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████    重点词汇
████    难点词汇
████    词组 & 惯用语

[学习本文需要基础词汇量:4,000 ]
[本次分析采用基础词汇量:3,000 ]

♪ Too stupid and ashamed
to go home to my parents ♪

Master Ji, this song
tells the story of her heart.

I get it.

She knows fear after all.

I was afraid she had no fear.

♪ Small, little girl ♪

♪ Going to class with her homework

♪ Looking up, she see rats

♪ Looking down, she sees cockroaches

♪ Please don't ask me to write ♪

♪ I'll end up with nonsense
like vibrant ladybugs on paper ♪

You're making fun of me? That's mean!

Vibrant ladybugs on paper?

That time you asked Xiao Yanzi
to write "The Great Harmony",

she asked me as she was writing,

"Why do the words'vibrant ladybug'
have so many strokes?"

When I took a closer look,

it was actually "vagrant widow."

They seem to be
having a jolly good time.

Whereas I'm here worrying,

with my heart going
hundred miles a minute.

I don't know whether
to be pleased or sad.

Stop worrying. Of course
you should be pleased.

Laughing like that means
we're getting closer to our goal.

That's right.

♪ The sky is sunny today ♪

Beautiful scenery surrounds us ♪

♪ Surrounds us ♪

The butterflies are busy
and so are the bees

♪ The birds are busy
and so are the clouds

♪ Ah-ah ♪

♪ The horses' hooves
leave a floral fragrance

♪ The horses' hooves
leave a floral fragrance

♪ The camels ahead cross in a herd

♪ The camel bells are tinkling away ♪

Tinkling away ♪

♪ Singing in the air,
singing everywhere ♪

♪ Singing in the winds,
singing in the waters ♪

♪ Ah-ah ♪

♪ Such boundless meadows,
and endless skies ♪

♪ Such boundless meadows,
and endless skies ♪

Endless skies ♪

This hill is not well known,

but it gives off
a humbling atmosphere.

A stroll is enough to
bring peace to the mind.

I'm sure we're all hungry
after the long walk.

Where can we find some food?

Right now?

We didn't see any villages
on our way here.

We'll need to get back
on the carriage to find food.

Let's make haste on the road.

We shouldn't be far
from Baihe Village.

But the scenery here is marvelous.

If we could get some food and drinks,

we could lay down a mat...

and take a rest.

Soak in the sky,
with our feet on the ground.

Eating and drinking
while admiring the view.

Wouldn't that be amazing?

Let's do that then.

Erkang, Ertai, get us settled.

We have wine in the carriage.

Warm it up in a nearby house.

Meanwhile, look for something to eat.

If you two brothers can't do it,
I could hunt for wild hares.

I brought along my bow and arrows.

Yes, luckily we're generals.

You hunt for hares,
I'll catch swallows.

Swallows? Please spare them.

I don't mean you.

Who cares?
All swallows are family to me.

Whether it's hunting for
wild hares or wild swallows,

either one would take too long.

You're right.

Just leave it to us three musketeers.

I saw a farm nearby.

Xiao Yanzi, we should check it out.

I'm afraid men
can't be trusted with food.

They don't know
what's good and what's not.

What ingredients can
and can't be used in cooking.

Besides, if we have to cook,

we'll need to borrow
crockery and utensils.

Not to forget the seasoning too.

Yes, that's right.

We are the servants.

The masters should wait here.

We'll go and try our luck.

Go on.
But don't come back empty-handed.

I feel like drinking wine already.

Rather than the two of them go,

why don't the five of us go together?

Sure, let's go over there.

Let's go.

It's just there.

