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████    重点词汇
████    难点词汇
████    词组 & 惯用语

[学习本文需要基础词汇量:5,000 ]
[本次分析采用基础词汇量:3,000 ]

Farewell to Your Majesty.

Bye, Father.

Farewell, Your Majesty.

His Majesty stayed at the Studio of
Cleansing Fragrance all night?

Is that true?

Absolutely true.

Your humble maidservant
has sent people to watch the studio.

His Majesty
went alone with Xiao Luzi...

and stayed there all night.

They were singing and laughing.

Consort Ling went there this morning
with His Majesty's morning court.

His Majesty went to the morning court
right away after he changed.

What made him stay there all night?

I get it now.

I thought that
it was strange for Consort Ling...

to grant two maidservants
to serve Xiao Yanzi.

Does she even need so many servants?

But they're not there for her sake.

They're there to serve His Majesty.

But, this doesn't make sense.

Why would Consort Ling...

give the young girls
a chance to be her opponent?

And if she wanted to do that,

why would she let the girls
stay with Xiao Yanzi...

instead of staying with her?

You're right.

Going around in circles make no sense.

I'm getting so confused.

But I'm sure that...

something fishy is going on.

Ziwei has beautiful facial
features and bright eyes.

She looks evil.

She doesn't look like a common maid.

No matter where she stays,

I'm sure that...

she's a scourge.

Ziwei, let's go to
Prince Yongqi's place.

He's my closest sibling.

But do you know what's weird?

Every time I visit Prince Yongqi,

I'm always followed and watched.

Look, there's one guy now.

Who told you to tail me? Say it!

Spare me, Your Highness!

Your humble servant
wasn't ordered by anybody!

But merely passing the garden,

to get to the Palace
of Great Benevolence.

Are you going to tell me or not?

Calm down, Your Highness.

Did you forget that you made
a guard spit blood last time?

You have strong feet,
be careful not to kill him.

I don't care.

I'll step on him until he dies
if he won't tell me!

I'm innocent!

Please spare me, You Highness.

I'm innocent!

I'm not letting you go.

Tell me or else
I'll trample you to death!

It was Nanny Rong!

Help me, Nanny Rong!

Stay there, Nanny Rong!

Don't you know the rules
in the palace?

Your maidservant don't understand
what were you saying, Prince Yongqi.

What do I mean?

Who is more noble?
You or the princess?

Her Highness is surely the noble one.

This is audacity! How dare you didn't
address yourself as maidservant!

That's treason!

Jinsuo, teach her a lesson!

Your Highness...

Jinsuo, you don't know
how to do it, do you?

Just slap her the way she did to you.

You Highness,
your humble servant daren't.


Go and teach her a lesson!


You Highness,
your humble servant daren't.

How useless!

None of you dares to punish her?

I'll do it myself, then!


You slapped my face last time,

this is to repay exactly
what you did to me.

And this is for Ziwei and Jinsuo.

I'm giving it all back!

Calm down, Your Highness.

Nanny Rong has been
with Her Majesty for very long.

Please show mercy, Your Highness.

Sai Wei, you're a skilled fighter.

I've always regarded
you as a true warrior.

But why do you always do
bad things and oppose me?

Your humble servant daren't.

Your humble servant is but a servant,
who has a master.

One who follows his master's orders.

If I am disloyal to my master,
I am not a true warrior.

A servant? His master?

I'm getting confused by you.

But your seem to have your principles.

So you're not stepping away, are you?

Please calm down, You Highness.

I'm slapping Nanny Rong,
no matter what.

If you want to stop me,
then come at me!

Trying to be loyal, you say?

Fight me then!

Sai Wei!

