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Episode 10 4


████    重点词汇
████    难点词汇
████    生僻词
████    词组 & 惯用语

[学习本文需要基础词汇量:5,000 ]
[本次分析采用基础词汇量:4,000 ]

yourself we seek no reward that's right
your majesty no need to worry about us

we're here to help you we have to find

you some peasants clothing so we could

sneak you into the palace tomorrow but

why must I dress like a peasant when I'm

the king that humble act will help you

regain your rightful place on the throne

I shall do whatever is required of me Oh

pigs II bring me the wooden statue on

the floor inside gotcha

now listen to me spy tomorrow the king

will have visitors the great Tripitaka

and his companions yes yes anything else

oh how do you know he'll do what you say

cuz he's under my control now go tell

the king and our flu the spy servant to

the sorcerer again the next day

to announce to all the loyal subjects of

the king of wuji that a very special

visitor was to be expected at the palace

a great celebration was being prepared

but in his throne the sorcerer king was

playing a very different tune our

visitor is a dangerous criminal hide

yourselves and await my command the four

companions slowly made their way up the

steps to the palace along with them what

a most humble looking individual dressed

as an ordinary peasant at the main gate

they were announced the monk Tripitaka

and his disciples pay homage to your

exalted majesty

tell me truthfully what have you come

for we've come to bow before the true

king of Wu ji then tell me why are you

carrying hidden weapons we are not we

come in peace you're armed to the teeth

and you've come in hopes of attacking me

haven't you

your majesty we wish no such theme why

so suspicious have you something to hide

intolerable insolence guards seize them






the time has come to reveal the truth

behold and to the astonishment of all

diggsy and Sandee removed the peasant

cloak to reveal the true peon what are

you waiting for step forward and reclaim

your rightful throne

I command you to throw off that disguise

and to show yourself as the evil

sorcerer who betrayed me listen to a

rant What nonsense

he's just an unlettered peasant with a

burning desire to take over my throne

we'll just see who's burning shall we


monkey gave chase to the evil sorcerer

who had flown off to the garden where he

assumed his true shape the monkey had

fought with many an evil opponent but

this sorceress truly fierce and it took

all of lucky strength to fend off his



now it was PCs turn to fight lucky was

just getting ready to capture the

sorcerer with suddenly monkey leave him


it was the Lotus Buddha great Buddha I

must punish this evil sorcerer no you

don't know who he really is the Lotus

Buddha then Shan a great light upon the


turn him into a lion moon he may be one

of the fabled celestial lions but he

must be punished for what he's done on

earth it's true that he escaped the

celestial Empire and came to earth with

the sole purpose of doing mischief and I

shall punish you it's not exactly

mischief to steal the throne of a

kingdom and lock its rightful king in a

well I shall teach him to change if you

just give me a chance I'll teach him in

a way he won't forget perhaps you are

more in need of teaching than he may be

you don't know how well I wield my staff

maybe you scorn my wisdom I'm sorry of

course not Great Buddha take your lion

and do with him what you will and once

again a great celebration was proclaimed

in the land of Wu ji but this time it

was truly to mark an occasion of great

joy for the rightful king was restored

and now he longed to show his thanks to

Tripitaka and his companions and to his

loyal and steadfast son father the

celebration is about to begin but no one

can find the four pilgrims they could

not wait here any longer for their quest


they are journeying west to find the

books of wisdom he's a noble quest my

son so I must be joyful that they are on

their way

happiness had returned to the kingdom of

Wu ji and the four companions were free

to turn their steps once again in the

direction of the Setting Sun every land

through which they had passed had been

changed for the better to what strange

adventure was the dying Sun leading them





quest [kwest] n. 追求;寻找 vt. 探索 vi. 追求;寻找 n. (Quest)人名;(德)奎斯特 {cet6 ky toefl ielts gre :4067}

nonsense [ˈnɒnsns] n. 胡说;废话 adj. 荒谬的 int. 胡说! {cet4 cet6 ky toefl :4088}

bow [bəʊ] n. 弓;鞠躬;船首 adj. 弯曲的 vi. 鞠躬;弯腰 vt. 鞠躬;弯腰 n. (Bow)人名;(东南亚国家华语)茂;(英)鲍 {gk cet4 cet6 ky toefl :4098}

proclaimed [prəˈkleimd] 公告 { :4454}

loyal [ˈlɔɪəl] adj. 忠诚的,忠心的;忠贞的 n. 效忠的臣民;忠实信徒 n. (Loyal)人名;(英、德、西、匈、法)洛亚尔 {cet4 cet6 ky toefl ielts gre :4461}