There are only vegetables.


besides [bɪˈsaɪdz] prep. 除…之外 adv. 此外;而且 {zk gk cet4 ky toefl :3012}

carriage [ˈkærɪdʒ] n. 运输;运费;四轮马车;举止;客车厢 {gk cet4 cet6 ky toefl :3104}

strokes [st'rəʊks] n. 中风 { :3108}

rats [ræts] n. [脊椎] 鼠;卑鄙之人(rat的复数) v. 捕鼠;出卖(rat的三单形式) int. 胡说;瞎扯 n. (Rats)人名;(俄)拉茨 { :3139}

hungry [ˈhʌŋgri] adj. 饥饿的;渴望的;荒年的;不毛的 {zk gk :3181}

admiring [əd'maɪərɪŋ] adj. 赞赏的,羡慕的 { :3277}

swallows [ˈswɔləuz] n. (吃或喝的)一口( swallow的名词复数 ) { :3290}

hunt [hʌnt] n. 狩猎;搜寻 vt. 打猎;搜索 vi. 打猎;搜寻 n. (Hunt)人名;(德、瑞典)洪特;(英)亨特;(法)安 {gk cet4 cet6 ky ielts :3420}

widow [ˈwɪdəʊ] n. 寡妇;孀妇 vt. 使成寡妇 {cet4 cet6 ky toefl :3500}

spare [speə(r)] n. 剩余;备用零件 vt. 节约,吝惜;饶恕;分出,分让 adj. 多余的;瘦的;少量的 vi. 饶恕,宽恕;节约 {zk gk toefl ielts :3617}

endless [ˈendləs] adj. 无止境的;连续的;环状的;漫无目的的 {gk cet4 cet6 toefl :3722}

nonsense [ˈnɒnsns] n. 胡说;废话 adj. 荒谬的 int. 胡说! {cet4 cet6 ky toefl :4088}

bow [bəʊ] n. 弓;鞠躬;船首 adj. 弯曲的 vi. 鞠躬;弯腰 vt. 鞠躬;弯腰 n. (Bow)人名;(东南亚国家华语)茂;(英)鲍 {gk cet4 cet6 ky toefl :4098}

arrows ['ærəʊs] n. 箭头 { :4127}

bees ['bi:z] n. [蜂] 蜜蜂(bee的复数) { :4247}

harmony [ˈhɑ:məni] n. 协调;和睦;融洽;调和 n. (Harmony)人名;(英)哈莫尼 {gk cet4 cet6 ky toefl ielts gre :4669}

homework [ˈhəʊmwɜ:k] n. 家庭作业,课外作业 {zk gk ielts :4778}

soak [səʊk] n. 浸;湿透;大雨 vi. 浸泡;渗透 vt. 吸收,吸入;沉浸在(工作或学习中);使……上下湿透 {cet4 cet6 ky ielts gre :4835}

sunny [ˈsʌni] adj. 阳光充足的,和煦的;快活的;性情开朗的 {zk gk :4866}

butterflies [ˈbʌtəflaiz] n. 蝴蝶(butterfly的复数) { :4923}

herd [hɜ:d] n. 兽群,畜群;放牧人 vt. 放牧;使成群 vi. 成群,聚在一起 n. (Herd)人名;(英、芬)赫德 {cet4 cet6 ky toefl ielts gre :5174}

ashamed [əˈʃeɪmd] adj. 惭愧的,感到难为情的;耻于……的 {gk cet4 ky ielts :5292}

Meadows [ˈmedəuz] n. [畜牧] 草地;[地理] 草甸(meadow的复数) { :5581}

mat [mæt] n. 垫;垫子;衬边 vt. 缠结;铺席于……上 vi. 纠缠在一起 adj. 无光泽的 n. (Mat)人名;(土)马特;(柬)马;(英)马特,玛特(女名)(教名Matthew、Martha、Matilda的昵称) {gk cet4 cet6 ky :5639}

stroll [strəʊl] n. 漫步;闲逛;巡回演出 vt. 散步;闲逛 vi. 散步;闲逛;巡回演出 {cet6 ky toefl gre :5880}

humbling ['həmb(ə)lɪŋ] adj. 令人羞辱的 v. 羞辱(humble的ing形式);使…谦恭;使…卑贱 { :5970}

scenery [ˈsi:nəri] n. 风景;景色;舞台布景 {gk cet4 cet6 ky toefl ielts :6478}

vibrant [ˈvaɪbrənt] adj. 振动的;充满生气的;响亮的;战栗的 n. (Vibrant)人名;(德)维布兰特 {toefl gre :6697}

