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Episode 14 3


████    重点词汇
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████    词组 & 惯用语

[学习本文需要基础词汇量:5,000 ]
[本次分析采用基础词汇量:4,000 ]

Tripitaka and his companions had come to
a land where there was a crime to be a

monk monks were taken prisoner and

forced to become slaves Tripitaka

intended to see this unjust law changed

and had come before the king in order to

reason with him but it would not be easy

for Lord Fang Lord claw and Lord Horn

the royal advisors exercised a most evil

influence over the king Your Majesty I

have come to tell you of a great

injustice in your land Oh Your Majesty

this man is a criminal and should be

hauling logs instead of making

slanderous accusations all monks are


how dare he break our laws there's

nothing I can do and why not I can't

throw him in jail no matter what our

laws say for he was sent on his quest by

the Emperor of China we interfere with

him at our peril he says he was sent by

the Emperor but what proof do you have

has it occurred to you he might be lying

all months Elias are not to be

imprisoned according to the law

Magister your Chancellor I must oppose

this law justice will be served when the

monks are free will you listen to him or

us you both raise some good points I


don't know who's right and who's wrong

here but I know how to find out for you

see I like to decide upon tricky issues

by putting the two sides to a contest

you do I suggest a rain making contest

in rainmaking

but I cannot make rain don't you worry

about it master you don't know who

you're dealing with you're the one who

doesn't know who you're dealing with


the rainmaking contest took place in the

great square before the palace Lord Fang

was the first to attempt the challenge


boldly he stood at the top of a tower

summoning his forces to the task he

concentrated so long and so hard that

the pilgrims began to wonder if he was

bluffing when suddenly the heavens began

to darken and ascendant it sure looks

like he knows what he's doing

eggsy it'll appear that I'm still

standing next to but I'm gonna fly up

there and see what's going on a golden

bird who was really monkey few up above

the clouds with a lightning lizard the

Thunderbird and the rain mother dwelt

this Lord fangs wearing me out

celestial rain maker so why do you make

rain for the evil Lord Fang because he

said rain would be good for the kingdom

and that it would make it prosper and

grow exceedingly rich yeah that's what

he said yeah and he told us we were

being helpful he lied to you

his evil is destroying the kingdom we

didn't know he was evil who would dare

to lie to the rain mother we took him at

his word well now that you know the

truth will you help me defeat him huh

meanwhile Lord Fang carried on from atop

the tower


bring fun during rain he's just a big

board fan continue to bellow commands

and flail his arms but the clouds

dispersed and the sunlight returned Lord

Fang had never filled a train making

before what went wrong there's something

wrong with the tower it's too low if

that's the case then the monk will also

fail the contest will continue now

listen carefully as soon as I make this

signal with my magic staff you three are

to bring on the rain you got it yes yes

we will and back through monkey to slip

into his own fatigue

don't worry Lord Fang I don't think the

monk stands a chance well go on it's

your turn now

let's see if you can bring us some rain

go on it's your turn no monkey this

charade has gone on long enough

just trust me you're up master


Chiquita costarred was most impressive

though once up on the tower he had no

idea what to do but monkey did darken

the skies before the monkey comes up

here again


this not wasting any time

monkey sent the signal upwards to the

waiting fungal good good

if you're ready lightning lizard it's

time to do it okay time is right he is

all over me and the heavens rain down as

they had never rained before


it was much more than the king or his

advisers had bargained for and as

suddenly as they began the rain stopped

and the flood receded we have won the


quest [kwest] n. 追求;寻找 vt. 探索 vi. 追求;寻找 n. (Quest)人名;(德)奎斯特 {cet6 ky toefl ielts gre :4067}

