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Episode 6 1


████    重点词汇
████    难点词汇
████    生僻词
████    词组 & 惯用语

[学习本文需要基础词汇量:5,000 ]
[本次分析采用基础词汇量:4,000 ]



Tripitaka monkey pig Z and sandy were

unaware pilgrimage from China to India

in search of the sacred Scrolls of

wisdom one bright morning they came to

the banks of a deep and fast flowing

river that was so wide they could not

see the other side at the river's edge

there was a message carved into a stone

what's it say misty torrent River

well isn't that a poetic name come on

Pig Zi what does the rest say this river

is too dangerous to be crossed we have

no choice we must find a way to cross no

I don't think we should Master let's

walk along the banks maybe we'll find

help let's go everyone so you have to

run away from me

well someone's having a good time get

away from my children why'd you bring me

pardon our intrusion but we meant no


we're pilgrims on a journey to the West

in search of the books of wisdom ah then

you are welcome here we thank you for

your hospitality you must forgive me but

there is much fear in our little village

take the children inside please I

shouldn't even be in the yard here you

must be thirsty

thank you and now tell me what is it

that you're so afraid of for a long time

now the people who make their homes by

the river had been living in terror of a

creature known as the iron catfish but

who is this creature he's a magical fish

from the river he can change shape and

if he finds a child anywhere he'll turn

it into a fish crime of great

viciousness I say we put a stop to this

right now yes though you'll need to be

careful he sounds dangerous but pigs

you'll help me out won't you do you have

a plan sure we'll be disguised as these

kids and you'll see we'll be

irresistibly cute I get it we'll trick

the catfish and send them packing I want

to be the boy I'm the boy all right I'll

be the girl but I'd better not catch any

teasing change

I hope you made me cute enough I think

pixie needs a little help

poor girl I'll fix you right up hold

still and change as soon as night fell

monkey and ez went to the riverbank and

waited in disguise for the iron catfish

to appear though they hardly knew what

to expect


but suddenly just a few minutes later


you're not the famous iron catfish are

you what do you think our daddy and

mommy told us to stay away from you is

that so then what brings you out here we

came out here so we could capture you

then we'll be heroes so you better just

come along with us you have to surrender

to surrender to a boy I don't see how

you like this


do you think you can defeat me with that

well let's see

as they were ready to set out the next

day the pilgrim salt of the iron catfish

had frozen the river I'll go and test

the ice and see if it's safe for us to

cross that'd solve our problem if you

want a true test maybe I'd better try it

feels pretty solid all right oh yes we

can cross here couldn't break it if I

tried see now it's safe come on you too

nice is fine well then shall we be going

sandy it looked like the problem of how

to cross the river had been solved

we'll be over in no time under the ice

however the iron catfish was tracking

the pilgrims every step that says you

trusting fools it won't be long you just


pardon [ˈpɑ:dn] n. 原谅;赦免;宽恕 vt. 原谅;赦免;宽恕 n. (Pardon)人名;(德、法、捷)帕尔东 {zk gk :4052}

cute [kju:t] adj. 可爱的;漂亮的;聪明的,伶俐的 {ielts :4345}

monkey [ˈmʌŋki] n. 猴子;顽童 vi. 胡闹;捣蛋 vt. 嘲弄 {zk gk cet4 ky :4558}

unaware [ˌʌnəˈweə(r)] adj. 不知道的,无意的;未察觉到的 adv. 意外地;不知不觉地 { :4984}

surrender [səˈrendə(r)] n. 投降;放弃;交出;屈服 vt. 使投降;放弃;交出;听任 vi. 投降;屈服;自首 {cet4 cet6 ky toefl ielts gre :5024}

teasing ['ti:zɪŋ] n. 戏弄 { :5458}

disguise [dɪsˈgaɪz] n. 伪装;假装;用作伪装的东西 vt. 掩饰;假装;隐瞒 {cet4 cet6 ky ielts gre :5545}

disguised [disˈɡaizd] 伪装的 { :5545}

magical [ˈmædʒɪkl] adj. 魔术的;有魔力的 {toefl :5584}

hospitality [ˌhɒspɪˈtæləti] n. 好客;殷勤 {cet6 ky ielts :6053}

sandy [ˈsændi] adj. 沙地的;多沙的;含沙的 n. (Sandy)人名;(法、喀、罗、西、英)桑迪(教名Alasdair、Alastair、Alexander、Alister、Elshender的昵称) {cet4 cet6 toefl :6261}