luckily ['lʌkɪlɪ] adv. 幸好,侥幸;幸运地 { :6875}

marvelous ['mɑ:vɪləs] adj. 了不起的;非凡的;令人惊异的;不平常的 {cet4 ky toefl ielts :6935}

camel [ˈkæml] n. [畜牧][脊椎] 骆驼;打捞浮筒;工作作风官僚 adj. 驼色的;暗棕色的 vi. 工作刻板平庸 n. (Camel)人名;(法)卡梅尔;(阿拉伯)卡迈勒 {zk gk cet4 cet6 ky toefl :6953}

camels ['kæməlz] n. [畜牧][脊椎] 骆驼(camel的复数);骆驼体系 { :6953}

hares [heəz] n. 野兔( hare的名词复数 ) { :7035}

fragrance [ˈfreɪgrəns] n. 香味,芬芳 {toefl ielts gre :8174}

floral [ˈflɔ:rəl] adj. 花的;植物的,植物群的;花似的 {toefl :8357}

jolly [ˈdʒɒli] adj. 愉快的;欢乐的;宜人的 adv. 很;非常 vt. (口)用好话劝某人做…;(口)用好话使高兴 vi. (口)开玩笑 n. (Jolly)人名;(法)若利;(英、印)乔利;(德)约利 {cet4 cet6 ky gre :8699}

seasoning [ˈsi:zənɪŋ] n. 调味品;佐料;风干;增添趣味的东西 {toefl gre :9078}

haste [heɪst] n. 匆忙;急忙;轻率 vt. 赶快 vi. 匆忙;赶紧 n. (Haste)人名;(英)黑斯特;(法)阿斯特 {cet4 cet6 ky toefl ielts :9482}

hooves [hu:vz] n. 蹄(hoof的复数);蹄脚 v. 用蹄踢;步行(hoof的三单形式) { :10091}

utensils [ju:'tensɪlz] n. 餐具;[轻] 器具;炊具(utensil的复数) {ielts :12652}

cockroaches ['kɒkrəʊtʃɪz] n. [昆] 蟑螂(cockroach的复数) { :13825}

boundless [ˈbaʊndləs] adj. 无限的;无边无际的 {toefl :15729}

vagrant [ˈveɪgrənt] n. 游民;流浪者;无赖;漂泊者 adj. 流浪的;漂泊的;游荡的 {gre :16730}

crockery [ˈkrɒkəri] n. 陶器;瓦器;土器 {gre :19829}

tinkling ['tɪŋklɪŋ] n. 叮叮声 v. 发丁当声(tinkle的ing形式) { :22855}

musketeers [ ] n. 火枪手(musketeer的复数) { :25546}

ladybugs [ˈleidibʌɡz] n. 瓢虫( ladybug的名词复数 ) { :25831}

a stroll [ ] [网络] 散步

beautiful scenery [ˈbju:təful ˈsi:nəri] [网络] 美景;美丽的景色;美丽的风景

bow and arrow [bəu ænd ˈærəu] na. 弓矢 [网络] 弓箭;弓和箭;大弓箭

bow and arrows [bəu] 弓和箭;弧矢

hungry after [ ] vt.渴望,渴求

hunt for [hʌnt fɔ:] na. 追猎;搜寻 [网络] 寻找;搜索;探求

jolly good [ ] [网络] 非常好;特别好

jolly good! [ ] [网络] 非常好;特别好

make fun [meik fʌn] [网络] 开玩笑;打趣;见了同事打哈哈

make fun of [meik fʌn ɔv] na. 嘲弄 [网络] 取笑;嘲笑;开玩笑

make haste [meik heist] na. 赶紧 [网络] 赶快;急速;快点啦

making fun [ ] [网络] 开玩笑

making fun of [ ] [网络] 开玩笑

soak in [ ] un. 使某物尽量吸收液体;使浸透:;吸入 [网络] 被深刻领会;渗入;沉溺於

the butterfly [ ] [网络] 蝴蝶;蝶泳;胡蝶

the cloud [ ] [网络] 云朵;云端;电脑云

to borrow [ ] [网络] 借;向……借;借取

try our luck [ ] vi.碰运气

zk/中考 gk/中考 ky/考研 cet4/四级 cet6/六级 ielts/雅思 toefl/托福 gre/GRE
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