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Episode 5 1


████    重点词汇
████    难点词汇
████    生僻词
████    词组 & 惯用语

[学习本文需要基础词汇量:4,000 ]
[本次分析采用基础词汇量:4,000 ]



as the wise monk Tripitaka continued his

westward quest for the books of wisdom

with his companions monkey pixie and

sandy they drew near to the legendary

temple of long life mountain there under

the shade of a thousand-year-old

mystical tree the emoto sage genuine

soon sat playing his heart while the

immortal sages heavenly music echoed

through the mountain air a single yellow

bird flew toward the temple and down to

the shady place where the sage sat




clear wind bright moon we await your

word master I have been honored with a

summons to fly to the Mellow Palace

where I am to take tea with the

celestial Buddha yes master

well I am with the Buddha you may expect

a visit from the holy monk Tripitaka to

whom you'll make an offering two fruits

from the ancient mystical tree is that

quite clear

yes master


Oh master let me help you the temple of

long-life mountain a most sacred place

my friends well I hate to say this but

it looks to me more like a place where

they just put on airs and pretend to be

holy do not be disrespectful

who cares what kind of place this is as

long as they have lots of food and are

generous to weary pilgrims it is not

food for the body among Sikhs biggsy but

food for the soul


ah oh are you the holy monk Tripitaka I

see that I am expected welcome please

you must come inside and rest for a




we have a private chamber where you may

pray in peace I would very much like to

do that

thank you the fifth door in the long

building behind us opens into a large

meditation room

may you be rewarded for your warm and

generous hospitality everything is

prepared right this way


ah if you are finished praying we have a

very special treat for you thank you but

I require nothing special don't refuse

until you see it my heart is most

grateful but I must decline

I'm quite sure he'll change his mind

once he sees the sacred fruit my master

who'll is to offer you two fruits from

the sacred tree

they can only be picked with the golden

staff aha here is your promised treat

Master fruit from the mystical tree are

they not beautiful huh

what is this I cannot accept this

offering I am not worthy to eat this but

it's just fruit see it's ripe it won't

hurt you I would not dream of touching

it you don't know what you're missing

and I'm sure you're famished please take

some I know you mean well but I must

refuse but you really should try it who

knows when you'll see fruit like this

again please honor my request well

that's the way you feel we'll take it

away what an awful waste I'll say hey

why don't we eat it ourselves monkey I'm

hungry would you give me some fruit from

that tree in the garden no I won't

because first of all that would be

stealing and second of all that sacred

fruit it's only for the holiest of

people I try to be holy there's a big

difference between trying to be holy and

being holy ping si are you saying you

won't pick me a piece of fruit because

I'm not good enough or are you afraid


Oh I'll do it for you but just this once

all right mm-hmm

you leave the call to staff and how on

earth would you know that I overheard


quest [kwest] n. 追求;寻找 vt. 探索 vi. 追求;寻找 n. (Quest)人名;(德)奎斯特 {cet6 ky toefl ielts gre :4067}

summons [ˈsʌmənz] n. 召唤;传票;传唤;召集 vt. 唤出;传到;传唤到法院 { :4505}

monkey [ˈmʌŋki] n. 猴子;顽童 vi. 胡闹;捣蛋 vt. 嘲弄 {zk gk cet4 ky :4558}

worthy [ˈwɜ:ði] n. 杰出人物;知名人士 adj. 值得的;有价值的;配得上的,相称的;可尊敬的;应…的 n. (Worthy)人名;(英)沃西 {gk cet4 cet6 ky toefl :4663}

monk [mʌŋk] n. 僧侣,修道士;和尚 n. (Monk)人名;(柬)蒙;(德、法、英)蒙克 {cet6 :4817}

legendary [ˈledʒəndri] adj. 传说的,传奇的 n. 传说集;圣徒传 {toefl :4997}

hospitality [ˌhɒspɪˈtæləti] n. 好客;殷勤 {cet6 ky ielts :6053}

ripe [raɪp] adj. 熟的,成熟的;时机成熟的 vt. 搜查;调查 vi. 进行搜查 n. (Ripe)人名;(意、瑞典)里佩 {gk cet4 cet6 ky toefl :6068}

meditation [ˌmedɪˈteɪʃn] n. 冥想;沉思,深思 {ky gre :6196}

sandy [ˈsændi] adj. 沙地的;多沙的;含沙的 n. (Sandy)人名;(法、喀、罗、西、英)桑迪(教名Alasdair、Alastair、Alexander、Alister、Elshender的昵称) {cet4 cet6 toefl :6261}

