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Episode 2 4


████    重点词汇
████    难点词汇
████    生僻词
████    词组 & 惯用语

[学习本文需要基础词汇量:4,000 ]
[本次分析采用基础词汇量:4,000 ]

taken in
now just be mining forever kam Fung had

planned all along to steal the robe and

when the opportunity arose

he took it boldly he put on the stolen

robe that was reputed to have such great

powers sure don't look like much please

release me robe poor fella as long as he

continues to think evil thoughts the

robe will give him nothing but trouble

that's better

well that was unpleasant there's got to

be a way around this and I'll find it

then I can control my friends and

enemies alike the moments Kampong had

this evil thought the Rope tighten its

grip on him again but he had to have the

robe I know what I'll do I put it in a

safe place until I can figure out how to

use his powers safely


later that night kam Fong and his

henchmen met and hatched a plot to rid

themselves of Tripitaka and monkey now

in the dead of the night they made their

way stealthily to the temple where the

pilgrims they sleepy and prepare to burn

it to the ground but their plan was not

to succeed monkey ever alert heard the

whispering of the monks outside and

sense that something was up are they

both asleep proceed with the plan

start the fire now and send those

pilgrims on a journey from which they'll

never return the flames were quick to

climb the walls of the old temple but

monkey knew what the dual his first duty

was to protect the sleeping Tripitaka

once that was done James

monkey transformed himself into a nimble

groundhog and escaped the flames by

brewing under the earth but he needed a

higher vantage point whatever mind

kantha was sure the role would be his

once the pilgrims are gone but they more

than met the match in monkey

thought you were rid of me think again

and that was how monkey trolled the evil

monks from the temple but in the mean


unbeknownst to monkey and Kev Fung the

bear monster had snuck into the temple

and stolen the rolls you're gonna give

me back that robe the robe is mine you

can't have it


monkey could not let kin-fung carry out

his greedy plans the road was too

precious and too dangerous to let it

fall into the wrong hands

where I'll teach you to fool with me


but not quick enough


not as powerful as you thought


very good you've made your own little

Alan how helpful

victory is mine


we'd had finally undone cat bone he was

returned to his former state as a

cockroach look such is the fate of those

consumed by greed the temple monks were

set free from their servitude we're so

grateful you'll behave yourselves from

now on you hear it wasn't our fault can

fall had all of us in his power and it

was your weakness that allowed him to

hmm we still haven't found the role I am

certain the bear Monster has your robe

for while the great fire was burning

we saw him running through the flames to

cam fangs chamber yes he took the robe I

saw him do it

mm-hmm monkey it's drew I saw this bear

monster take the robe in my dream then I

shall get it back

Coutinho and so monkey went to find the






tighten [ˈtaɪtn] vt. 变紧;使变紧 vi. 绷紧;变紧 {cet6 ielts :4294}

alike [əˈlaɪk] adj. 相似的;相同的 adv. 以同样的方式;类似于 {gk cet4 cet6 ky toefl :4389}

monkey [ˈmʌŋki] n. 猴子;顽童 vi. 胡闹;捣蛋 vt. 嘲弄 {zk gk cet4 ky :4558}

unpleasant [ʌnˈpleznt] adj. 讨厌的;使人不愉快的 {gk cet4 cet6 :4722}

monks [mʌŋks] n. 修道士,僧侣(monk的复数) n. (Monks)人名;(英)蒙克斯 { :4817}

alert [əˈlɜ:t] n. 警戒,警惕;警报 adj. 警惕的,警觉的;留心的 vt. 警告;使警觉,使意识到 n. (Alert)人名;(西)阿莱尔特 {cet4 cet6 ky toefl gre :4966}

dual [ˈdju:əl] n. 双数;双数词 adj. 双的;双重的 n. (Dual)人名;(法)迪阿尔 {toefl ielts gre :5018}

robe [rəʊb] n. 长袍,礼服;制服 vi. 穿长袍 vt. 使穿长袍 n. (Robe)人名;(德、罗、塞)罗贝;(英、法)罗布 {cet4 cet6 ky gre :5241}

applause [əˈplɔ:z] n. 欢呼,喝采;鼓掌欢迎 {cet4 cet6 ky gre :5599}

undone [ʌnˈdʌn] v. 解开;消除(undo的过去分词) adj. 破灭的;未完成的;解开的 { :6417}

greed [gri:d] n. 贪婪,贪心 {cet6 :6753}

hatched ['hætʃt] v. 孵化;策划(hatch的过去分词形式) adj. 阴影线的 { :7365}

hmm [m] abbr. 隐马尔可夫模型(Hidden Markov Model);Hardware Maintenance Manual;Hyundai Merchant Marine { :7392}

