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[学习本文需要基础词汇量:8,000 ]
[本次分析采用基础词汇量:3,000 ]

"My Fair Princess, Episode 7"

♪ When the mountains
no longer have ridges

♪ When the river water
no longer flows ♪

♪ When time stops,
and night and day are one ♪

♪ When all of heaven
and earth cease to exist

♪ Still, I won't let you go ♪

♪ I won't let you go ♪

♪ Your tenderness is the one thing
I yearn for in this life ♪

♪ When the sun no longer rises ♪

♪ When the earth no longer spins

♪ When the seasons no longer change ♪

♪ When all flowers and trees
wither completely ♪

♪ Still, I won't part with you ♪

♪ I won't part with you ♪

♪ Your smile is the greatest thing
I long for in this life ♪

♪ We will be each other's company,
living without regrets

♪ Urging our steeds onward,
enjoying the marvels of this world ♪

♪ Let's make merry with wine and song,
singing our hearts out ♪

Latch on to the years of our youth
with all our strength ♪

♪ We will be each other's company,
living without regrets

♪ Urging our steeds onward,
enjoying the marvels of this world ♪

♪ Let's make merry with wine and song,
singing our hearts out ♪

Latch on to the years of our youth
with all our strength ♪

The Pearl Princess is
a little undisciplined.

You can't treat her
like your happy-pill forever.

That won't benefit her.

What should I do then?

I heard from the princes.

Xiao Yanzi was at the study hall,

and she had Ji Xiaolan
stumped from frustration.

They couldn't even
continue the lesson.

Ji Xiaolan had often
left me speechless.

He calls me an old geezer
behind my back.

Now, he's met with someone
who goes toe to toe with him.

Xiao Yanzi has
baffled him in my stead.

But Xiao Yanzi neither studies well,
nor abide by the rules.

She doesn't behave
like a princess at all.

How will she gain
respect from others?

You can't always be by her side,
watching over her.

She is already 18 years old.

She's old enough to marry.

If she keeps behaving like this,

how do you expect
her future suitor to fall for her?

What ideas do you have in mind?

Your Majesty, if you have faith in me,

you may entrust Xiao Yanzi to me.

I'll educate her patiently,
as though she's my daughter.

Back then, Xiao Yanzi and I
had some misunderstandings.

It's been on my mind since.

Now that I think about it,
she is Your Majesty's daughter,

that makes her my daughter too.

In fact, she should be
calling me Mother.

Seeing how Your Majesty pampers her,

I would love to bond with her as well.

Let's do that, then.

Let Nanny Rong guide her slowly.

Do not rush things.

Even if she misbehaves,
do not make a big fuss.

What you mustn't do...

is to get into fights with her.

She may have been a commoner,

but she still grew up in
her mother's unconditional love.

You mustn't hurt her.

Rest assured, Your Majesty.

The princess told me one thing.

"Before you beat a dog,
find out who's it's master."

I didn't dare to provoke her.

She spoke in this manner?

She needs proper teaching after all.

"The father is to blame
for a child's misbehavior,

while the teacher is to blame
for the lack of improvement".

Your Majesty, you shouldn't
always side with her mischief...

and have Master Ji take the blame.

Alright, no more pampering her.

Time for strict teaching
and discipline.

Four, five, six!

One, two, three!

I won again!



I won again!

Xiao Dengzi! Roll them again!

You've lost a whole lot!

If you don't get serious,
you're going to go broke!


educate [ˈedʒukeɪt] vt. 教育;培养;训练 vi. 教育;训练 {gk cet4 ky :3033}

strict [strɪkt] adj. 严格的;绝对的;精确的;详细的 {zk gk cet4 cet6 ky toefl :3091}

dare [deə(r)] n. 挑战;挑动 vt. 敢冒;不惧 vi. 敢;胆敢 n. (Dare)人名;(英)戴尔;(意)达雷 {zk gk cet4 cet6 ky :3210}

frustration [frʌˈstreɪʃn] n. 挫折 {toefl :3240}

toe [təʊ] n. 脚趾;足尖 vt. 用脚尖走;以趾踏触 vi. 动脚尖;用足尖跳舞 n. (Toe)人名;(布基)托埃;(缅)梭;(朝)堆;(日)土江 (姓) {cet4 cet6 ky toefl :3360}

provoke [prəˈvəʊk] vt. 驱使;激怒;煽动;惹起 {cet6 ky toefl ielts :3558}

regrets [riˈɡrets] n. 后悔;遗憾(regret的复数) v. 后悔;感到遗憾(regret的第三人称单数形式) { :3773}

ridges [rɪdʒɪz] n. 带钢单向皱纹 n. (Ridges)人名;(英)里奇斯 { :4003}

fuss [fʌs] n. 大惊小怪,大惊小怪的人;小题大作;忙乱 vt. 使烦恼,使烦忧 vi. 小题大作;忙乱;焦燥;焦急;无事自扰 n. (Fuss)人名;(匈)富什;(法)菲斯 {cet6 ky ielts gre :6428}

misunderstandings [mɪsʌndəs'tændɪŋz] 误区 { :6869}

stumped [stʌmpt] 僵直地行走,跺步行走 把(某人)难住 作政治性巡回演说(stump的过去式和过去分词) { :7320}

merry [ˈmeri] adj. 愉快的;微醉的;嬉戏作乐的 n. 甜樱桃 n. (Merry)人名;(英、法、西)梅里 {gk cet4 cet6 ky :7420}

