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Episode 17 3


████    重点词汇
████    难点词汇
████    生僻词
████    词组 & 惯用语

[学习本文需要基础词汇量:5,000 ]
[本次分析采用基础词汇量:4,000 ]

as Tripitaka monkey eggsy and sandy
continued that journey to the west

they came to a peaceful country of green

pastures and rolling hills they did not

know it yet but this was the land of

women whose queen had heard legends of

their journey and was eager to meet them

I'm gonna have a drink of water Pig zu

shouldn't drink straight out of the

river it may not be safe I agree with

monkey why don't you wait until we come

to a well this water's fine and I'm

thirsty look master when Big Z takes a

drink he really takes a drink what if

that water is bad if it is you'll soon

have a stomachache

I wish you had then we could have

crossed it monkey has a point there's no

way for us to cross huh oh I see what

you mean master there's no bridge and

not a boat in sight maybe there's a

ferry on the far bank pig Z yell for a

boatman all right boat man come here

try again pixie is there a boat




woman notice my good looks if she

notices your good look she'll need to

have her eyes examined

greeting strangers I bid you welcome to

the land of women few men are allowed to

visit this land oh and why is that they

are not worthy but you for pilgrims are

worthy ah I see how do you know we're

pilgrims we didn't say who we are but

your exploits have made you famous Nancy

what's wrong all of a sudden I have a

strange feeling in my belly we tried to

warn you try to warn me about what about

drinking the river water that's what's

made your belly feel strange

oh it's not the water miss I didn't

drink that much the pig drink from the

river yes he sure did he's going to

regret that Oh

oh really yes there's something about

the river water that gives everyone who

drinks at indigestion

I mean bad indigestion it last for a

very long time sometimes even years oh I

should never have drunk from the river

and we told you so there's an inn up

ahead I'm sure you'll find someone there

who knows how to treat your companions


thank you you have been most kind and

I'll let the Queen know you're coming

now little friend go to the palace the

boat woman had been ordered to release

the bird when the pilgrims crossed the

river as it was trained to do the bird

flew to the Royal Palace

the queen of the land of women was

practicing her swordsmanship in the

palace garden when a servant came with

important news just arrived hmm then the

pilgrims will soon be at the end I must

go there captain of the guard prepare my

disguise right away your majesty your

majesty you're putting on a disguise why

I fear the pilgrims won't speak freely

around me if they know I'm Queen so I'll

fool them with the disguise that evening

the four companions arrived at the end

that the Bolton had told them about what

they did not know was that the Queen

disguised as a man was inside waiting to

meet them well here we are yes

I hope there's someone here who can help

pigs eat with his indigestion your


they're here good but remember not to

call me your majesty oh right honorable

sir the pilgrims are at the door fine

then show them in yes sir right away


we are pilgrims traveling to India and

will be staying at this Inn tonight and

I am a nobleman on a visit to the land

of women ah I see

we were told that few men are considered

worthy to enter the land of women so my

companions and I are glad to learn that

we are not the only male visitors in

this country have you been here long yes

I've had a lengthy stay and I must say

this is the first time I've met a man is

gracious and distinguished as you why

thank you good sir perhaps you can give

us a little advice you see my friend

pigs II drank water from the river that

runs near here we shouldn't and now I

suppose you have indigestion mm-hmm

that's right

well you can cure your indigestion if

you drink healing water from the well of

purity which isn't far from here but no

one can get near the well to draw that

water because there's an evil wizard who

guards it day and night I'm not afraid

of an evil wizard he's awfully powerful

no one in the land there's to face him


freely [ˈfri:li] adv. 自由地;免费地;大量地;慷慨地;直率地 {cet4 cet6 :4080}

monkey [ˈmʌŋki] n. 猴子;顽童 vi. 胡闹;捣蛋 vt. 嘲弄 {zk gk cet4 ky :4558}

cure [kjʊə(r)] n. 治疗;治愈;[临床] 疗法 vt. 治疗;治愈;使硫化;加工处理 vi. 治病;痊愈;受治疗;被硫化;被加工处理 n. (Cure)人名;(罗)库雷;(法)屈尔;(英)丘尔;(塞)楚雷 {gk cet4 cet6 ky toefl ielts :4579}

ferry [ˈferi] n. 渡船;摆渡;渡口 vt. (乘渡船)渡过;用渡船运送;空运 vi. 摆渡;来往行驶 n. (Ferry)人名;(法、德、英、印尼)费里 {gk cet6 ky toefl ielts gre :4590}

worthy [ˈwɜ:ði] n. 杰出人物;知名人士 adj. 值得的;有价值的;配得上的,相称的;可尊敬的;应…的 n. (Worthy)人名;(英)沃西 {gk cet4 cet6 ky toefl :4663}