If you lay a finger on her,
you'll be committing usurpation!


fighter [ˈfaɪtə(r)] n. 战士,斗争者;斗士;奋斗者;好战者 {gk cet6 :3028}

dares [dɛəz] v. 敢( dare的第三人称单数 ); 敢做; 激(某人做某事); 问(某人)有没有胆量(做某事) { :3210}

dare [deə(r)] n. 挑战;挑动 vt. 敢冒;不惧 vi. 敢;胆敢 n. (Dare)人名;(英)戴尔;(意)达雷 {zk gk cet4 cet6 ky :3210}

evil [ˈi:vl] n. 罪恶,邪恶;不幸 adj. 邪恶的;不幸的;有害的;讨厌的 {cet4 cet6 ky :3447}

confused [kənˈfju:zd] v. 困惑(confuse的过去式) adj. 困惑的;混乱的;糊涂的 { :3518}

warrior [ˈwɒriə(r)] n. 战士,勇士;鼓吹战争的人 {toefl :3607}

spare [speə(r)] n. 剩余;备用零件 vt. 节约,吝惜;饶恕;分出,分让 adj. 多余的;瘦的;少量的 vi. 饶恕,宽恕;节约 {zk gk toefl ielts :3617}

weird [wɪəd] n. (苏格兰)命运;预言 adj. 怪异的;不可思议的;超自然的 {ky toefl ielts gre :3632}

punish [ˈpʌnɪʃ] vt. 惩罚;严厉对待;贪婪地吃喝 vi. 惩罚 {zk gk cet4 cet6 ky :3862}

bye [baɪ] n. 轮空;次要的东西 int. 再见 adj. 次要的 n. (Bye)人名;(挪)比埃;(中)拜(广东话·威妥玛);(英)拜伊;(瑞典)比耶 {zk gk :4072}

slap [slæp] n. 掴;侮辱;掌击;拍打声 vt. 拍击;侮辱;掌击;掴…的耳光 vi. 掴;拍击 adv. 直接地;猛然地;恰好 {cet6 ky toefl ielts :4086}

slapping ['slæpɪŋ] n. 拍击;故障声音 v. 拍打(slap的ing形式) adj. 非常快的;非常大的;极好的 adv. 极快地;非常地 { :4086}

slapped [slæpt] v. 侮辱;拍击;掴…耳光(slap的过去分词) adj. 被掴耳光的 { :4086}

calm [kɑ:m] n. 风平浪静 adj. 静的,平静的;沉着的 vt. 使平静;使镇定 vi. 平静下来;镇定下来 n. (Calm)人名;(法、德)卡尔姆 {gk cet4 cet6 ky toefl :4189}

sibling [ˈsɪblɪŋ] n. 兄弟姊妹;民族成员 {gre :4337}

loyal [ˈlɔɪəl] adj. 忠诚的,忠心的;忠贞的 n. 效忠的臣民;忠实信徒 n. (Loyal)人名;(英、德、西、匈、法)洛亚尔 {cet4 cet6 ky toefl ielts gre :4461}

useless [ˈju:sləs] adj. 无用的;无效的 {gk cet4 cet6 toefl ielts :4667}

noble [ˈnəʊbl] adj. 高尚的;贵族的;惰性的;宏伟的 n. 贵族 vt. 抓住;逮捕 n. (Noble)人名;(英、法、意)诺布尔;(西)诺夫莱;(阿拉伯)努布莱 {gk cet4 cet6 ky ielts :4808}

spit [spɪt] n. 唾液 vi. 吐痰;吐口水;发出劈啪声 vt. 吐,吐出;发出;发射 {gk cet4 cet6 ky ielts :4932}

mercy [ˈmɜ:si] n. 仁慈,宽容;怜悯;幸运;善行 n. (Mercy)人名;(英)默西,默茜(女名);(法)梅西 {gk cet4 cet6 ky ielts :4991}

maid [meɪd] n. 女仆;少女 vt. 侍候;做新娘的女傧相 vi. 当女仆 {gk cet4 cet6 ky ielts :5166}

repay [rɪˈpeɪ] vt. 回报;报复;付还 vi. 偿还;报答;报复 {cet6 ky :5271}

facial [ˈfeɪʃl] n. 美容,美颜;脸部按摩 adj. 面部的,表面的;脸的,面部用的 {gk :5735}

humble [ˈhʌmbl] adj. 谦逊的;简陋的;(级别或地位)低下的;不大的 vt. 使谦恭;轻松打败(尤指强大的对手);低声下气 {cet4 cet6 ky toefl ielts gre :5970}