poetic [pəʊˈetɪk] n. 诗学,诗论 adj. 诗的,诗歌的;诗意的;诗人的 { :6703}

intrusion [ɪnˈtru:ʒn] n. 侵入;闯入 {toefl :7694}

pilgrimage [ˈpɪlgrɪmɪdʒ] n. 漫游;朝圣之行 vi. 朝拜;漫游 { :8273}

catfish [ˈkætfɪʃ] n. 鲶鱼 { :8597}

pilgrim [ˈpɪlgrɪm] n. 朝圣者;漫游者;(美)最初的移民 n. (Pilgrim)人名;(英、德)皮尔格林 vi. 去朝圣;漫游 {cet6 ky ielts gre :8758}

pilgrims ['pɪlɡrɪmz] n. 朝圣者;旅行者(pilgrim的复数) v. 去朝圣;漫游(pilgrim的三单形式) { :8758}

mommy [ˈmɒmi] n. 妈咪 { :9690}

thirsty [ˈθɜ:sti] adj. 口渴的,口干的;渴望的,热望的 {zk gk :10308}

scrolls [skrəʊlz] n. 卷轴;目录(scroll的复数) v. 卷动(scroll的第三人称单数) { :10484}

misty [ˈmɪsti] adj. 模糊的;有雾的 n. (Misty)人名;(英)米斯蒂,米丝蒂(女名);(法)米斯蒂 { :11095}

torrent [ˈtɒrənt] n. 奔流;倾注;迸发;连续不断 n. (Torrent)人名;(法)托朗;(西)托伦特 {cet4 cet6 ky toefl ielts gre :11348}

riverbank [ˈrɪvəbæŋk] n. 河堤 { :14758}

irresistibly [ˌɪrɪ'zɪstəblɪ] adv. 无法抵抗地;不能压制地;极为诱惑人地 { :19856}

pixie [ˈpɪksi] adj. 调皮捣蛋的 n. 小精灵,小仙子 { :23634}

viciousness ['vɪʃəsnəs] n. 邪恶;恶意 { :27367}

ez [ ] n. (Ez)人名;(俄)叶兹 abbr. 电零点(electrical zero);东区(eastern zone)

tripitaka [,tripi'tɑ:kə] n. 三藏经(等于Pali Canon)

zi [,zi 'aɪ] abbr. 美国本土,后方地带(等于zone of interior)

afraid of [ ] un. 难;怕;害怕;不敢正视 [网络] 担心;对……害怕;害怕某事

be cross [ ] [网络] 易怒;感到不悦;和…交错的

be thirsty [ ] [网络] 口渴;口渴的;渴了

carve into [ ] 把…雕刻成

cross the river [ ] [网络] 过河;过江;渡河

dangerous to [ ] adj.对...有危险的

disguise as [ ] [网络] 扮作;改装;假扮

fast flow [ ] n.高流动性

fix you [ ] [网络] 填满你的心;牢记你;抚平你的创伤

forgive me [fəˈɡiv mi:] [网络] 原谅我;请原谅我;宽恕我

in disguise [ ] na. 假装的;伪装的 [网络] 乔装;假象;假扮

in search of [in sə:tʃ ɔv] na. 寻找;去找;追求;为了寻求 [网络] 为了寻找;搜索;查究

in terror [ ] [网络] 害怕地;处于恐惧状态;恐惧地

in terror of [ ] [口语] in holy terror of 非常害怕;对…胆战心惊

journey to the west [ ] [网络] 西游记;西行之旅;新版西游记

surrender to [ ] [网络] 投降;自首;向……投降

the famous [ ] [网络] 著名的;名人典范;成功启示录

the sacred [ ] [网络] 神圣;神圣的;神圣者

to cross [ ] [网络] 横穿;过;周游

to surrender [ ] [网络] 投降;投诚;交还土地协议

you are welcome [ju: ɑ: ˈwelkəm] un. 不客气 [网络] 不用谢;别客气;不用客气

zk/中考 gk/中考 ky/考研 cet4/四级 cet6/六级 ielts/雅思 toefl/托福 gre/GRE
* 词汇量测试建议用