suspicious [səˈspɪʃəs] adj. 可疑的;怀疑的;多疑的 {cet4 cet6 ky toefl ielts gre :4462}

sneak [sni:k] n. 鬼鬼祟祟的人;偷偷摸摸的行为;告密者 adj. 暗中进行的 vi. 溜;鬼鬼祟祟做事;向老师打小报告 vt. 偷偷地做;偷偷取得 {cet6 ky toefl :4557}

monkey [ˈmʌŋki] n. 猴子;顽童 vi. 胡闹;捣蛋 vt. 嘲弄 {zk gk cet4 ky :4558}

throne [θrəʊn] n. 王座;君主;王权 vt. 使登王位 vi. 登上王座 n. (Throne)人名;(瑞典)特罗内;(英)特罗恩 {cet4 cet6 ky gre :4691}

regain [rɪˈgeɪn] n. 收复;取回 vt. 恢复;重新获得;收回 vi. 上涨 { :4776}

retreat [rɪˈtri:t] n. 撤退;休息寓所;撤退 vt. 退(棋);使后退 vi. 撤退;退避;向后倾 {cet4 cet6 ky toefl ielts gre :4787}

noble [ˈnəʊbl] adj. 高尚的;贵族的;惰性的;宏伟的 n. 贵族 vt. 抓住;逮捕 n. (Noble)人名;(英、法、意)诺布尔;(西)诺夫莱;(阿拉伯)努布莱 {gk cet4 cet6 ky ielts :4808}

monk [mʌŋk] n. 僧侣,修道士;和尚 n. (Monk)人名;(柬)蒙;(德、法、英)蒙克 {cet6 :4817}

spy [spaɪ] n. 间谍;密探 vt. 侦察;发现;暗中监视 vi. 侦察;当间谍 {gk cet4 cet6 ky :4846}

betrayed [biˈtreid] v. 出卖,背叛(betray的过去分词形式) { :4974}

majesty [ˈmædʒəsti] n. 威严;最高权威,王权;雄伟;权威 {cet6 ky toefl :5294}

disguise [dɪsˈgaɪz] n. 伪装;假装;用作伪装的东西 vt. 掩饰;假装;隐瞒 {cet4 cet6 ky ielts gre :5545}

applause [əˈplɔ:z] n. 欢呼,喝采;鼓掌欢迎 {cet4 cet6 ky gre :5599}

flu [flu:] n. 流感 n. (Flu)人名;(法)弗吕 {zk gk cet4 cet6 ky ielts :5662}

humble [ˈhʌmbl] adj. 谦逊的;简陋的;(级别或地位)低下的;不大的 vt. 使谦恭;轻松打败(尤指强大的对手);低声下气 {cet4 cet6 ky toefl ielts gre :5970}

lotus [ˈləʊtəs] n. 莲花(汽车品牌) { :6269}

cloak [kləʊk] n. 斗蓬;宽大外衣;托词 vt. 遮掩;隐匿 n. (Cloak)人名;(英)克洛克 {cet4 cet6 ky :6563}

reclaim [rɪˈkleɪm] n. 改造,感化;再生胶 vt. 开拓;回收再利用;改造某人,使某人悔改 vi. 抗议,喊叫 {cet6 ky toefl ielts gre :7452}

wield [wi:ld] vt. 使用;行使;挥舞 {cet6 toefl ielts gre :7460}

disciples [dɪ'saɪplz] n. 门徒(disciple的复数) v. 教育(disciple的第三人称单数形式) { :7802}

astonishment [əˈstɒnɪʃmənt] n. 惊讶;令人惊讶的事物 {cet6 :7915}

intolerable [ɪnˈtɒlərəbl] adj. 无法忍受的;难耐的 { :8495}

pilgrims ['pɪlɡrɪmz] n. 朝圣者;旅行者(pilgrim的复数) v. 去朝圣;漫游(pilgrim的三单形式) { :8758}

celestial [səˈlestiəl] n. 神仙,天堂里的居民 adj. 天上的,天空的 {toefl gre :8813}

homage [ˈhɒmɪdʒ] n. 敬意;尊敬;效忠 {toefl gre :8970}

fend [fend] vi. 照料;供养;力争 vt. 谋生;保护;挡开;供养 {ielts :9011}

saucer [ˈsɔ:sə(r)] n. 茶托,浅碟;浅碟形物;眼睛 {gk cet4 cet6 ky toefl :9123}

mischief [ˈmɪstʃɪf] n. 恶作剧;伤害;顽皮;不和 {cet6 ky ielts :9589}

behold [bɪˈhəʊld] vt. 看;注视;把...视为 vi. 看 int. 瞧;看呀 {gre :10497}

rightful [ˈraɪtfl] adj. 合法的;正当的;公正的;正直的 { :11388}

joyful [ˈdʒɔɪfl] adj. 欢喜的;令人高兴的 {cet4 cet6 :11426}

scorn [skɔ:n] n. 轻蔑;嘲笑;藐视的对象 vt. 轻蔑;藐视;不屑做 vi. 表示轻蔑;表示鄙视 {cet4 cet6 ky ielts gre :11677}

