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████    词组 & 惯用语

[学习本文需要基础词汇量:4,000 ]
[本次分析采用基础词汇量:3,000 ]

Thank you, Father.


Xiao Yanzi is much better now.

She couldn't get off her bed before,

but now, she's eager to get up.

She's rather weird.

So much had happened to her.

And she made everyone worry.

Yet, she has the ability
to resolve it all.

Even though she was punished,
it was a blessing in disguise.

How is it a blessing?

She's dismissed
from learning the rules!

His Majesty wants the Pearl Princess
to be her true self.

So, she's excused from all the rules.

His Majesty even announced...

that Pearl Princess
is specially excused...

from kneeling and kowtowing.

She is also excused from
all complicated etiquette.


To Xiao Yanzi,

that is great news!

You have no idea.

Xiao Yanzi cannot stand
any form of restraint.

Clearly, His Majesty...

does care a bit about her, right?

I think it's not just a bit.

I think he cares a lot about her!

I heard from Consort Ling
that Her Majesty was furious!

She debated with His Majesty,

but His Majesty insisted
to side with Xiao Yanzi.

His Majesty does indeed
have a gracious heart.

Doesn't he?

He must be a good father.

In my heart,

he is a respectable and kind man.

He must be well respected, right?

You still hope to
reunite with him, don't you?

Ever since my mother passed away,

this became the thing
that mattered most in my life.

The only thing that mattered.


I think about it a lot.

Every day.

In every waking moment.

I often imagine how he looks like.

Based on what I hear from you...

about how he treats Xiao Yanzi,

I've painted a picture...

in my heart.

Occasionally, I will be
engrossed in this painting...

and just start daydreaming.

Sometimes, I would wonder...

that if I had sneaked into...

the compound that day,
instead of Xiao Yanzi...

Would he treat me differently?

Would he like me as much
as he likes Xiao Yanzi?

Sometimes, while thinking,

my heart begins to ache.

Don't be sad.

Perhaps fate has other plans for you.

I've a feeling
that this isn't the end of your story.

More changes may come.

Since I met you and Xiao Yanzi,

I realized that there's a lot to life.

It's filled with surprises!

How will I enter the palace?

How will I ever meet Xiao Yanzi?

Though you can't enter the palace now,

but my carriage is right outside.

The weather seems good,

why don't we go for a walk?

Can I?

I really want to visit the compound.

I miss Liu Qing and Liu Hong.

I'll go anywhere you want to go.

♪ I can't blame nobody
for my heartache

♪ Because meeting you was perfect ♪

♪ Let my tears run dry,
let my heart burn to ashes

♪ I'll break free from my cocoon
to fly away with you ♪

♪ But I fear you'll never return ♪

♪ Though having been loved, cared,
missed by you, consoles me ♪

♪ As I soar to you,
the rain gently falls ♪

♪ Like your warm embrace
enveloping me ♪

♪ I'll soar to you,
no matter the distance ♪

♪ Though the journey
was painful and tearful

♪ As I chase you,
the wind gently blows ♪

♪ If you have no hate,
I have no regrets

♪ Oh, love! My heart is drunk ♪

♪ From being loved ♪


painful [ˈpeɪnfl] adj. 痛苦的;疼痛的;令人不快的 {gk cet4 cet6 ky :3034}

carriage [ˈkærɪdʒ] n. 运输;运费;四轮马车;举止;客车厢 {gk cet4 cet6 ky toefl :3104}

eager [ˈi:gə(r)] adj. 渴望的;热切的;热心的 n. (Eager)人名;(英)伊格 {gk cet4 cet6 ky toefl :3123}

differently ['dɪfrəntlɪ] adv. 不同地;差异;各种 { :3133}

excused [iksˈkju:zd] 赦免 { :3182}

chase [tʃeɪs] n. 追逐;追赶;追击 vt. 追逐;追捕;试图赢得;雕镂 vi. 追逐;追赶;奔跑 n. (Chase)人名;(英)蔡斯;(法)沙斯 {cet4 cet6 ky ielts gre :3312}

compound [ˈkɒmpaʊnd] n. [化学] 化合物;混合物;复合词 adj. 复合的;混合的 v. 合成;混合;恶化,加重;和解,妥协 {cet4 cet6 ky toefl ielts gre :3428}

specially [ˈspeʃəli] adv. 特别地;专门地 {cet4 cet6 :3487}

weird [wɪəd] n. (苏格兰)命运;预言 adj. 怪异的;不可思议的;超自然的 {ky toefl ielts gre :3632}

regrets [riˈɡrets] n. 后悔;遗憾(regret的复数) v. 后悔;感到遗憾(regret的第三人称单数形式) { :3773}

punished ['pʌnɪʃt] 被惩罚的 { :3862}

blessing [ˈblesɪŋ] n. 祝福;赐福;祷告 v. 使幸福(bless的ing形式);使神圣化;为…祈神赐福 n. (Blessing)人名;(英、德)布莱辛 {toefl :4161}

