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Episode 11 4


████    重点词汇
████    难点词汇
████    生僻词
████    词组 & 惯用语

[学习本文需要基础词汇量:5,000 ]
[本次分析采用基础词汇量:4,000 ]

follow me no sign of him
but he has to be here I heard that

splash and I saw him I see something oh

yes it's monkey come on wake up wake up

don't you play with me what's wrong with

a monkey did not appear to be touched -

sandy he took his unconscious friend to

the shore maybe he's under a sleeping

spell of some kind if he's just out cold

from his fall he should wake up pretty

soon sandy and pixie was so concerned

about monkey but they were unaware they

had attracted a curious onlooker come on

it was to no avail

hey what's wrong with him why doesn't he

wake up it has to be a sleeping spell

sandy the two friends were crushed

sleeping spells could last for years

how could they carry on without monkey


trouble sandy what do we do now we can't

possibly finish our quest without monkey

with us he was the finest companion and

oldest warrior I've ever known Big Z we

never appreciated him as we ought to

when we had my stomach you're all right

I guess if you want to find out who your

friends are you got to fake a sleep

spell but good yeah you little monkey we

still have to find a way to free

Tripitaka right maybe we should call on

kuan-yin I'll go okay

you know where to find her Big Z swore

he could find her which interested a

certain onlooker very much I guess

you're not important enough to risk a

overheard the pig say he's going to get

caught here to help rescue the monk I'm

so worried but first things he had to

find kuan-yin I have a feeling she's

around here somewhere

sure enough the goddess kuan-yin the

pilgrims patron sent meditating at the

bottom of a rocky gorge pigs he floated

down before the great goddess who is now

their best hope in this time of

desperate need this is an unexpected

pleasure what brings you here pilgrim

noble goddess Tripitaka is the prisoner

of the Scarlet scamp and why didn't

monkey prevent such a dreadful thing

from happening it should have been easy

he tried as hard as he could but the

scamp used trickery yet monkey too has

trickery but there's a difference

between short curry and outright

cheating the scamp is just too clever

well if he's too clever for you then

there's nothing I can do do what then

the pilgrimage is to end if you're not

able to match wits with a small boy then

the pilgrimage must end yeah you're

testing me oh come on

eggsy show courage I won't give in to

despair and I know we can set your

attacker free if only we had a little

help from you that's the spirit Pig Zee

now lead the way with the goddess Quan

Yin by his side

ping Zhi was sure that victory was close

at hand in you go yeah can't we rest


move it you Pig she's been gone a little

too long for my liking I'll go check the

cave and that's exactly where pixie was

no please goddess can't you do something

why are you just standing there


you think you're pretty clever don't you

monkey landed at the sealed entrance of

firecloud cave he needed to find another

way in change the Scarlet scamp wasn't

the only one good at using disguises a

tiny crack in the cave wall was all that

monkey needed master I was sure I was

helping by bringing Quan Yin here but

instead I've gotten myself captured and

let everyone down monkey shall find a

way to get us out of here he'll never

get into the cave unless he turns

himself into something tiny like a bee

or a mosquito or a fly hmm didn't I tell

you master Arius now there's no end to

his ingenuity I'm afraid of spiders but

not today

any minute now he'll announce himself


yeah I knew there was a reason to be

scared of spiders meet you yeah that

hurt poor pixie

spiders at bees what is this a torture

chamber relax

pingzhi it's only me master orchids


don't worry I'll have you out of here in

no time and off monkey went to deal with

the Scarlet scamp monkey knew that he

had to free his companions and that no

child no matter how powerful was going

to stop them and their journey to the






sealed [si:ld] v. 封闭;盖印(seal的过去分词) adj. 密封的;未知的 { :4021}

quest [kwest] n. 追求;寻找 vt. 探索 vi. 追求;寻找 n. (Quest)人名;(德)奎斯特 {cet6 ky toefl ielts gre :4067}

bee [bi:] n. 蜜蜂,蜂;勤劳的人 n. (Bee)人名;(赤几)贝埃;(东南亚国家华语)美;(英)比(女子教名Beatrix和Beatrice的昵称) {zk gk cet4 ky :4247}

