,then I find some cute guy,

and then it's just 36 meaningless hours of...

you know.

I'm not sure that I do.

is that one 36-hour experience,

or is that 36 hours spread out over,say...

one glorious summer?

No,it's usually over a weekend,

and trust me,you do not feel good after it.



Of course,yeah,emotional chafing.

Hey,do you want to see something cool?

I can make this olive go into this glass without touching it.

- How? - Physics.

Wow,centrifugal force.

Actually,it's centripetal force,

which is an inward force generated by the glass acting on the olive...

Excuse me.

If you were riding on the olive,

you'd be in a non - inertial reference frame and would...

are you okay?

Yeah,I'm okay.

Did you spill ketchup?

- No. - I'm not okay.

Are you sure you don't want to go to the emergency room?

No,no,I'm okay. It stopped bleeding.

I know,but you did throw up. Isn't that a sign of a concussion?

Yes. But I get car sick,too,so...


Sorry about your car,by the way.

Oh,no,it's fine. You got most of it out the window.

The poor guy on the bike.

Well,I had a nice time.


Well,um,good night.

Good night.

- Leonard? - Ahye?

Was this supposed to be a date?



No,of course not.

This was just you and me hanging out with a bunch of guys

who didn't show up'cause of work and a colonoscopy.

Okay,I was just checking.

When I take a girl on a date- - and I do- -

she knows she's been dated.

Capital D.

boldface. Undeinrled.

Da... ted.

I think I might have a little concussion. I'm gonna go lie down.

Good night.

So,how was your date?


Score one for liquor and poor judgment.


um [ʌm, əm] n. (Um)人名;(柬)温;(阿拉伯)乌姆 int. 嗯(表示迟疑) { :7325}

breakup ['breɪk'ʌp] n. 解体;分裂;崩溃;馏分组成;停止 {toefl :7673}

inward [ˈɪnwəd] n. 内部;内脏;密友 adj. 向内的;内部的;精神的;本质上的;熟悉的 adv. 向内;内心里 n. (Inward)人名;(英)英沃德 {cet4 cet6 ky :7924}

DA [,di:'ei] n. (俄)是,是的;爸爸(等于dad) n. (Da)人名;(柬)达 { :9075}

nip [nɪp] vt. 夹;捏;剪断;冻伤;阻止 vi. 夹;捏;刺骨;小饮 n. 夹;捏;刺骨;小饮 n. (Nip)人名;(中)聂(广东话·威妥玛) {gre :9708}

ketchup [ˈketʃəp] n. 番茄酱 { :11691}

concussion [kənˈkʌʃn] n. 冲击;震荡;脑震荡 {gre :12161}

kurt [kə:t] 库尔特(男名) { :12674}

polyps [ˈpɔlips] n. 珊瑚虫(水螅型),息肉( polyp的名词复数 ) { :13529}

cheesecake [ˈtʃi:zkeɪk] n. 奶酪蛋糕;半裸体的女人照片 { :13628}

chafing ['tʃeɪfɪŋ] n. 皮肤发炎;磨损 v. 擦热;使磨损;激怒(chafe的ing形式) adj. 摩擦的;防擦的 { :15894}

centrifugal [ˌsentrɪˈfju:gl] n. 离心机;转筒 adj. [力] 离心的;远中的 {gre :18605}

colonoscopy [ˌkəʊlənə'skɒpɪ] n. 结肠镜检查 { :20506}

venereal [vəˈnɪəriəl] adj. 性病的;性交的;由性交传染的 { :22072}

inertial [ɪˈnɜ:ʃl] adj. 惯性的;不活泼的 { :24563}

boldface ['bəʊldfeɪs] n. 黑体字;粗体铅字 { :30796}

centripetal [senˈtrɪpɪtl] adj. 向心的;利用向心力的 {gre :32336}

do- [ ] 七比一佔优势的;五比三佔优势的

gonna [ˈgənə] abbr. (美)将要(等于going to)

bounce back [bauns bæk] na. 很快挽回(颓势,败局) [网络] 反弹;卷土重来;迅速恢复活力

centrifugal force [senˈtrɪfjəgəl fɔ:s] n. 离心力 [网络] 向心力;激振力;地心引力

centripetal force [senˈtrɪpɪtl fɔ:s] na. 向心力 [网络] 向心力实验;离心力;定心力

excuse me [ ] un. 请原谅;对不起 [网络] 劳驾;打扰一下;打扰了

in the bud [ ] [网络] 处于萌芽状态;防患于未然;未成熟或尚在发展的状态

inertial reference [ ] 惯性坐标系

inertial reference frame [ ] un. 惯性参考坐标系 [网络] 惯性参考系;惯性座标系;惯性参考体

intestinal polyp [ ] 肠息肉

Intestinal Polyps [ ] 《英汉医学词典》Intestinal Polyps 肠息肉

key lime [ ] [网络] 浅绿莱姆色;莱姆之钥;墨西哥莱姆

logical consistency [ ] [网络] 逻辑一致性;逻辑兼容;逻辑的一致性

stop bleeding [stɔp ˈbli:diŋ] un. 止血 [网络] 隔山封血

to cancel [tu: ˈkænsəl] [网络] 取消;退保;注销

to nip [ ] [网络] 小口

good night

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