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████    词组 & 惯用语

[学习本文需要基础词汇量:4,000 ]
[本次分析采用基础词汇量:3,000 ]

Why did she leave?

Is it because of me?

She wanted me
to stay here without worry.

So she left on her own.

I knew I shouldn't have trusted her!

I deserve to die!

Don't blame everything on yourself.

This has nothing to do with you.

It's Erkang's doing.

You made her leave?

Why did you do that?

I made her leave?

I'd die for her to stay!

Why would I chase her away?

For her,

I'm willing to give up everything,

even my own future!

I'd go to the ends of the earth
with her if I could!

Erkang, you're normally the calm one.

But you're not in the right mind now!

This pavilion...

is no place for us to talk.

Nanny Rong might be
hiding somewhere...

eavesdropping on us.

Let's cut to the chase.

Xiao Yanzi, tell us.

Where else could Ziwei have gone?

If we don't find her soon,

Erkang is going to lose his mind.

I think we should go to Prince
Yongqi's study and wait for news.

Xiao Yanzi, think hard.

Write down all possible places.

Let Xiao Dengzi pass the note to us.

Draw if you can't write.

We'll figure it out!

The three of us
really can't stay here.

Let's go!

Xiao Yanzi, please tell us!

Where else in Beijing can we go?

Wait for me at Prince Yongqi's study.

I'll be there soon!

Respects to Your Highness.

Consort Ling!

Respects to Your Highness.

Respects to Your Highness.

Consort Ling.

Father said if I wanted to go out,

I just have to inform you.

I need to go out now.

Please let me.



The weather is great, the sun is out.

I want to go for a stroll.

I'll be back soon, may I?

Who will protect you then?

Erkang and Ertai.

Erkang and Ertai?


If you're worried,

I can bring along Xiao Zhuozi
and Xiao Dengzi too.

I promise to be back by night fall.

Could I? Please?

I promise I won't go
running off alone.

I'll stay with Ertai and the rest.

Then, make sure
you're home for dinner.

Thank you, Consort Ling.

You're so kind.

God will definitely bless you
with all the good things in the world.

You and your sweet mouth.

I'll go now, Consort Ling.

Change your clothes!

Let Xiao Dengzi and Xiao Zhuozi
act as servants!

Keep your identity hidden!

I got it!

Where are we going?

To the compound.

Xiao Yanzi!

Xiao Yanzi!

Liu Qing! Liu Hong!

I can't believe you're here
at the compound!

I thought I'd never see you again!


You're different.

You've become prettier!

The last time I saw you,
you were with the parade.

Xiao Zhuozi! Xiao Dengzi!

Bring the things from the litter!

Go and get your presents!

I've brought lots and lots
of presents for you guys!

Go on!

Bring over the things
for grandpa and granny too.


Come, Liu Qing, Liu Hong.

These three are my friends.

My brothers.

Just like you,
we're sworn brothers and sisters.

So many things have happened
after leaving the compound.

I was this close to death
for a few times!

They were the ones
who saved me time and time again.

They're my saviors! Like family.

You've been gone a long time.

This is your first time back.

Is it just to introduce your friends?

Of course, not!

I came to retrieve someone.

Where did you hide Ziwei and Jinsuo?

Who said I hid them?


We really didn't see them
nor know where they are.

What's the matter with you?

Don't you recognize me?
Don't you remember me?

Did you forget witnessing...

Ziwei and I taking oaths
as sworn sisters here?

She's my sister.

If the matter wasn't urgent,

I wouldn't be here to see you.

Don't you know how hard it is
for me to get out from the palace?

Stop pretending to know nothing.

I'm going to get angry
if you won't say!

I don't know, means I don't know.

You're pissing me off!

You're a dog
if you don't know where Ziwei is!

You think you can lie in my face?

You know, I'm sure you do.

It's written all over your face!

Liu Hong, do you guys think
you're helping Ziwei?

You're harming her.

Do you wish for her
to die of heartbreak?

I'll ignore you two for good
if you won't say!

All right, I'll tell you!

Go to the hillside behind of
the Earth Temple on Yinxin Hill.

There are some huts.

- Liu Hong!
- Let's go!

Why couldn't you keep your mouth shut?


harming [hɑ:mɪŋ] v. (使)受到损害,伤害( harm的现在分词 ) { :3189}

sworn [swɔ:n] v. 发誓(swear的过去分词) adj. 发过誓的;宣誓过的 { :3224}

urgent [ˈɜ:dʒənt] adj. 紧急的;急迫的 {gk cet4 cet6 ky toefl gre :3268}

chase [tʃeɪs] n. 追逐;追赶;追击 vt. 追逐;追捕;试图赢得;雕镂 vi. 追逐;追赶;奔跑 n. (Chase)人名;(英)蔡斯;(法)沙斯 {cet4 cet6 ky ielts gre :3312}

compound [ˈkɒmpaʊnd] n. [化学] 化合物;混合物;复合词 adj. 复合的;混合的 v. 合成;混合;恶化,加重;和解,妥协 {cet4 cet6 ky toefl ielts gre :3428}

temple [ˈtempl] n. 庙宇;寺院;神殿;太阳穴 n. (Temple)人名;(法)唐普勒;(英)坦普尔 {gk cet4 cet6 ky toefl ielts :3448}