bees ['bi:z] n. [蜂] 蜜蜂(bee的复数) { :4247}

crushed [krʌʃt] v. 压碎(crush的过去分词) adj. 压碎的,倒碎的 { :4311}

cheating [tʃi:tɪŋ] n. 行骗,欺骗行为 adj. 欺骗的 { :4369}

monkey [ˈmʌŋki] n. 猴子;顽童 vi. 胡闹;捣蛋 vt. 嘲弄 {zk gk cet4 ky :4558}

dreadful [ˈdredfl] adj. 可怕的;糟透的,令人不快的 {cet6 toefl ielts :4571}

patron [ˈpeɪtrən] n. 赞助人;保护人;主顾 n. (Patron)人名;(英)佩特伦;(法、意、罗)帕特龙 {cet6 ky toefl ielts :4665}

despair [dɪˈspeə(r)] n. 绝望;令人绝望的人或事 vi. 绝望,丧失信心 {cet4 cet6 ky ielts :4747}

noble [ˈnəʊbl] adj. 高尚的;贵族的;惰性的;宏伟的 n. 贵族 vt. 抓住;逮捕 n. (Noble)人名;(英、法、意)诺布尔;(西)诺夫莱;(阿拉伯)努布莱 {gk cet4 cet6 ky ielts :4808}

monk [mʌŋk] n. 僧侣,修道士;和尚 n. (Monk)人名;(柬)蒙;(德、法、英)蒙克 {cet6 :4817}

unaware [ˌʌnəˈweə(r)] adj. 不知道的,无意的;未察觉到的 adv. 意外地;不知不觉地 { :4984}

wits [wɪts] n. 机智,智慧 n. (Wits)人名;(荷)维茨 { :5013}

unconscious [ʌnˈkɒnʃəs] adj. 无意识的;失去知觉的;不省人事的;未发觉的 {gk cet4 cet6 toefl ielts gre :5026}

fake [feɪk] n. 假货;骗子;假动作 adj. 伪造的 vt. 捏造;假装…的样子 vi. 假装;做假动作 n. (Fake)人名;(英)费克 {cet6 ky toefl ielts gre :5098}

torture [ˈtɔ:tʃə(r)] n. 折磨;拷问;歪曲 vt. 折磨;拷问;歪曲 {cet4 cet6 ky ielts gre :5272}

disguises [disˈɡaiziz] n. 伪装( disguise的名词复数 ); 伪装品 v. 假扮( disguise的第三人称单数 ); 化装; 伪装; 掩盖 { :5545}

rocky [ˈrɒki] adj. 岩石的,多岩石的;坚如岩石的;摇晃的;头晕目眩的 {toefl :5549}

spiders [s'paɪdəz] n. [无脊椎] 蜘蛛;网页爬虫;蜘蛛布(spider复数) { :5555}

applause [əˈplɔ:z] n. 欢呼,喝采;鼓掌欢迎 {cet4 cet6 ky gre :5599}

mosquito [məˈski:təʊ] n. 蚊子 {gk cet4 cet6 ky ielts gre :5667}

attacker [əˈtækə(r)] n. 攻击者;进攻者 { :6197}

sandy [ˈsændi] adj. 沙地的;多沙的;含沙的 n. (Sandy)人名;(法、喀、罗、西、英)桑迪(教名Alasdair、Alastair、Alexander、Alister、Elshender的昵称) {cet4 cet6 toefl :6261}

splash [splæʃ] n. 飞溅的水;污点;卖弄 vt. 溅,泼;用...使液体飞溅 vi. 溅湿;溅开 {cet4 cet6 ky toefl ielts :6624}

goddess [ˈgɒdes] n. 女神,受崇拜的女性 {cet6 :6636}

scarlet [ˈskɑ:lət] n. 猩红色;红衣;绯红色;鲜红色布 adj. 深红的;鲜红色的;罪孽深重的;淫荡的 n. (Scarlet)人名;(英)斯卡利特;(罗)斯卡尔莱特 {cet6 toefl :7155}

hmm [m] abbr. 隐马尔可夫模型(Hidden Markov Model);Hardware Maintenance Manual;Hyundai Merchant Marine { :7392}

