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[学习本文需要基础词汇量:2,000 ]
[本次分析采用基础词汇量:3,000 ]

I still remember all the things
we shared here.

It feels like a dream.

I stood here and thought.

Perhaps you'd show up.

Perhaps we could still
see each other again.

Who knew?

You really appeared
as I was thinking to myself.

Are you really here?

I can't believe it.

Is it really you?

It's not me.

You've killed that Erkang.

His soul has come for you.

Why the scary words?

Then, promise me.

No more disappearing acts.

I can't take it.

I had no choice.

That's not true.

There's always a choice.

I've told you.

We must be brave in facing our future.

Why didn't you listen to me?

If you must go,

tell me, so we could leave together.

How could you do that?

You are Fu Lun's son,

His Majesty's appointed courtier.

You bear a lot of responsibilities.

You can't just
abandon them for romance.

That's not what an ambitious man does.

Ambitions are a matter of the past.

After meeting you,

my ambition is to be with you.

What are you saying?

Stop making it hard for me.

Even though you found me,

I'm not going to go back with you.

Not going back?

Are you going to stay in the hut?

You went to the hut?

So Liu Qing has betrayed me.


I'd rather stay in the hut...

than go back and face your parents.

Are you still going
to hide from them...

when I marry you in the future?

You know very well that won't happen.

Fine, I promise you.

If we do get married one day,

I'll face your parents...

and be a good daughter-in-law.

So you're giving me an ultimatum?

You're saying...

I must welcome you
with proper fanfare.


you won't marry into the Fu family?

All right. If you choose
to sleep on hay in the hut,

I'll sleep on hay outside.

I'll look after you.

You can't do that!

What do you want then?

Knowing you spent a night there...

makes me sick with worry!

What is heartache?

Those who has never
experienced it will never know.

If you've decided to live like this,

what else can I do apart from...

sharing the burden with you?

Listen to me.

This whole ordeal of losing you,

searching for you, missing you...

and finding you again...

has made me feel like
I've lived a lifetime!

I can't bear losing you again!

What do you want me to do?

Are you telling me...

to give up on the title?

I'm not asking you
to give anything up.

I wouldn't dare, I can't
and I won't allow you to suffer.

I know all the royals
have more than one wife.

But I only want you!

Because you're my one and only.

Hearing you say those words...

has washed away all my worries.

I surrender.

I'll do as you say.

Whether you wish for me
to be your wife, concubine...

servant or slave,

it doesn't matter.


what I worry about is...

that we will have to part
sooner or later.

Maybe not today.

But it might be tomorrow.

If not tomorrow,

it would still happen someday.


Even if I'm willing to
share you with others,

would they be willing
to share with me?

One thing your mother
said is very true.

Rather than suffering more
in the future,

it is better to put an end to it now.

There are no others!

Do see anyone else?

You don't have to share me
with anyone else!

Becoming a concubine? Servant?


ambitions [æm'bɪʃənz] n. 野心;雄心;抱负(ambition的复数形式);理想 { :3185}

ambition [æmˈbɪʃn] n. 野心,雄心;抱负,志向 vt. 追求;有…野心 {gk cet4 cet6 ky toefl ielts :3185}

dare [deə(r)] n. 挑战;挑动 vt. 敢冒;不惧 vi. 敢;胆敢 n. (Dare)人名;(英)戴尔;(意)达雷 {zk gk cet4 cet6 ky :3210}

brave [breɪv] n. 勇士 adj. 勇敢的;华丽的 vt. 勇敢地面对 n. (Brave)人名;(英)布雷夫;(俄)布拉韦 {zk gk cet4 ky :3800}

scary [ˈskeəri] adj. (事物)可怕的;恐怖的;吓人的;(人)提心吊胆的;引起惊慌的;胆小的 { :3979}

romance [rəʊˈmæns] n. 传奇;浪漫史;风流韵事;冒险故事 vi. 虚构;渲染;写传奇 n. (Romance)人名;(西)罗曼塞 {cet6 ky toefl :4016}

hut [hʌt] n. 小屋;临时营房 vt. 使住在小屋中;驻扎 vi. 住在小屋中;驻扎 n. (Hut)人名;(阿拉伯、罗、塞)胡特 {cet4 cet6 ky gre :4208}

ambitious [æmˈbɪʃəs] adj. 野心勃勃的;有雄心的;热望的;炫耀的 {cet6 ky toefl ielts :4287}

someday ['sʌmdeɪ] adv. 有一天,有朝一日 { :4451}

betrayed [biˈtreid] v. 出卖,背叛(betray的过去分词形式) { :4974}

surrender [səˈrendə(r)] n. 投降;放弃;交出;屈服 vt. 使投降;放弃;交出;听任 vi. 投降;屈服;自首 {cet4 cet6 ky toefl ielts gre :5024}

hay [heɪ] n. 干草 vt. 把晒干 vi. 割草晒干 {gk cet4 cet6 ky toefl :6529}

ordeal [ɔ:ˈdi:l] n. 折磨;严酷的考验;痛苦的经验 {toefl ielts gre :7664}

courtier [ˈkɔ:tiə(r)] n. 朝臣;奉承者;谄媚者 n. (Courtier)人名;(法)库尔捷 { :12561}

fanfare [ˈfænfeə(r)] n. 吹牛,炫耀;喇叭或号角嘹亮的吹奏声 vt. 热热闹闹地宣布 {gre :13260}

ultimatum [ˌʌltɪˈmeɪtəm] n. 最后通牒;最后结论;基本原理 {toefl ielts :14001}

heartache [ˈhɑ:teɪk] n. 心痛;悲叹 { :16260}

concubine [ˈkɒŋkjubaɪn] n. 妾;情妇;姘妇 { :23102}

a lifetime [ei ˈlaifˌtaim] [网络] 一辈子;人的一生;一生一世

apart from [əˈpɑ:t frɔm] prep. 除了…外(都);要不是;除了…外(还);此外 [网络] 除……之外;除...外;除去

burden with [ ] [网络] 使负重担;麻烦;加负担于

sick with [ ] [网络] 患……病;生…病

sick with worry [ ] [网络] 为担忧所困忧;因担心而感到苦恼

the burden [ ] [网络] 负担;重担;爱的重量

the hut [ ] [网络] 小屋;避幕;小茅屋

wash ... away [ ] v. 清洗 [网络] 冲走;洗掉;冲掉

wash away [wɔʃ əˈwei] v. 清洗 [网络] 冲走;洗掉;冲掉

zk/中考 gk/中考 ky/考研 cet4/四级 cet6/六级 ielts/雅思 toefl/托福 gre/GRE
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