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Episode 6 4


████    重点词汇
████    难点词汇
████    生僻词
████    词组 & 惯用语

[学习本文需要基础词汇量:4,000 ]
[本次分析采用基础词汇量:4,000 ]

when it happened



monkey once again you have behaved

shamefully towards an innocent person

will you never learn but master your

arrogance is so great that it has

clouded your powers of reason be gone

from my sight all right then you must

remove this headband huh I cannot and

why not you know very well why our

patron goddess Quan Yin gave it to you

to wear so that when you were being

disobedient I could pronounce the spell

and tighten it until you promise to

behave yourself if you no longer want me

around then you should take it off

the goddess has put it there so I cannot

remove it

that must mean she wants me to stay with

you very well then so be it

you cursed fool why why don't you send

the goblins to lure the monkey away that

might just work can you do it



wait Oh No what now another rich monkey

uh no I just thought it was time to get

us some food

at last the monkey is out of my way

now's my chance that is possible

disguises quickly our prey awaits us oh

and that's for you to let us bring back

a couple of old friends shall we

and now for myself the most cunning of

all let may be in rogen sorry


I'm starved sure hope monkey brings us

back a real feast this is I come as a

messenger from a nearby temple whose

great teacher the Bodhisattva wishes to

speak with you and she will not take no

for an answer do you hear me no don't

even bother protesting or making excuses

for when the holy one calls you dare not

refuse why would we it'll be for you to

do not fear I will gladly come I am old

and the walk is long if you let me ride

your horse there I'll happily share this

fruit was your by all means take the

horse and we shall follow as the evil

which lured monkeys gullible companions

away monkey was forced to do battle with

the witches pesky minions


we're almost there it's not much further

it's remarkable I thought stone Valley

was a barren place but the countryside

around the temple is so lush here it is

the Bodhisattva waits you in the temple

may I be worthy of this most sacred

place doing this is a plan to lure me

away from my friends



welcome pilgrims I'm glad you have come

I have something to show you

which is that is correct but they are

not witches your companion the monkey

was attempting to deceive you but why

would he wish to deceive us he has not

the heart of a true pilgrim you should

banish that evil prancing little

creature from your sight forever

why have you shut the door old man who

so that you're not disturbed monkey this

is a sacred place behave yourself of

course I know where I am


monkey what are you doing

hurry tighten his headband before he

does any more damage goddess commence

the spell

regarde you evil sorceress


now you can see the place for what it is

not a temple but a witch's fortress

thanks to monkey the Jade which had been

defeated and the travelers could

continue their quest






quest [kwest] n. 追求;寻找 vt. 探索 vi. 追求;寻找 n. (Quest)人名;(德)奎斯特 {cet6 ky toefl ielts gre :4067}

prey [preɪ] n. 捕食;牺牲者;被捕食的动物 vi. 捕食;掠夺;折磨 n. (Prey)人名;(英、法)普雷;(德)普赖 {cet6 ky toefl ielts gre :4181}

tighten [ˈtaɪtn] vt. 变紧;使变紧 vi. 绷紧;变紧 {cet6 ielts :4294}

commence [kəˈmens] v. 开始;着手;<英>获得学位 {cet6 ky toefl ielts gre :4318}

uh [ʌh,ʌ] int. 嗯啊 abbr. 上半部分(upper half) n. (Uh)人名;(挪)乌赫 { :4478}

monkey [ˈmʌŋki] n. 猴子;顽童 vi. 胡闹;捣蛋 vt. 嘲弄 {zk gk cet4 ky :4558}

monkeys [ˈmʌŋkiz] n. 猴子(monkey的复数) v. 模仿(monkey的单三形式);胡闹,乱弄 { :4558}

worthy [ˈwɜ:ði] n. 杰出人物;知名人士 adj. 值得的;有价值的;配得上的,相称的;可尊敬的;应…的 n. (Worthy)人名;(英)沃西 {gk cet4 cet6 ky toefl :4663}

patron [ˈpeɪtrən] n. 赞助人;保护人;主顾 n. (Patron)人名;(英)佩特伦;(法、意、罗)帕特龙 {cet6 ky toefl ielts :4665}

pronounce [prəˈnaʊns] vt. 发音;宣判;断言 vi. 发音;作出判断 {zk gk cet4 cet6 ky :4948}

lured [ ] n. 诱惑;饵;诱惑物 vt. 诱惑;引诱 n. (Lure)人名;(英)卢尔 { :5288}

lure [lʊə(r)] n. 诱惑;饵;诱惑物 vt. 诱惑;引诱 n. (Lure)人名;(英)卢尔 {ky toefl ielts gre :5288}

witches [witʃiz] n. 女巫(witch的复数);魔女 v. 用魔法迷住(witch的第三人称单数) { :5294}

disguises [disˈɡaiziz] n. 伪装( disguise的名词复数 ); 伪装品 v. 假扮( disguise的第三人称单数 ); 化装; 伪装; 掩盖 { :5545}