weary [ˈwɪəri] adj. 疲倦的;厌烦的;令人厌烦的 vt. 使疲倦;使厌烦 vi. 疲倦;厌烦 {cet4 cet6 ky toefl ielts gre :6761}

sages [seɪdʒz] abbr. 半自动地面防空系统(semi-automatic ground environment system) { :8214}

sage [seɪdʒ] n. 圣人;贤人;哲人 adj. 明智的;贤明的;审慎的 n. (Sage)人名;(日)三下(姓);(英)塞奇;(意)萨杰;(德)扎格;(法)萨热 {gre :8214}

mystical [ˈmɪstɪkl] adj. 神秘的;神秘主义的 { :8509}

overheard [ˌəʊvəˈhɜ:d] vt. (过去式)偶尔听到;无意中听到;偷听 { :8536}

pilgrims ['pɪlɡrɪmz] n. 朝圣者;旅行者(pilgrim的复数) v. 去朝圣;漫游(pilgrim的三单形式) { :8758}

celestial [səˈlestiəl] n. 神仙,天堂里的居民 adj. 天上的,天空的 {toefl gre :8813}

heavenly [ˈhevnli] adj. 天上的;神圣的;天国似的 adv. 无比;极其 {toefl :9350}

shady [ˈʃeɪdi] adj. 成荫的;阴暗的;名声不好的 n. (Shady)人名;(阿拉伯)沙迪 {cet4 cet6 ky :9404}

immortal [ɪˈmɔ:tl] n. 神仙;不朽人物 adj. 不朽的;神仙的;长生的 {cet6 toefl gre :11365}

westward ['westwəd] n. 西部;西方 adj. 向西的;西方的 adv. 向西 {cet4 cet6 :12556}

honored ['hɒnɔ:d] adj. 受尊敬的;已承兑或付款的 v. 荣幸(honor的过去分词) { :13385}

mellow [ˈmeləʊ] adj. 圆润的,柔和的;成熟的;芳醇的 vt. 使成熟;使柔和 vi. 成熟;变柔和 n. (Mellow)人名;(英)梅洛 { :13523}

disrespectful [ˌdɪsrɪ'spektfl] adj. 无礼的;失礼的;不尊敬的 {toefl :16085}

sikhs [si:ks] n. 印度锡克教徒( Sikh的名词复数 ) { :17141}

ping [pɪŋ] n. 子弹飞过空中的声音;[电子] 声脉冲 vi. 发出撞击声;砰地发声 n. (Ping)人名;(英、加蓬)平 { :19705}

Buddha [ˈbʊdə] n. 佛陀;佛像 { :22661}

famished [ˈfæmɪʃt] adj. 极饥饿的 v. 使饥饿(famish的过去式) { :23524}

pixie [ˈpɪksi] adj. 调皮捣蛋的 n. 小精灵,小仙子 { :23634}

SI [si:] abbr. 火花塞点火(Spark Ignition) { :30951}

fruit [fru:t] n. 水果;产物 vt. 使……结果实 vi. 结果实 n. (Fruit)人名;(法)弗吕;(英)弗鲁特 {zk gk ielts :1662}

long-life [lɔŋ laif] adj. 经过延长保质期处理的(牛奶等)

mm-hmm [ ] [网络] 嗯;嗯哼;恩

tripitaka [,tripi'tɑ:kə] n. 三藏经(等于Pali Canon)

bright moon [brait mu:n] [网络] 明月;皎洁的月亮;皓月

pretend to [priˈtend tu:] v. 假装;妄想 [网络] 假装做;自称具有;他总是装聋

pretend to be [priˈtend tu: bi:] [网络] 冒充;假装是;假充

quest for [ ] un. 寻找;设法找到 [网络] 追求;探索;寻求

reward for [riˈwɔ:d fɔ:] [网络] 酬谢;奖赏;因…而酬劳

sacred place [ ] [网络] 圣地;神圣的地方;神圣的处所

summon to [ ] [网络] 召唤

the ancient [ ] [网络] 古代;古代的名人;府古城缩影

the Buddha [ ] [网络] 炉香赞佛;佛陀;佛祖

the fifth [ ] [网络] 第五;五号;五度

the sacred [ ] [网络] 神圣;神圣的;神圣者

the shade [ ] 幽灵

the temple [ ] [网络] 圣殿;寺庙;神殿

the wise [ ] [网络] 智者;聪明人;睿智的

two fruit [ ] 双色水果

zk/中考 gk/中考 ky/考研 cet4/四级 cet6/六级 ielts/雅思 toefl/托福 gre/GRE
* 词汇量测试建议用