upwards [ˈʌpwədz] adv. 向上;在上部;向上游 {cet4 cet6 :4086}

hauling ['həʊlɪŋ] n. [交] 牵引;搬运;拖运 v. 拖;搬运;使降落(haul的ing形式) { :4191}

summoning [ˈsʌmənɪŋ] n. 召唤 v. 召唤;召集(summon的ing形式) { :4505}

monkey [ˈmʌŋki] n. 猴子;顽童 vi. 胡闹;捣蛋 vt. 嘲弄 {zk gk cet4 ky :4558}

lightning [ˈlaɪtnɪŋ] adj. 闪电的;快速的 n. 闪电 vi. 闪电 {gk cet4 cet6 ky :4562}

atop [əˈtɒp] prep. 在…的顶上 adv. 在顶上 { :4600}

fatigue [fəˈti:g] n. 疲劳,疲乏;杂役 adj. 疲劳的 vt. 使疲劳;使心智衰弱 vi. 疲劳 {cet4 cet6 ky toefl ielts gre :4806}

monk [mʌŋk] n. 僧侣,修道士;和尚 n. (Monk)人名;(柬)蒙;(德、法、英)蒙克 {cet6 :4817}

monks [mʌŋks] n. 修道士,僧侣(monk的复数) n. (Monks)人名;(英)蒙克斯 { :4817}

accusations [ˌækju:ˈzeɪʃənz] n. 指责( accusation的名词复数 ); 指控; 控告; (被告发、控告的)罪名 { :4870}

bargained [ˈbɑ:ɡind] v. 讨价还价,商谈( bargain的过去式和过去分词 ); 提出条件,要求得到 { :4926}

majesty [ˈmædʒəsti] n. 威严;最高权威,王权;雄伟;权威 {cet6 ky toefl :5294}

advisors [ædˈvaɪzəz] n. 顾问,劝告者( advisor的名词复数 ); <美>(指导大学新生学科问题等的)指导教授 { :5896}

dispersed [dɪ'spɜ:st] v. 分散;传播(disperse的过去分词) adj. 散布的;被分散的;被驱散的 { :5981}

injustice [ɪnˈdʒʌstɪs] n. 不公正;不讲道义 {toefl :6053}

tricky [ˈtrɪki] adj. 狡猾的;机警的 { :6391}

imprisoned [ɪmˈprɪzənd] v. 下狱, 监禁( imprison的过去式和过去分词 ) { :6445}

claw [klɔ:] n. 爪;螯,钳;爪形器具 vi. 用爪抓(或挖) vt. 用爪抓(或挖) {gk cet4 cet6 ky toefl :6934}

dwelt [dwelt] v. 居住;老是想着(dwell的过去分词) { :7180}

peril [ˈperəl] n. 危险;冒险 vt. 危及;置…于险境 {cet6 toefl ielts gre :7617}

receded [riˈsi:did] vi. 后退;减弱 vt. 归还 { :7675}

lizard [ˈlɪzəd] n. 蜥蜴;类蜥蜴爬行动物 n. (Lizard)人名;(法)利扎尔 {toefl :7802}

bluffing [blʌʃ] n. 褶边装置;诈骗;唬弄 v. 欺骗;吓唬(bluff的现在分词) { :7842}

prosper [ˈprɒspə(r)] vi. 繁荣,昌盛;成功 vt. 使……成功;使……昌盛;使……繁荣 n. (Prosper)人名;(英、德、罗、法)普罗斯珀 {ky toefl :8251}

darken [ˈdɑ:kən] vt. 使变暗;使模糊 vi. 变黑;变得模糊 { :8464}

pilgrims ['pɪlɡrɪmz] n. 朝圣者;旅行者(pilgrim的复数) v. 去朝圣;漫游(pilgrim的三单形式) { :8758}

celestial [səˈlestiəl] n. 神仙,天堂里的居民 adj. 天上的,天空的 {toefl gre :8813}

exceedingly [ɪkˈsi:dɪŋli] adv. 非常;极其;极度地;极端 {cet4 cet6 ky ielts :9520}

boldly ['bəʊldlɪ] adv. 大胆地;冒失地;显眼地 { :9702}

unjust [ˌʌnˈdʒʌst] adj. 不公平的,不公正的;非正义的 {cet4 cet6 :9703}

bellow [ˈbeləʊ] n. 吼叫声;轰鸣声 vi. 吼叫;怒吼;咆哮 vt. 大声喊叫;大声发出 n. (Bellow)人名;(英)贝洛 { :10691}