sleepy [ˈsli:pi] adj. 欲睡的;困乏的;不活跃的 {zk gk cet4 cet6 ielts :7429}

greedy [ˈgri:di] adj. 贪婪的;贪吃的;渴望的 {gk cet4 cet6 ky toefl ielts :8585}

pilgrims ['pɪlɡrɪmz] n. 朝圣者;旅行者(pilgrim的复数) v. 去朝圣;漫游(pilgrim的三单形式) { :8758}

brewing ['bru:ɪŋ] n. 酿造;酝酿;计划 v. 酿造;策划阴谋(brew的ing形式) { :8972}

vantage ['vɑ:ntɪdʒ] n. 优势;有利情况 {toefl gre :9005}

boldly ['bəʊldlɪ] adv. 大胆地;冒失地;显眼地 { :9702}

fella ['felə(r)] n. 伙伴,伙计;小伙子 n. (Fella)人名;(德、意)费拉 { :10720}

trolled [trəʊl; trɒl] vt. 轮唱, 使转动;放声高唱;拖饵钓鱼 vi. 参加轮唱;宏亮地唱;拖饵钓鱼 n. 轮唱;钓鱼 n. (Troll)人名;(西)特罗利;(德、匈)特罗尔 { :11284}

reputed [rɪˈpju:tɪd] adj. 名誉好的;被普遍认为…的 v. 认为(repute的过去式和过去分词) {toefl :11412}

cam [kæm] n. 凸轮 n. (Cam)人名;(英、法、西)卡姆 { :13027}

Kev [kev] [医] 千电子伏特 { :13399}

cockroach [ˈkɒkrəʊtʃ] n. [昆] 蟑螂 { :13825}

fangs [fæŋz] n. [脊椎] 尖牙;[脊椎] 毒牙(fang的复数);物体的尖端 v. 用尖牙咬;配以尖牙般的东西(fang的三单形式) { :14276}

nimble [ˈnɪmbl] adj. 敏捷的;聪明的;敏感的 {toefl gre :14327}

servitude [ˈsɜ:vɪtju:d] n. 劳役,奴役;地役权;奴隶状态 {gre :18822}

henchmen ['hentʃmən] n. <贬>心腹,党羽,喽啰( henchman的名词复数 ) { :19778}

unbeknownst [ˌʌnbɪ'nəʊnst] adj. 不知的 adv. 不知地 { :19906}

groundhog [ˈgraʊndhɒg] n. 土拨鼠 { :21687}

stealthily ['stelθɪlɪ] adv. 暗地里 { :23808}

snuck [snʌk] 潜行( sneak的过去式和过去分词 ) { :46500}

coutinho [ ] [地名] [巴西] 科蒂纽

fong [ ] n. 方(姓氏)

fung [fʌŋ] n. 冯(中国姓氏英译名)

gonna [ˈgənə] abbr. (美)将要(等于going to)

kam [ ] n. 金(姓氏)

kampong [kɑ:m'pɒŋ] n. 部落

kantha [ ] [网络] 坎塔;坎沓;甘塔绣花

mm-hmm [ ] [网络] 嗯;嗯哼;恩

tripitaka [,tripi'tɑ:kə] n. 三藏经(等于Pali Canon)

A plot [ ] [网络] 阴谋;情节

be mine [ ] [网络] 我的人;属於我;你是我的

behave yourself [biˈheiv jɔ:ˈself] un. 放规矩一点 [网络] 规矩点;请检点一点;行为规矩些

climb the wall [ ] (不感兴趣或厌烦时)不顾一切急于要离开;(对某种情况)做出过于激动的反应,情绪过于激动;欣喜若狂;[俚语]

climb the walls [ ] [网络] 走投无路;厌烦透了;恨不得早点脱身

evil thoughts [ ] na. 邪念 [网络] 罪恶的思想;恶念;谁勾引我老婆

fool with [fu:l wið] na. 玩弄;“fool around with”的变体 [网络] 摆弄;乱摆弄;愚弄

hatch a plot [ ] na. 策划阴谋;搞阴谋 [网络] 暗中搞阴谋;策画阴谋

proceed with [ ] un. 开始;继续: [网络] 继续进行;继续做;开始做

rid of [ ] [网络] 摆脱;消除;使去掉

the evil [ ] [网络] 第三种人是恶人;邪魔

the fate of [ ] [网络] 命运

the robe [ ] [网络] 圣袍千秋;长袍;睡袍

the rope [ ] [网络] 绳子;绳索;一根绳子

the temple [ ] [网络] 圣殿;寺庙;神殿

to fool [ ] [网络] 愚弄;欺瞒;糊弄

to steal [ ] [网络] 偷;偷窃;偷去

to succeed [ ] [网络] 成功;获得成功;成功的欲望

vantage point [ˈvɑ:ntɪdʒ pɔɪnt] n. (观察事物的)有利地点;(尤指考虑旧时事物的)有利时刻 [网络] 刺杀据点;有利位置;有利地形

were rid of [ ] 摆脱

whisper of [ ] [网络] 泪之细语;天和海之间;绿蓑衣

zk/中考 gk/中考 ky/考研 cet4/四级 cet6/六级 ielts/雅思 toefl/托福 gre/GRE
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