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████    重点词汇
████    难点词汇
████    生僻词
████    词组 & 惯用语

[学习本文需要基础词汇量:3,000 ]
[本次分析采用基础词汇量:3,000 ]

This can't be. It's too red.

I look like a monkey's butt.

Don't rub it.

Don't all the
princesses look the same?

Even my Hejing Princess and
Heluo Princess look like this.

His Majesty will come here later.

Watch your manners.

Show His Majesty
how a princess behaves.


as a princess,

you shouldn't say the word "butt".

Don't princesses have butts?

Even Father sits on his own butt.

Why are there so many rules?

It makes me want to die!

A princess can't say "die", can she?

But what about the servants?

They always say they deserve to die.

That's weird.

You're making me wear so many stuff!

My head...

weighs up to several catties now!

This is not dress up,

it's a torture!

Are you all right?

I'm wearing a tall hat on my head...

and high heels.

It's even harder than
learning martial arts.

Here comes His Majesty!

Here comes Her Majesty!

Respects to Your Majesty.

- Respects to Your Majesty.
- Greetings, Your Majesties.

The empress purposely requested
to see the result of your teaching.

How is Xiao Yanzi?

Has she learned the rules yet?

Respects to Your Majesties.


Princess, hurry and greet
your Father and Her Majesty.

Respects to Father!

Respects to Your Majesty.

That was a great courtesy.

She doesn't even know how to greet,

can she even walk?

It was my failure.


Don't blame it on Consort Ling.

She has taught me hundreds of times.

Who wouldn't know how to walk?

I will show you.

Was that a martial art
performance or what?

No wonder your name
sounds like Little Swallow.

You don't walk, but you fly!

You flew out of the
room and flew back in.

A little swallow indeed!

You've been given a princess title,

you still have to know all the rules.

You can't just fly everywhere...

whenever you meet
the dukes and ministers.

It is my fault,
I will work harder on the training.

You're being too harsh.

Xiao Yanzi was a commoner.

Don't set your bar
based on the rules in the palace.

You are wrong, Your Majesty.

Xiao Yanzi is now a Princess.

She will be greeted by
hundreds of officers soon.

She will soon process
to the Temple of Heaven...

and Yonghe Temple for prayers.

During these occasions,

if she makes a fool of herself,

won't Your Majesty be embarrassed?

Please be at ease, Father.

Neither should you worry,
Your Majesty.

I will surely learn
the rules as soon as possible...

to save Father from shame.

Great, Pearl Princess!

You are a bright girl.

I have granted Studio of
Cleansing Fragrance to Xiao Yanzi.

Starting tomorrow,
she need not stay with you anymore.

She can be independent now.

Yes, Your Majesty.

Thank you, Father.

"Studio of Cleansing Fragrance"

Ziwei, you must be worried sick.

Liu Qing and Liu Hong must be
looking for me everywhere too.

How should I inform you
about my current condition?

Everything is a mess now.

I am even more afraid
to tell them the truth now.

I feel like I have a wolf by the ears.

His Majesty decreed,

to grant Pearl Princess with
two servants, Mingyue and Caixia...

to be at your service!

His Majesty decreed,

to grant Pearl Princess
with 2 servants, Mingyue and Caixia...

to be at your service.

Respects to Pearl Princess.

Stand up.

Stand up!

Why would two fine girls
like you be servants?

Here comes His Majesty's decree!