farewell [ˌfeəˈwel] n. 告别,辞别;再见;再会 adj. 告别的 int. 别了!(常含有永别或不容易再见面的意思);再会! {cet4 cet6 ky ielts gre :6967}

fragrance [ˈfreɪgrəns] n. 香味,芬芳 {toefl ielts gre :8174}

cleansing ['klenzɪŋ] n. 净化;洗清 adj. 清净的,有去污作用的 v. 清洗;使…纯洁(cleanse的ing形式) { :9672}

treason [ˈtri:zn] n. [法] 叛国罪;不忠 {cet4 cet6 ky toefl gre :10299}

trample [ˈtræmpl] n. 蹂躏;践踏声 vi. 践踏;蔑视,伤害;脚步沉重地走 vt. 践踏;蔑视,伤害 {cet6 toefl ielts gre :11298}

highness ['haɪnəs] n. 殿下,阁下;高度,高位;高尚,高贵 { :12870}

scourge [skɜ:dʒ] n. 鞭;灾祸;鞭子;苦难的根源 vt. 鞭打;蹂躏;严斥;痛斥 {gre :14639}

consort [ˈkɒnsɔ:t] n. 配偶;伙伴 vt. 使结合;使联系 vi. 结交;陪伴;符合 n. (Consort)人名;(西)孔索尔特 {toefl gre :15878}

audacity [ɔ:ˈdæsəti] n. 大胆;厚颜无耻 { :16694}

fishy [ˈfɪʃi] adj. 鱼的;可疑的;似鱼的;呆滞的 {toefl :18190}

benevolence [bə'nevələns] n. 仁慈;善行 { :18646}

disloyal [dɪsˈlɔɪəl] adj. 不忠的;不忠诚的;背叛的 { :19348}

usurpation [ˌju:zɜ:'peɪʃn] n. 篡夺;夺取 { :26108}

maidservants [ ] (maidservant 的复数) n. 女仆, 女佣 { :33762}

maidservant [ˈmeɪdsɜ:vənt] n. 女佣,女仆 { :33762}

servant [ˈsɜ:vənt] n. 仆人,佣人;公务员;雇工 n. (Servant)人名;(西)塞尔万特;(法)塞尔旺 {zk gk cet4 cet6 ky :1878}

be careful [ ] [网络] 小心;当心;注意

be careful not to [ ] vt.当心不要

calm down [kɑ:m daun] na. 平静下来 [网络] 镇定下来;冷静;冷静下来

dare to [dɛə tu:] v. 胆敢 [网络] 敢于;要敢于;敢于用

facial feature [ ] [网络] 面容;脸部特征;面貌

facial features [ ] un. 面容 [网络] 五官;面部特征;脸部特征

farewell to [ ] [网络] 不会再;与-----永别;对…诀别

for her sake [ ] prep.为了

her highness [ ] na. “His Highness”的变体 [网络] 殿下

how dare [ ] [网络] 怎么敢;这还了得;你怎敢

how dare you [ ] [网络] 你敢;你好大的胆子;你怎么敢

in circle [in ˈsə:kl] un. 内刃圆形 [网络] 内切圆;围圈而坐

spare me [ ] [网络] 饶了我吧;饶了我把;放过我

spit blood [spit blʌd] na. 吐血 [网络] 咯血;呕血;气得吐血

the noble [ ] [网络] 贵族;贵族酒;高贵者

the palace [ ] na. 宫廷显贵;水晶宫 [网络] 皇宫;宫殿;沙皇宫殿

to punish [ ] [网络] 处治;处罚;惩罚

to tail [ ] [网络] 跟踪

you dare [ ] 不要, 不准

Your Highness [ ] na. “His Highness”的变体 [网络] 王子殿下;国王殿下;我的殿下

Your humble servant [ ] na. 你的恭顺的仆人 [网络] 鄙人;卑职;您谦卑的仆人在此

you highness
your highness
your humble servant daren't

zk/中考 gk/中考 ky/考研 cet4/四级 cet6/六级 ielts/雅思 toefl/托福 gre/GRE
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