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Gan 22


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[学习本文需要基础词汇量:2,000 ]
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You would, Forrest.

But you won't marry me.

You don't want to marry me.

Why don't you love me, Jenny?

I'm not a smart man,

but I know what love is.


Forrest, I do love you.

Where are you running off to?

I'm not running.

That day,

for no particular reason,

I decided to go for a little run.

So I ran to the end of the road,

and when I got there, I thought maybe I'd run to the end of town.

President Carter, suffering from heat exhaustion...

And when I got there,

I thought maybe I'd just run across Greenbow County.

Now, I figured since I'd run this far,

maybe I'd just run across the great state of Alabama.

And that's what I did.

I ran clear across Alabama.

No particular reason. I just kept on going.

I ran clear to the ocean.

And when I got there,

I figured since I'd gone this far,

might as well turn around, just keep on going.

And when I got to another ocean,

I figured since I'd gone this far.

I might as well just turn back

and keep right on going.

when I got tired, I slept.

when I got hungry, I ate.

When I had to go.

you know.

I went.


hungry [ˈhʌŋgri] adj. 饥饿的;渴望的;荒年的;不毛的 {zk gk :3181}

jenny [ˈdʒeni] n. 詹妮(女子名)[Jennifer 的昵称] { :3882}

carter ['kɑ:tә] n. 运货马车夫,驾驶货车的人 { :4840}

exhaustion [ɪgˈzɔ:stʃən] n. 枯竭;耗尽;精疲力竭 {cet4 toefl :8142}

Forrest [ ] n. 佛利斯特(人名, 或美国电影阿甘正传) { :20602}

Alabama [.ælә'bæmә] n. 阿拉巴马州(美国州名) { :21308}

greenbow [ ] [网络] 绿弓

heat exhaustion [hi:t ɪgˈzɔ:stʃən] na. 中暑 [网络] 热衰竭;中暑衰竭;虚脱

marry me [ ] [网络] 嫁给我;嫁给我吧;我们结婚吧

President Carter [ ] [网络] 卡特总统

the ocean [ ] [网络] 海洋;大海;赞大海

to marry [ ] [网络] 和…结婚;娶;关於结婚

and when i got there

zk/中考 gk/中考 ky/考研 cet4/四级 cet6/六级 ielts/雅思 toefl/托福 gre/GRE
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