marvels [ˈmɑ:vəlz] n. 奇迹( marvel的名词复数 ); 令人惊奇的事物(或事例); 不平凡的成果; 成就 v. 惊奇,对…感到惊奇( marvel的第三人称单数 ) { :7805}

yearn [jɜ:n] vi. 渴望,向往;思念,想念;怀念;同情,怜悯 {cet6 toefl ielts gre :7999}

patiently ['peɪʃntlɪ] adv. 耐心地;有毅力地 { :8234}

abide [əˈbaɪd] vi. 持续;忍受;停留 vt. 忍受,容忍;停留;遵守 {cet6 ky toefl gre :8457}

entrust [ɪnˈtrʌst] vt. 委托,信托 {gre :8484}

mischief [ˈmɪstʃɪf] n. 恶作剧;伤害;顽皮;不和 {cet6 ky ielts :9589}

unconditional [ˌʌnkənˈdɪʃənl] adj. 无条件的;绝对的;无限制的 {gk ielts :10278}

tenderness ['tendənɪs] n. 亲切;柔软;柔和;敏感;棘手 {toefl :10448}

baffled ['bæfld] v. 阻碍;使迷惑(baffle的过去式) adj. 带有挡板的 { :11102}

wither [ˈwɪðə(r)] vi. 枯萎;凋谢;衰弱 vt. 使凋谢;使畏缩;使衰弱 n. (Wither)人名;(英)威瑟 {cet6 toefl ielts gre :11732}

leopard [ˈlepəd] n. 豹;美洲豹 {cet6 toefl :11916}

latch [lætʃ] vi. 占有,抓住;闭锁 vt. 闩上;纠缠住某人 n. 门闩 n. (Latch)人名;(英)拉奇 {gre :11948}

onward [ˈɒnwəd] adj. 向前的;前进的 adv. 向前;在前面 {cet6 :12108}

suitor [ˈsu:tə(r)] n. 求婚者;请愿者;[法] 起诉人 { :12528}

speechless [ˈspi:tʃləs] adj. 说不出话的;哑的;非言语所能表达的 { :13000}

pampering [ˈpæmpərɪŋ] n. 纵容;饮食过度 adj. 过分溺爱的 v. 纵容;饮食过度(pamper的ing形式) { :13298}

pampers [ˈpæmpəz] v. 纵容,宠,娇养( pamper的第三人称单数 ) { :13298}

stead [sted] n. 代替;用处 vt. 对…有利 n. (Stead)人名;(英)斯特德 { :13707}

commoner [ˈkɒmənə(r)] n. 平民;自费学生;下议院议员 n. (Commoner)人名;(英)康芒纳 { :15906}

misbehavior ['mɪsbɪ'heɪvjə] n. 品行不端;不礼貌(等于misbehaviour) { :16895}

misbehaves [ˌmɪsbɪˈheɪvz] v. 行为不端( misbehave的第三人称单数 ) { :17441}

undisciplined [ˌʌnˈdɪsəplɪnd] adj. 无训练的;混乱无纪律的 { :20507}

geezer [ˈgi:zə(r)] n. 古怪的人;老头儿 { :22316}

steeds [sti:dz] n. 马,坐骑( steed的名词复数 ) { :26372}

xiaolan [ ] [网络] 的秋天在江湖;安琪;C烧烺

abide by [əˈbaid bai] na. 坚持;服从 [网络] 遵守;信守;遵循

behave like [ ] [网络] 行为举止像是;行为举止如同

blame ... for [ ] [网络] 因……责备;责怪;因…怪罪

blame for [ ] [网络] 因……责备;责怪;因…怪罪

cease to [ ] [网络] 不再出现某种情况;停止;终止

cease to exist [ ] na. 不再存在;灭亡 [网络] 不复存在;终止存在;化为乌有

dare to [dɛə tu:] v. 胆敢 [网络] 敢于;要敢于;敢于用

go toe to toe [ ] [网络] 旗鼓相当

heaven and earth [ ] [网络] 天与地;天地;天上人间

in my stead [ ] prep.代替我

latch on [lætʃ ɔn] v. 理解 [网络] 抓住;占有;扣上

latch on to [ ] [网络] 忽然理解;顿悟

long spin [ ] n.长纺法,长程纺丝法

make merry [meik ˈmeri] na. 作乐 [网络] 寻欢作乐;欢宴作乐;快乐地做

make merry with [ ] 取笑;嘲弄;挖苦

makes merry [ ] [网络] 吃喝玩乐

old geezer [əuld ˈɡi:zə] <口>老家伙,老怪物(不一定年迈)

take the blame [ ] na. 背过;受责难 [网络] 负过失的责任;担负过失;承担责任

to blame [tu: bleim] 谴责:应受谴责的,有过错的; 起因是:是…起因或某事的根源的

to blame for [ ] [网络] 因……怪罪;对…负责;应受责备

toe to toe [ ] na. 旗鼓相当地 [网络] 脚趾相见;针锋相对;近距离面对面

unconditional love [ ] [网络] 无条件的爱;无条件之爱;无条件爱

yearn for [ ] v. 渴望 [网络] 向往;渴念;盼望

your majesty

zk/中考 gk/中考 ky/考研 cet4/四级 cet6/六级 ielts/雅思 toefl/托福 gre/GRE
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