restraint [rɪˈstreɪnt] n. 抑制,克制;约束 {cet4 cet6 ky toefl gre :4343}

sneaked [sni:kt] v. 潜行( sneak的过去式和过去分词 ); 偷偷溜走; (儿童向成人)打小报告; 告状 { :4557}

ashes ['æʃɪz] n. 骨灰,灰烬(ash的复数) v. 把…烧成灰烬(ash的第三人称单数形式) { :4577}

soar [sɔ:(r)] n. 高飞;高涨 vi. 高飞;高耸;往上飞舞 n. (Soar)人名;(英、葡)索尔 {cet6 ky ielts gre :4707}

furious [ˈfjʊəriəs] adj. 激烈的;狂怒的;热烈兴奋的;喧闹的 {cet4 cet6 ky toefl ielts :4734}

kneeling [ni:lɪŋ] n. 跪着,跪下 v. 跪着(kneel的ing形式);跪下 { :4938}

respectable [rɪˈspektəbl] n. 可敬的人 adj. 值得尊敬的;人格高尚的;相当数量的 {cet6 :4946}

disguise [dɪsˈgaɪz] n. 伪装;假装;用作伪装的东西 vt. 掩饰;假装;隐瞒 {cet4 cet6 ky ielts gre :5545}

ache [eɪk] n. 疼痛 vi. 疼痛;渴望 n. (Ache)人名;(德)阿赫;(西)阿切 {zk gk cet4 ky :7717}

gracious [ˈgreɪʃəs] adj. 亲切的;高尚的;和蔼的;雅致的 int. 天哪;哎呀 {cet4 cet6 ky toefl ielts gre :8538}

reunite [ˌri:ju:ˈnaɪt] vi. 重聚;再结合;再联合 vt. 使重聚;使再结合;使再联合 { :8728}

consoles [kənˈsəulz] n. [计] 控制台(console的复数);支柱 v. 安慰;慰问(console的三单形式) { :9160}

enveloping [enˈveləpɪŋ] n. 包络 v. 包封;遮盖(envelop的ing形式) { :10650}

etiquette [ˈetɪket] n. 礼节,礼仪;规矩 {toefl ielts gre :11679}

cocoon [kəˈku:n] n. 茧;卵囊 vt. 把……紧紧包住 {gre :14249}

tearful [ˈtɪəfl] adj. 含泪的;令人伤心的 { :14851}

engrossed [ɪnˈgrəʊst] adj. 全神贯注的;专心致志的 v. 全神贯注(engross的过去分词) { :15345}

consort [ˈkɒnsɔ:t] n. 配偶;伙伴 vt. 使结合;使联系 vi. 结交;陪伴;符合 n. (Consort)人名;(西)孔索尔特 {toefl gre :15878}

heartache [ˈhɑ:teɪk] n. 心痛;悲叹 { :16260}

daydreaming ['deɪdri:mɪŋ] v. 做白日梦(daydream的ing形式);空想 { :16376}

kowtowing [kaʊˈtaʊɪŋ] v. 叩头( kowtow的现在分词 ); 顺从; 惟命是从; (对…)卑躬屈膝 { :27978}

a blessing in disguise [ə ˈblesɪŋ in disˈɡaiz] 因祸得福; 塞翁失马; 焉知非福; 有益的痛苦经验

be sad [ ] [网络] 悲伤;伤心;伤心的

bless in [ ] 有幸拥有…而感到幸福

blessing in disguise [ ] na. 变相的幸福 [网络] 因祸得福;是因祸得福吗;隐藏的祝福

burn to ash [ ] un. 烧成灰分;烧尽

dismiss from [ ] [网络] 解雇;开除;消除

engross in [ ] 全神贯注,聚精会神,专心于;为…所吸引,吸引(注意)

excuse from [ ] 允许(某人)免去…

go anywhere [ ] adj. 可到处去的 [网络] 到任何地方;去任何地方;无论去何处

in disguise [ ] na. 假装的;伪装的 [网络] 乔装;假象;假扮

reunite with [ ] [网络] 指联合

sneak into [sni:k ˈɪntuː] v. 混入 [网络] 潜入;溜进;偷偷溜进

soar to [ ] [网络] 骤增到

the palace [ ] na. 宫廷显贵;水晶宫 [网络] 皇宫;宫殿;沙皇宫殿

to ash [ ] None

to resolve [ ] [网络] 解决;了却;分解

true self [tru: self] [网络] 真我;真实自我;真实的自我

warm embrace [ ] [网络] 拥抱温暖;温暖的拥抱;温暖的怀抱

zk/中考 gk/中考 ky/考研 cet4/四级 cet6/六级 ielts/雅思 toefl/托福 gre/GRE
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