applause [əˈplɔ:z] n. 欢呼,喝采;鼓掌欢迎 {cet4 cet6 ky gre :5599}

feast [fi:st] n. 筵席,宴会;节日 vt. 享受;款待,宴请 vi. 享受;参加宴会 {gk cet4 cet6 ky ielts :5626}

cursed [kɜ:st] v. 诅咒(curse的过去分词) adj. 被诅咒的 { :5761}

messenger [ˈmesɪndʒə(r)] n. 报信者,送信者;先驱 n. (Messenger)人名;(德)梅森格;(英)梅辛杰 {cet4 cet6 ky :6537}

goddess [ˈgɒdes] n. 女神,受崇拜的女性 {cet6 :6636}

lush [lʌʃ] adj. 丰富的,豪华的;苍翠繁茂的 vi. 喝酒 n. 酒;酒鬼 vt. 饮 n. (Lush)人名;(英)勒什 {gre :6765}

deceive [dɪˈsi:v] v. 欺骗;行骗 {cet4 cet6 ky toefl ielts :6916}

starved [s'tɑ:vd] adj. (等于starving)饥饿的 { :7450}

fortress [ˈfɔ:trəs] n. 堡垒;要塞 vt. 筑要塞;以要塞防守 {cet6 toefl :7786}

arrogance [ˈærəgəns] n. 自大;傲慢态度 {toefl gre :8202}

banish [ˈbænɪʃ] vt. 放逐;驱逐 n. (Banish)人名;(英)巴尼什 {toefl ielts gre :8588}

pilgrim [ˈpɪlgrɪm] n. 朝圣者;漫游者;(美)最初的移民 n. (Pilgrim)人名;(英、德)皮尔格林 vi. 去朝圣;漫游 {cet6 ky ielts gre :8758}

pilgrims ['pɪlɡrɪmz] n. 朝圣者;旅行者(pilgrim的复数) v. 去朝圣;漫游(pilgrim的三单形式) { :8758}

barren [ˈbærən] n. 荒地 adj. 贫瘠的;不生育的;无益的;沉闷无趣的;空洞的 n. (Barren)人名;(西、英)巴伦 {cet6 ky toefl ielts gre :8809}

goblins [ˈgɔblɪnz] n. 小妖精,丑妖精( goblin的名词复数 ) { :9434}

cunning [ˈkʌnɪŋ] n. 狡猾 adj. 狡猾的;巧妙的;可爱的 {cet4 cet6 ky toefl ielts gre :9717}

jade [dʒeɪd] n. 翡翠;[宝] 碧玉;老马 adj. 玉制的;绿玉色的 vt. 使疲倦 vi. 疲倦 n. (Jade)人名;(英)杰德;(法)雅德 {gre :10730}

gladly [ˈglædli] adv. 乐意地;高兴地;欢喜地 { :10981}

pesky [ˈpeski] n. (Pesky)人名;(罗)佩斯基 adj. 讨厌的;麻烦的 adv. 极端 {gre :16848}

headband [ˈhedbænd] n. 头巾;头饰带 { :17989}

gullible [ˈgʌləbl] adj. 易受骗的;轻信的 {gre :19667}

minions [ˈmɪnjənz] n. <贬>奴颜婢膝的仆从( minion的名词复数 ); 走狗; 宠儿; 受人崇拜者 { :20009}

yin [jɪn] n. (苏格兰)一个(等于one);中国思想里的“阴”(与“阳”相对);中国的殷代 adj. (苏格兰)一个的 pron. (苏格兰)一个 { :20545}

prancing [prænsɪŋ] v. 以后脚腾跃;欢腾(prance的ing形式) { :20998}

disobedient [ˌdɪsəˈbi:diənt] adj. 不服从的;违背的;不孝的 { :23499}

shamefully ['ʃeɪmfəlɪ] adv. 可耻地;不体面地 { :27697}

sorceress [ˈsɔ:sərəs] n. 女巫;女术士;女魔法师 { :30319}

Bodhisattva [ˌbɒdɪ'sɑ:tvə] n. 菩萨 { :43176}

quan [k'wɒn] n. 全(中国姓氏)

regarde [ ] [网络] 看

rogen [ ] [网络] 根岛;鱼卵

be worthy of [ ] [网络] 值得;配得上;对得起

behave yourself [biˈheiv jɔ:ˈself] un. 放规矩一点 [网络] 规矩点;请检点一点;行为规矩些

dare not [dɛə nɔt] [网络] 不敢;不敢当;敢不

Holy One [ ] na. 上帝;基督 [网络] 以色列的圣者;至圣者;神

make excuse [ ] [网络] 找借口;找藉口

sacred place [ ] [网络] 圣地;神圣的地方;神圣的处所

the countryside [ ] [网络] 乡村;农村;乡下

the evil [ ] [网络] 第三种人是恶人;邪魔

the Holy One [ ] na. 上帝 [网络] 圣洁的神;圣者;那圣者

the Monkey [ ] [网络] 猴子;西游记;猕猴猴趣

the temple [ ] [网络] 圣殿;寺庙;神殿

worthy of [ ] adj. 值得的 [网络] 名副其实的;配得上;值得……,配得上

you dare [ ] 不要, 不准

zk/中考 gk/中考 ky/考研 cet4/四级 cet6/六级 ielts/雅思 toefl/托福 gre/GRE
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