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S01E01 4


████    重点词汇
████    难点词汇
████    生僻词
████    词组 & 惯用语

[学习本文需要基础词汇量:3,000 ]
[本次分析采用基础词汇量:7,000 ]

This situation is much less complicated.

There's some kind of dispute between penny and her ex-boyfriend

As to who gets custody of the tv.

She just wanted to avoid having a scene with him.

- so we get to have a scene with him? - no,there's not going to be a scene.

There's two of us and one of him.

Leonard,the two of us can't even carry a tv.

So,you guys work with leonard and sheldon at the university?

I'm sorry,do you speak english?

He speaks english. he just can't speak to women.

Really? why?

He's kind of a nerd.

Juice box?

I'll do the talking.

- yeah? - hi,I'm leonard,this is sheldon.

- hello. - what did I just--

- we're here to pick up penny's tv. - get lost.

Okay,thanks for you time.

We're not going to give up just like that.

Leonard,the tv's in the building.

We've been denied access to the building,ergo,we are done.

Excuse me. if I were to give up on the first little hitch,

I never would have identified the fingerprints of string theory

In the aftermath of the big bang.

My apologies. what's your plan?

It's just a privilege to watch your mind at work.

Come on,we have a combined iq of 360.

We should be able to figure out how to get into a stupid building.

What do you think their combined iq is?

Just grab the door!

This is it.

I'll do the talking.

Good thinking. I'll just be the muscle.


I'm leonard,this is sheldon.

From the intercom.

How the hell did you get in the building?

We're scientists.

Tell him about our iq.

- leonard... - what?

- my mom bought me those pants. - i'm sorry.

You're going to have to call her.

Sheldon,I am so sorry I dragged you through this.

It's okay. it wasn't my first pantsing and it won't be my last.

And you were right about my motives.

I was hoping to establish a relationship with penny

That might have someday led to sex.

Well,you got me out of my pants.

Anyway,I've learned my lesson.

She's out of my league,I'm done with her.

Got my work,one day I'll win the nobel prize

And then I'll die alone.

Don't think like that. you're not going to die alone.

Thank you,sheldon. you're a good friend.

And you're certainly not going to win a nobel prize.

This is one of my favorite places to kick back after a quest.

They have a great house ale.

Cool tiger.

Yeah,I've had him since level ten.

His name is buttons.

Anyway,if you had your own game character

We could hang out,maybe go on a quest.

That sounds interesting.

You'll think about it?

I don't think I'll be able to stop thinking about it.


We're home.

My god,what happened?

Well,your ex-boyfriend sends his regards

And I think the rest is fairly self-explanatory.

I'm so sorry. I really thought if you guys went instead of me

He wouldn't be such an ass.

No,it was a valid hypothesis.

That was a valid...? what is happening to you?

Really,thank you so much for going and trying,you're just...

You're so terrific. really.

Why don't you put some clothes on,

I'll get my purse,and dinner is on me,okay?

- really? great. - thank you.

You're not done with her,are you?

Are babies will be smart and beautiful.

Not to mention imaginary.

- is thai food okay with you,penny? - sure.

We can't have thai food,

- we had indian for lunch. - so?

- they're both curry-based cuisines. - so?

It would be gastronomically redundant.

I can see we're going to have to spell out everything for this girl.

Any ideas,raj?

Turn left on lake street and head up to colorado.

I know a wonderful little sushi bar that has karaoke.

That sounds like fun.

baby don't get hook up on me

baby don't get hook up on me

I don't know what your odds are in the world as a whole,

But as far as the population of this car goes,


fingerprints [ˈfɪŋgəˌprɪnts] n. 指纹( fingerprint的名词复数 ) v. 指纹( fingerprint的第三人称单数 ) { :7263}

IQ [,ai'kju:] abbr. 智力商数(intelligence quotient);进口限额(import quota) { :7788}

Thai [tai] n. 泰国人;泰国语 adj. 泰国的;泰国人的 { :8458}

Nobel ['nәubel] n. 诺贝尔(瑞典化学家及发明家,发明炸药,创设诺贝奖);诺贝尔(姓氏) { :10237}

Colorado [,kɔlә'rɑ:dәu] adj. (雪茄浓度、颜色)中等的 { :10536}

hitch [hɪtʃ] n. 故障;钩;猛拉;急推;蹒跚 vt. 搭便车;钩住;套住;猛拉;使结婚 vi. 被钩住;急动;蹒跚;搭便车旅行;结婚 n. (Hitch)人名;(英)希契(男子教名 Richard 的昵称) { :11186}

sushi [ˈsu:ʃi] n. 寿司(生鱼片冷饭团) { :11537}

intercom [ˈɪntəkɒm] n. 对讲机;内部通话装置 { :13367}

nerd [nɜ:d] n. 呆子;书呆子;讨厌的人 { :14336}

karaoke [ˌkæriˈəʊki] n. 卡拉OK;卡拉OK录音,自动伴奏录音 { :16662}

ergo [ˈɜ:gəʊ] n. (Ergo)人名;(法)埃尔戈 adv. 因此,所以 { :32955}

ex-boyfriend ['eksb'ɔɪfrend] n. 前男友

gastronomically [,gæstrə'nɔmikəli] adv. 从美食法角度;从烹饪法角度

pantsing [pæn(t)s] n. [复数];[主美国英语]裤子;长裤;女装裤子;(宽松的)便裤

self-explanatory [self ɪk'splænətrɪ] adj. 自明的;不需加以说明的

a nerd [ ] [网络] 书呆子;一个书呆子;书獃子

an ass [ ] [网络] 笨蛋

Big Bang [biɡ bæŋ] n. (基本而具有深远意义的)一整套改革,一揽子改革计划,具有轰动效应的大变革; [宇宙学](宇宙)大爆炸

excuse me [ ] un. 请原谅;对不起 [网络] 劳驾;打扰一下;打扰了

hook up [ ] n. 【无线】试验线路;联播电台;联合 [网络] 接洽妥当;连接;上钩拳

juice box [ ] na. 盛放果汁的小纸盒 [网络] 一瓶饮料;果汁盒;果汁盒子

Nobel prize [nəʊˌbel 'praɪz] n. 诺贝尔奖 [网络] 诺贝尔奖金;诺贝尔奖项;荣获诺贝尔奖

spell out [spel aut] na. 详细说明;【印】正式拼写 [网络] 讲清楚;清楚地说明;拼出

sushi bar [ ] [网络] 寿司吧;寿司店;寿司连锁店

thai food [ ] [网络] 泰国菜;泰国料理;泰餐

the aftermath [ ] [网络] 后果;余波;内战之后

the Big Bang [ ] n. 【天】(宇宙)大爆炸 [网络] 宇宙大爆炸;大霹雳;宇宙大爆炸理论

the Nobel prize [ ] na. 诺贝尔奖 [网络] 再获诺贝尔奖;获得诺贝尔物理奖

zk/中考 gk/中考 ky/考研 cet4/四级 cet6/六级 ielts/雅思 toefl/托福 gre/GRE
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