lengthy [ˈleŋθi] adj. 漫长的,冗长的;啰唆的 {toefl :4985}

healing [ˈhi:lɪŋ] n. 康复 adj. 能治愈的 v. 治疗(heal的现在分词) {toefl :5157}

majesty [ˈmædʒəsti] n. 威严;最高权威,王权;雄伟;权威 {cet6 ky toefl :5294}

disguise [dɪsˈgaɪz] n. 伪装;假装;用作伪装的东西 vt. 掩饰;假装;隐瞒 {cet4 cet6 ky ielts gre :5545}

disguised [disˈɡaizd] 伪装的 { :5545}

pastures [ˈpɑ:stʃəz] 牧草 { :5749}

sandy [ˈsændi] adj. 沙地的;多沙的;含沙的 n. (Sandy)人名;(法、喀、罗、西、英)桑迪(教名Alasdair、Alastair、Alexander、Alister、Elshender的昵称) {cet4 cet6 toefl :6261}

greetings [ɡ'ri:tɪŋz] n. 问候;打招呼;问候语(greeting的复数) { :6324}

honorable ['ɒnərəbl] adj. 光荣的;可敬的;高贵的 {ky :7084}

purity [ˈpjʊərəti] n. [化学] 纯度;纯洁;纯净;纯粹 n. (Purity)人名;(肯)普丽蒂 {cet4 cet6 ielts gre :7137}

nancy ['nænsi] adj. 女性化的;同性恋的 n. 女性化的男人 { :7278}

hmm [m] abbr. 隐马尔可夫模型(Hidden Markov Model);Hardware Maintenance Manual;Hyundai Merchant Marine { :7392}

bolton ['bәultәn] a. 可用螺栓固定的 { :8080}

awfully [ˈɔ:fli] adv. 可怕地;十分;非常;很 {cet4 :8336}

gracious [ˈgreɪʃəs] adj. 亲切的;高尚的;和蔼的;雅致的 int. 天哪;哎呀 {cet4 cet6 ky toefl ielts gre :8538}

pilgrims ['pɪlɡrɪmz] n. 朝圣者;旅行者(pilgrim的复数) v. 去朝圣;漫游(pilgrim的三单形式) { :8758}

wizard [ˈwɪzəd] n. 男巫;术士;奇才;向导程序 adj. 男巫的;巫术的 { :9502}

traveling ['trævlɪŋ] adj. 旅行(用)的;移动的 v. 旅行(travel的现在分词形式) n. 走步(等于walking) {ielts :9505}

thirsty [ˈθɜ:sti] adj. 口渴的,口干的;渴望的,热望的 {zk gk :10308}

nobleman [ˈnəʊblmən] n. 贵族 { :15283}

boatman [ˈbəʊtmən] n. 船夫;出租船的人 n. (Boatman)人名;(英)博特曼 { :16965}

indigestion [ˌɪndɪˈdʒestʃən] n. 消化不良;不消化 {toefl :18856}

pixie [ˈpɪksi] adj. 调皮捣蛋的 n. 小精灵,小仙子 { :23634}

stomachache ['stʌməkeɪk] n. 腹痛,肚子痛;胃痛 {gk :25221}

zu [zu:] n. 巴比伦神话中的风雨神 { :43967}

gonna [ˈgənə] abbr. (美)将要(等于going to)

mm-hmm [ ] [网络] 嗯;嗯哼;恩

swordsmanship [ˈsɔ:dzmənʃɪp] n. 剑术;剑法

tripitaka [,tripi'tɑ:kə] n. 三藏经(等于Pali Canon)

a sudden [ ] [网络] 暴洪;一个突然

all of a sudden [ɔ:l ɔv ə ˈsʌdən] na. “all at once”的变体;突然 [网络] 突然地;惊变;忽然

disguise as [ ] [网络] 扮作;改装;假扮

distinguish as [ ] 因…而出名

have a stomachache [ ] [网络] 胃痛;肚子痛;肚子疼

of a sudden [ ] [网络] 蓦然;出乎意料

royal palace [ˈrɔiəl ˈpælis] un. 王宫 [网络] 皇宫;皇家宫殿;金边皇宫

the palace [ ] na. 宫廷显贵;水晶宫 [网络] 皇宫;宫殿;沙皇宫殿

water pig [ ] = capybara

Your Majesty [ ] na. 陛下;“Your/His/Her Majesty”的变体 [网络] 主公;尊敬的女王陛下;女王称陛下

zk/中考 gk/中考 ky/考研 cet4/四级 cet6/六级 ielts/雅思 toefl/托福 gre/GRE
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