His Majesty decreed,

to grant Pearl Princess with two
eunuchs, Xiao Dengzi and Xiao Duzi,


heels ['hi:lz] n. 高跟鞋(heel的复数);脚踝;残余料 v. 紧跟;给(鞋等)装跟(heel的三单形式) { :3056}

hurry [ˈhʌri] n. 匆忙,急忙 v. 仓促(做某事);催促;(朝某方向)迅速移动;迅速处理 n. (英)赫里(人名) {zk gk :3065}

ease [i:z] n. 轻松,舒适;安逸,悠闲 vt. 减轻,缓和;使安心 vi. 减轻,缓和;放松;灵活地移动 {gk cet4 cet6 ky ielts :3093}

swallow [ˈswɒləʊ] n. 燕子;一次吞咽的量 vt. 忍受;吞没 vi. 吞下;咽下 n. (Swallow)人名;(英)斯沃洛 {gk cet4 cet6 ky toefl ielts gre :3290}

greet [gri:t] vt. 欢迎,迎接;致敬,致意;映入眼帘 n. (Greet)人名;(英)格里特 {gk cet4 cet6 ky :3303}

greeted [ɡ'ri:tɪd] v. 迎接;问候;向…致敬(greet的过去式及过去分词形式) { :3303}

mess [mes] n. 混乱;食堂,伙食团;困境;脏乱的东西 vt. 弄乱,弄脏;毁坏;使就餐 vi. 把事情弄糟;制造脏乱;玩弄 n. (Mess)人名;(德、罗)梅斯 {gk cet4 cet6 ky ielts :3381}

temple [ˈtempl] n. 庙宇;寺院;神殿;太阳穴 n. (Temple)人名;(法)唐普勒;(英)坦普尔 {gk cet4 cet6 ky toefl ielts :3448}

harsh [hɑ:ʃ] adj. 严厉的;严酷的;刺耳的;粗糙的;刺目的 n. (Harsh)人名;(英)哈什 {cet4 cet6 ky toefl ielts gre :3471}

weird [wɪəd] n. (苏格兰)命运;预言 adj. 怪异的;不可思议的;超自然的 {ky toefl ielts gre :3632}

fool [fu:l] n. 傻瓜;愚人;受骗者 vt. 欺骗,愚弄 adj. 傻的 vi. 欺骗;开玩笑;戏弄 {gk cet4 ky :3660}

shame [ʃeɪm] n. 羞耻,羞愧;憾事,带来耻辱的人 vt. 使丢脸,使羞愧 n. (Shame)人名;(科特)沙梅 {zk gk cet4 cet6 ky :3668}

wolf [wʊlf] n. 狼;色狼;残忍贪婪之人 vt. 大吃;狼吞虎咽地吃 n. (Wolf)人名;(以、捷、芬、瑞典、德、匈、法、罗、荷、英)沃尔夫 {zk gk cet4 cet6 ky :4150}

embarrassed [ɪmˈbærəst] v. 使...困窘;使...局促不安(embarrass的过去分词形式) adj. 尴尬的;窘迫的 { :4601}

butts [bʌts] n. 短硬黄麻根纤维;臀部粪污毛;笑柄;粗端;大桶(butt的复数) v. 踩熄或捻熄香烟等;使邻接;平整圆木等的末端;顶撞(butt的三单形式) n. (Butts)人名;(英)巴茨 { :4657}

butt [bʌt] n. 屁股;烟头;笑柄;靶垛;粗大的一端 vt. 以头抵撞;碰撞 n. (Butt)人名;(英)巴特;(俄、德、印、巴基)布特 {cet6 toefl gre :4657}

courtesy [ˈkɜ:təsi] n. 礼貌;好意;恩惠 adj. 殷勤的;被承认的;出于礼节的 {cet6 ky ielts :5265}

torture [ˈtɔ:tʃə(r)] n. 折磨;拷问;歪曲 vt. 折磨;拷问;歪曲 {cet4 cet6 ky ielts gre :5272}

majesties [ˈmædʒistiz] n. 雄伟( majesty的名词复数 ); 庄严; 陛下; 王权 { :5294}

decree [dɪˈkri:] n. 法令;判决 vt. 命令;颁布;注定;判决 vi. 注定;发布命令 {cet6 toefl ielts gre :5485}