pilgrimage [ˈpɪlgrɪmɪdʒ] n. 漫游;朝圣之行 vi. 朝拜;漫游 { :8273}

overheard [ˌəʊvəˈhɜ:d] vt. (过去式)偶尔听到;无意中听到;偷听 { :8536}

curry [ˈkʌri] n. 咖哩粉,咖喱;咖哩饭菜 vt. 用咖喱烧,给…加咖喱粉;梳刷;鞭打 { :8658}

pilgrim [ˈpɪlgrɪm] n. 朝圣者;漫游者;(美)最初的移民 n. (Pilgrim)人名;(英、德)皮尔格林 vi. 去朝圣;漫游 {cet6 ky ielts gre :8758}

pilgrims ['pɪlɡrɪmz] n. 朝圣者;旅行者(pilgrim的复数) v. 去朝圣;漫游(pilgrim的三单形式) { :8758}

outright [ˈaʊtraɪt] adv. 全部地;立刻地;率直地;一直向前;痛快地 adj. 完全的,彻底的;直率的;总共的 {toefl ielts :8853}

orchids [ˈɔ:kɪdz] n. 兰花( orchid的名词复数 ) { :9332}

ingenuity [ˌɪndʒəˈnju:əti] n. 心灵手巧,独创性;精巧;精巧的装置 n. 西门子公司将其品牌宣言“Ingenuity for life” 诠释为“博大精深 同心致远” {cet6 gre :9822}

gorge [gɔ:dʒ] n. 峡谷;胃;暴食;咽喉;障碍物 vt. 使吃饱;吞下;使扩张 vi. 拚命吃;狼吞虎咽 n. (Gorge)人名;(西)戈赫;(法)戈尔热 {toefl gre :10137}

onlooker [ˈɒnlʊkə(r)] n. 旁观者;观众(等于spectator) {ielts :11544}

meditating ['medɪteɪtɪŋ] v. 深思,沉思,冥想( meditate的现在分词 ); 内心策划,考虑 { :12380}

avail [əˈveɪl] vi. 有益于,有益于;使对某人有利。 vt. 有益于,有益于;使对某人有利。 n. 效用,利益 {cet6 ky ielts :13705}

ping [pɪŋ] n. 子弹飞过空中的声音;[电子] 声脉冲 vi. 发出撞击声;砰地发声 n. (Ping)人名;(英、加蓬)平 { :19705}

yin [jɪn] n. (苏格兰)一个(等于one);中国思想里的“阴”(与“阳”相对);中国的殷代 adj. (苏格兰)一个的 pron. (苏格兰)一个 { :20545}

trickery [ˈtrɪkəri] n. 欺骗;诡计;奸计 {gre :20669}

zee [ ziː] n. (美)英语字母Z和z;Z形物 n. (Zee)人名;(中)徐(广东话·威妥玛) { :23432}

pixie [ˈpɪksi] adj. 调皮捣蛋的 n. 小精灵,小仙子 { :23634}

scamp [skæmp] n. 流氓;(昵称)顽皮的家伙 vt. 草率地做,对…草率行事 vi. 为人吝啬;节俭 { :29540}

Arius ['εəriəs] n. 阿里乌(四世纪希腊神学家)

kuan-yin [ ] [网络] 观音;贴切地适用於中国观音;贴切地适用于中国观音

quan [k'wɒn] n. 全(中国姓氏)

tripitaka [,tripi'tɑ:kə] n. 三藏经(等于Pali Canon)

zhi [ ] 只(汉语拼音)

a monkey [ ] [网络] 猴子;一只猴子;他们看到了什么

entrance of [ ] [网络] 的入口

great goddess [ ] [网络] 伟大女神

little monkey [ ] [网络] 小猴子;小猴子下山;得到猴子

no avail [ ] [网络] 没有作用的

scare of [ ] vt.害怕

the great goddess [ ] [网络] 大女神;称大女神;伟大的女神啊

the seal [ ] [网络] 海豹;密封;印鉴

the shore [ ] [网络] 海岸;海滩;海岸图片

tiny crack [ ] un. 发裂;微裂纹;微裂缝;发纹 [网络] 毛细裂纹

to fake [ ] [网络] 作假;造假;做假动作

to no avail [tu: nəu əˈveil] na. 无益;“to/of no avail”的变体 [网络] 毫无效果;完全无用;没有用

too clever [ ] [网络] 太聪明了

wake up [weik ʌp] na. 同“wake”;叫醒;醒来;振作起来 [网络] 唤醒;起床;醒醒

zk/中考 gk/中考 ky/考研 cet4/四级 cet6/六级 ielts/雅思 toefl/托福 gre/GRE
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