parade [pəˈreɪd] n. 游行;阅兵;炫耀;行进;阅兵场 vt. 游行;炫耀;列队行进 vi. 游行;炫耀;列队行进 n. (Parade)人名;(法、德)帕拉德 {cet4 cet6 ky toefl ielts :3907}

bless [bles] vt. 祝福;保佑;赞美 n. (Bless)人名;(英、意、德、匈)布莱斯 {gk cet4 cet6 ky ielts :4161}

calm [kɑ:m] n. 风平浪静 adj. 静的,平静的;沉着的 vt. 使平静;使镇定 vi. 平静下来;镇定下来 n. (Calm)人名;(法、德)卡尔姆 {gk cet4 cet6 ky toefl :4189}

huts [hʌts] n. 小屋;临时营房 vt. 使住在小屋中;驻扎 vi. 住在小屋中;驻扎 n. (Hut)人名;(阿拉伯、罗、塞)胡特 { :4208}

retrieve [rɪˈtri:v] n. [计] 检索;恢复,取回 vt. [计] 检索;恢复;重新得到 vi. 找回猎物 {cet4 cet6 ky toefl ielts gre :4952}

stroll [strəʊl] n. 漫步;闲逛;巡回演出 vt. 散步;闲逛 vi. 散步;闲逛;巡回演出 {cet6 ky toefl gre :5880}

oaths [əʊðz] n. 誓言( oath的名词复数 ); 誓约; 咒骂; 诅咒语 { :6353}

hillside [ˈhɪlsaɪd] n. 山坡,山腹;山腰 {gk cet4 cet6 :6497}

litter [ˈlɪtə(r)] n. 垃圾;轿,担架;一窝(动物的幼崽);凌乱 vt. 乱丢;给…垫褥草;把…弄得乱七八糟 vi. 产仔;乱扔废弃物 n. (Litter)人名;(匈、德)利特 {zk gk cet6 ky toefl ielts gre :6500}

granny ['ɡrænɪ] n. 奶奶;外婆;婆婆妈妈的人 {zk gk :7205}

pavilion [pəˈvɪliən] n. 阁;亭子;大帐篷;展示馆 vt. 搭帐篷;置…于亭中;笼罩 { :7859}

pissing [pisɪŋ] vi. 小便 vt. 撒尿弄脏 n. 小便 int. 呸! { :8297}

saviors [ˈseɪvjəz] n. 救助者( savior的名词复数 ); 救星; (S-)救世主; 上帝 { :9795}

highness ['haɪnəs] n. 殿下,阁下;高度,高位;高尚,高贵 { :12870}

preposterous [prɪˈpɒstərəs] adj. 荒谬的;可笑的 {gre :13458}

heartbreak [ˈhɑ:tbreɪk] n. 心碎;伤心事 { :14300}

grandpa [ˈgrænpɑ:] n. 爷爷;外公 {zk :14478}

eavesdropping ['i:vzˌdrɒpɪŋ] n. 偷听;窃取 v. 窃听;偷听(eavesdrop的ing形式) { :14900}

consort [ˈkɒnsɔ:t] n. 配偶;伙伴 vt. 使结合;使联系 vi. 结交;陪伴;符合 n. (Consort)人名;(西)孔索尔特 {toefl gre :15878}

hooray [huˈreɪ] n. 万岁 vt. 呼万岁 int. 万岁 vi. 呼万岁 {gk :21582}

a stroll [ ] [网络] 散步

bless you [ ] [网络] 祝福你;保佑你;保重

Bless you ! [ ] (表示惊讶、高兴、沮丧、愤怒等)哎呀!好家伙!我的天哪!

Bless you! [ ] 上帝保佑你(或你们)!;长命百岁!(西方风俗:在别人或自己打喷嚏时说)

cut to the chase [kʌt tu: ðə tʃeis] na. 直奔主题;切入重点;言归正传 [网络] 开门见山;抄捷径去追猎物;切入正题

deserve to [ ] [网络] 值得;值得去做;配饰

eavesdrop on [ ] [网络] 窃听;偷听

get angry [ɡet ˈæŋɡri] v. 生气 [网络] 变得生气;发怒;发脾气

go for a stroll [ ] 去散步

inform you [ ] [网络] 通知贵方;知会中方

keep your mouth shut [ ] [网络] 闭嘴;嘴闭上;你什么都别说

piss me off [ ] [网络] 气死我了;我给惹火了;惹怒我

pretend to [priˈtend tu:] v. 假装;妄想 [网络] 假装做;自称具有;他总是装聋

respect to [ ] [网络] 尊敬;所提交公告相关於;应文天被尊为

take oath [ ] [网络] 宣誓

the calm [ ] [网络] 平静;宁静;危险前的宁静

the chase [ ] [网络] 追逐;凯德警长;追捕

the palace [ ] na. 宫廷显贵;水晶宫 [网络] 皇宫;宫殿;沙皇宫殿

the weather [ ] [网络] 天气;气候;天气状况

to get angry [ ] [网络] 动气;来火;发脾气

to inform [ ] [网络] 告知;通知;告知的方式

Your Highness [ ] na. “His Highness”的变体 [网络] 王子殿下;国王殿下;我的殿下

consort ling
liu hong
respects to your highness
xiao yanzi

zk/中考 gk/中考 ky/考研 cet4/四级 cet6/六级 ielts/雅思 toefl/托福 gre/GRE
* 词汇量测试建议用