fabled [ˈfeɪbld] adj. 寓言中的,虚构的 v. 虚构(fable的过去分词) { :13925}

truthfully ['tru:θfəlɪ] adv. 诚实地;深信不疑地 { :14396}

steadfast [ˈstedfɑ:st] adj. 坚定的;不变的 {toefl ielts gre :15551}

rant [rænt] n. 咆哮;激昂的演说 vt. 咆哮;痛骂 vi. 咆哮;痛骂;大声责骂 n. (Rant)人名;(德、瑞典)兰特 {toefl gre :16081}

exalted [ɪgˈzɔ:ltɪd] adj. 高尚的;尊贵的;兴奋的 v. 高举;赞扬;使激动(exalt的过去分词) {toefl :16758}

sorcerer [ˈsɔ:sərə(r)] n. 魔术师;男巫士 { :16992}

Buddha [ˈbʊdə] n. 佛陀;佛像 { :22661}

insolence ['ɪnsələns] n. 傲慢;傲慢无礼的行为 {gre :24562}

wu [wu:] abbr. 西联(Western Union);工作单位(Work Unit);武汉航空公司 { :27589}

peon [ˈpi:ən] n. 日工;劳工;雇农;被强制劳役以还债的工人 n. (Peon)人名;(俄、葡)佩翁 { :28894}

sorceress [ˈsɔ:sərəs] n. 女巫;女术士;女魔法师 { :30319}

gotcha [ˈgɒtʃə] int. 明白了(等于got you) { :34451}

unlettered [ˌʌnˈletəd] adj. 未受教育的;文盲的;无字的;无学问的 { :35010}

Shan [ʃɑ:n, ʃæn] n. 掸人,掸族(居住在东南亚一带);掸邦(前缅甸联邦的成员国之一) { :36662}

ji [ ] abbr. 共同减量(Joint Implementation);亚洲的一个恐怖组织(Jemaah Islamiyah) n. (Ji)人名;(日)治 (名) { :48666}

cuz ['kəz] abbr. 因为(cause)

sandee [ ] n. 【女名】女子名 [网络] 陈珊妮;桑迪;陈蕊蕊

tripitaka [,tripi'tɑ:kə] n. 三藏经(等于Pali Canon)

bow before [ ] 在…面前屈服,屈服于

Celestial Empire [ ] n. 天朝大国(中国,=Chinese Empire)

fend off [fend ɔf] na. 挡开;避开(灾祸等) [网络] 挡回;抵御;垫开

gave chase [ ] [网络] 展开追逐

gave chase to [ ] vt.追赶,追击

give chase [ ] [网络] 追赶;追击

give chase to [ ] na. 追踪;追击 [网络] 相关词组

main gate [mein ɡeit] un. 主选通脉冲;工作闸门;主闸 [网络] 大门;主大门;正门

no reward [ ] [网络] 没有奖励;不追求回报

pay homage to [ ] na. 对…表敬意;对…表示敬意;服从 [网络] 向……表示敬意;致敬;向…致敬

punish for [ ] v. 惩罚,处罚

sole purpose [ ] [网络] 你唯一的目的;唯一目的

the evil [ ] [网络] 第三种人是恶人;邪魔

the Monkey [ ] [网络] 猴子;西游记;猕猴猴趣

the palace [ ] na. 宫廷显贵;水晶宫 [网络] 皇宫;宫殿;沙皇宫殿

the throne [ ] [网络] 王位;宝座;夺取王位

to bow [ ] [网络] 鞠躬;弓身;弓腰

to steal [ ] [网络] 偷;偷窃;偷去

Your Majesty [ ] na. 陛下;“Your/His/Her Majesty”的变体 [网络] 主公;尊敬的女王陛下;女王称陛下

zk/中考 gk/中考 ky/考研 cet4/四级 cet6/六级 ielts/雅思 toefl/托福 gre/GRE
* 词汇量测试建议用