fungal [ˈfʌŋgl] adj. 真菌的(等于fungous) { :12482}

flail [fleɪl] n. 连枷(打谷物用的工具) vt. 打;用连枷打 vi. 打;用连枷打 {gre :12868}

fang [fæŋ] n. (犬,狼等的)尖牙;[解剖] 牙根;(毒蛇的)毒牙;尖端 vt. 灌水引动(水泵) n. (Fang)人名;(中)方 (广东话·威妥玛);(瑞典)丰 {gre :14276}

fangs [fæŋz] n. [脊椎] 尖牙;[脊椎] 毒牙(fang的复数);物体的尖端 v. 用尖牙咬;配以尖牙般的东西(fang的三单形式) { :14276}

elias [i'laiәs] n. 伊莱亚斯(希伯来先知, 等于Elijah) { :17238}

charade [ʃəˈrɑ:d] n. 看手势猜字谜游戏 n. (Charade)人名;(阿拉伯)谢拉德 {gre :18388}

ascendant [əˈsendənt] n. 优势;运星;支配地位 adj. 上升的;优越的 { :23793}

thunderbird [ˈθʌndəbə:d] n. 雷鸟(北美印第安人神话中兴起雷雨的巨鸟) { :24779}

slanderous ['slɑ:ndərəs] adj. 诽谤的;诽谤性的;中伤的 {gre :32262}

magister [mə'dʒɪstə] n. 古罗马或中世纪的教师 { :43675}

rain [reɪn] n. 雨;下雨;雨天;雨季 vt. 大量地给;使大量落下 vi. 下雨;降雨 n. (Rain)人名;(法)兰;(英)雷恩;(罗、捷)赖恩 {zk gk :1491}

chiquita [tʃiˈki:tə] n. 彻姬塔(f.)

costarred [kəuˈstɑ:d] v. 合演( costar的过去式和过去分词 )

gonna [ˈgənə] abbr. (美)将要(等于going to)

rainmaking ['reɪnˌmeɪkɪŋ] n. 借人工方法或法术造雨

tripitaka [,tripi'tɑ:kə] n. 三藏经(等于Pali Canon)

at our peril [ ] prep.承担风险,自负后果

bargain for [ˈbɑ:ɡin fɔ:] 为购买(某物)讨价还价; 料到,考虑到(某情况); 预料

haul logs [ ] un. 拖运木材

how dare [ ] [网络] 怎么敢;这还了得;你怎敢

in jail [ ] [网络] 投入监狱;在狱中服刑;坐牢

interfere with [ˌɪntəˈfiə wið] 干扰,干涉;妨碍;触动或弄坏;乱动;与……抵触

rain down [rein daun] v. 如雨般落下;如雨般顺着…流下 [网络] 降下你恩雨;大量降下;象雨点般落下

rain maker [ ] 人工降雨设备

rain making [ ] 人工降雨

take prisoner [ ] na. 俘虏(某人) [网络] 同本义

the cloud [ ] [网络] 云朵;云端;电脑云

the emperor [ðə ˈempərə] [网络] 皇帝;皇家驿栈;国王

the evil [ ] [网络] 第三种人是恶人;邪魔

the Flood [ ] na. (旧约创世纪中所载)挪亚 遭逢的大洪水 [网络] 水灾;惊涛骇浪;洪魔

the heaven [ ] [网络] 天公;天堂;天堂原理正片

the Monkey [ ] [网络] 猴子;西游记;猕猴猴趣

the palace [ ] na. 宫廷显贵;水晶宫 [网络] 皇宫;宫殿;沙皇宫殿

the tower [ ] na. 伦敦塔 [网络] 高塔;钟楼;塔楼

to slip [ ] [网络] 滑移;外衣;滑倒

unjust law [ ] [网络] 非正义的法律

Your Majesty [ ] na. 陛下;“Your/His/Her Majesty”的变体 [网络] 主公;尊敬的女王陛下;女王称陛下

zk/中考 gk/中考 ky/考研 cet4/四级 cet6/六级 ielts/雅思 toefl/托福 gre/GRE
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