decreed [dɪ'kriːd] adj. 任命的 v. 颁布法令(decree的过去式) { :5485}

greetings [ɡ'ri:tɪŋz] n. 问候;打招呼;问候语(greeting的复数) { :6324}

martial [ˈmɑ:ʃl] adj. 军事的;战争的;尚武的 n. (Martial)人名;(法)马夏尔 {ielts gre :7965}

fragrance [ˈfreɪgrəns] n. 香味,芬芳 {toefl ielts gre :8174}

cleansing ['klenzɪŋ] n. 净化;洗清 adj. 清净的,有去污作用的 v. 清洗;使…纯洁(cleanse的ing形式) { :9672}

purposely [ˈpɜ:pəsli] adv. 故意地;蓄意地 { :12353}

empress [ˈemprəs] n. 皇后;女皇 { :13068}

consort [ˈkɒnsɔ:t] n. 配偶;伙伴 vt. 使结合;使联系 vi. 结交;陪伴;符合 n. (Consort)人名;(西)孔索尔特 {toefl gre :15878}

commoner [ˈkɒmənə(r)] n. 平民;自费学生;下议院议员 n. (Commoner)人名;(英)康芒纳 { :15906}

eunuchs ['ju:nəks] n. 太监,宦官( eunuch的名词复数 ) { :23847}

respects [risˈpekts] n. 方面(respect的复数);敬意;问候;关切 v. 尊敬,敬重;涉及(respect的第三人称单数);关心 { :1476}

catties ['kætɪ] a. 阴险的;狡猾的;如猫的 n. 斤(中国和一些东南亚国家使用的重量单位) n. (Catty)人名;(英、法)卡蒂

a fool [ ] [网络] 傻瓜;傻子;傻头傻脑

a mess [ ] [网络] 一团糟;混乱;乱七八糟

a princess [ ] [网络] 公主;一个公主;那公主呢

at ... ease [ ] na. 自由自在;=stand at ease. [网络] 稍息;安逸;舒适

at ease [æt i:z] na. 自由自在;=stand at ease. [网络] 稍息;安逸;舒适

be at ease [bi: æt i:z] [网络] 放心;定心;放心的样子

deserve to [ ] [网络] 值得;值得去做;配饰

have a wolf by the ears [ ] na. 骑虎难下 [网络] 进退两难;处于危急境地;杀一儆百

Her Majesty [ ] [网络] 女王陛下;女皇陛下;皇家

high heel [ ] n. 高跟鞋 [网络] 情迷高跟;鞋跟高度;超高高跟鞋

His Majesty [ ] n. 陛下 [网络] 国王陛下;泰王陛下;圣上

make a fool of [meik ə fu:l ɔv] na. 愚弄 [网络] 欺骗;出了洋相;捉弄

martial art [ˈmɑ:ʃəl ɑ:t] n. 武术 [网络] 武学艺术;技击艺术;武术英语翻译

martial arts [ ] n. 武术(指功夫、柔道、空手道等); 武术,技击( martial art的名词复数 ); 把式

respect to [ ] [网络] 尊敬;所提交公告相关於;应文天被尊为

tall hat [ ] [网络] 大礼帽;高顶帽;高帽子

Temple of Heaven [ ] n. 天坛 [网络] 如天坛;北京天坛;天坛公园

the princess [ ] [网络] 出逃的公主;摇摆公主;公主的抉择

the temple [ ] [网络] 圣殿;寺庙;神殿

the temple of heaven [ ] [网络] 天坛;天坛公园;京城旅游指南之天坛

weigh ... up [ ] na. 称量;称出;重得使另一头翘起来 [网络] 估量;掂量;衡量

weigh up [wei ʌp] na. 称量;称出;重得使另一头翘起来 [网络] 估量;掂量;衡量

Your Majesty [ ] na. 陛下;“Your/His/Her Majesty”的变体 [网络] 主公;尊敬的女王陛下;女王称陛下

his majesty decreed
respects to your majesty
your majesty

zk/中考 gk/中考 ky/考研 cet4/四级 cet6/六级 ielts/雅思 toefl/托福 gre/GRE
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