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Episode 10 3


████    重点词汇
████    难点词汇
████    生僻词
████    词组 & 惯用语

[学习本文需要基础词汇量:6,000 ]
[本次分析采用基础词汇量:4,000 ]

wouldn't need it

night had fallen over the beautiful land

of wuji where Tripitaka and his

companions were staying in a hillside

temple three years before an evil

sorcerer had cast a spell over the king

of wuji plunging him into a magical

sleep at the bottom of a deep well the

sorcerer had been disguised himself as

the king and taken his place on the

throne Tripitaka having learned all this

in a dream had sent monkey and pigs he

defined as well which was now hidden if

they could find it they would be able to

rescue the true king of Wu ji and we

store him to his rightful place on the


you stand guard while I dig this is a

job for someone with big muscles doing a

great job Big Z this could be it there's

a big rock covering something here

really well pixie time to show off that

muscle of yours huh well what do you

know found it so now what one of us is

going to have to literally get to the

bottom of this so monkey began to lower

pixie into the well to see what was down

there the well was extraordinarily deep

but finally pixie saw the reflection of

the water



Big Z stop complaining and go find the

king don't worry

I'll stand guard so kid see who could

breathe underwater like a fish swam down

to the very bottom of the well where he

spied a most unusual looking building

the glass doors blocking his path slid

open when he touched them inside were

another set of doors when pigs he opened

them sure enough there sat the king of

Fuji exalted highness but the king was

in a profound sleep sorry didn't mean to

disturb you

Bugsy what are you doing down there I'm

waiting he's there all right but I can't

wake you of course not he's under a

spell no reason monkey save your breath

you're not finished yet you have to

bring them up to the temple hey why do I

have to do everything around here it's

not fair it's cuz of all those muscles

of yours you think I don't know you're

making fun of me I wouldn't dream of it

now go get the King


we've been gone a long time I wonder if

they found him what have you done with

him he's outside sound asleep

come and see master there could be no

doubting it chippy tak I recognised the

king from his dream it's the king

alright but now what are we going to do

we'd better have our muscular friend Big

Z carry him into the palace loo then

everyone will see that the sorcerer on

the throne is an impostor

listen monkey I'm getting tired of this

move the rock picks it down the well

pigs he bring him up pigs he why don't

you carry oh but will never convince

anyone if the King can't speak we must

find some way of waking him up master

why don't I go and ask the sage of the

clouds for a magic potion to break the

spell if he has such a thing

I'm afraid that's the only thing we can


the sage of the clouds was a wise old

man who lived on an island that floated

in the middle of the air monkey had

visited his magnificent golden temple

before and headed straight to where he

knew the sate would be at his

meditations there he waited respect for

the outside until the sage bade him

enter ah I've come to ask for a favor

yes I know all about your travelers

monkey if I didn't how could I call

myself a sage so do you have a potion

that can end a sleeping spell let us

have a look in the medicine calabash and

see if I do

and sure enough inside the calabash was

the cure for the sleeping spell Thank

You sage this should help write a great


and back lucky flew in excellent spirits

to the temple of Wu ji help me feed it

to a pig Zi Oh easy does it big Zi he's

a king remember oh your majesty oh thank

you for rescuing me thank you thank you

but it was monkey who awakened you you

shall have my eternal gratitude here it

was nothing don't even mention it well I

don't like to toot my own horn but I

also played a fairly significant role in

your rescue and I'm feeling kind of

peckish oh you're hungry aren't you

after everything you've done but if

you'll only wait as soon as my kingdoms

restored I'll make you a great bank your

majesty there is no need to trouble

yourself we seek no reward that's right

your majesty no need to worry about us


plunging [ˈplʌndʒɪŋ] n. 倒转 v. (使)投入,(使)插入;急降;从事(plunge的ing形式) adj. 跳进的;突进往下的 { :4534}

monkey [ˈmʌŋki] n. 猴子;顽童 vi. 胡闹;捣蛋 vt. 嘲弄 {zk gk cet4 ky :4558}

cure [kjʊə(r)] n. 治疗;治愈;[临床] 疗法 vt. 治疗;治愈;使硫化;加工处理 vi. 治病;痊愈;受治疗;被硫化;被加工处理 n. (Cure)人名;(罗)库雷;(法)屈尔;(英)丘尔;(塞)楚雷 {gk cet4 cet6 ky toefl ielts :4579}

throne [θrəʊn] n. 王座;君主;王权 vt. 使登王位 vi. 登上王座 n. (Throne)人名;(瑞典)特罗内;(英)特罗恩 {cet4 cet6 ky gre :4691}

spied [spaɪd] v. 看见,发现( spy的过去式和过去分词 ); 当间谍; 从事间谍活动; 搜集情报 { :4846}

majesty [ˈmædʒəsti] n. 威严;最高权威,王权;雄伟;权威 {cet6 ky toefl :5294}

disguised [disˈɡaizd] 伪装的 { :5545}

magical [ˈmædʒɪkl] adj. 魔术的;有魔力的 {toefl :5584}

eternal [ɪˈtɜ:nl] adj. 永恒的;不朽的 {cet6 ky toefl ielts gre :5626}

awakened [əˈweɪkənd] v. 唤醒(awaken的过去式) adj. 觉醒的 { :5681}

meditations [ˌmedɪˈteɪʃənz] n. 默想( meditation的名词复数 ); 默念; 沉思; 冥想 { :6196}

gratitude [ˈgrætɪtju:d] n. 感谢(的心情);感激 {cet4 cet6 ky toefl ielts gre :6369}

hillside [ˈhɪlsaɪd] n. 山坡,山腹;山腰 {gk cet4 cet6 :6497}

muscular [ˈmʌskjələ(r)] adj. 肌肉的;肌肉发达的;强健的 {cet6 ky toefl ielts gre :6864}

extraordinarily [ɪk'strɔ:dnrəlɪ] adv. 非常;格外地;非凡地 {cet6 :7314}

sage [seɪdʒ] n. 圣人;贤人;哲人 adj. 明智的;贤明的;审慎的 n. (Sage)人名;(日)三下(姓);(英)塞奇;(意)萨杰;(德)扎格;(法)萨热 {gre :8214}

loo [lu:] n. 厕所,洗手间;赌金;卢牌戏(一种纸牌赌博) vt. 使罚赌金 n. (Loo)人名;(德、法)洛 { :8889}

underwater [ˌʌndəˈwɔ:tə(r)] n. 水下 adj. 在水中的;水面下的 adv. 在水下 {toefl :9111}

rightful [ˈraɪtfl] adj. 合法的;正当的;公正的;正直的 { :11388}

highness ['haɪnəs] n. 殿下,阁下;高度,高位;高尚,高贵 { :12870}

potion [ˈpəʊʃn] n. 一剂;一服;饮剂 {ielts :15221}

exalted [ɪgˈzɔ:ltɪd] adj. 高尚的;尊贵的;兴奋的 v. 高举;赞扬;使激动(exalt的过去分词) {toefl :16758}

sorcerer [ˈsɔ:sərə(r)] n. 魔术师;男巫士 { :16992}

impostor [ɪm'pɒstə(r)] n. 骗子;冒充者 {gre :21752}

toot [tu:t] n. 嘟嘟声;痛饮 n. (Toot)人名;(英)图特 vt. 吹奏出;使发嘟嘟声 vi. 吹喇叭 { :22919}

sate [seɪt] v. 使心满意足,使饱享 {gre :22965}

pixie [ˈpɪksi] adj. 调皮捣蛋的 n. 小精灵,小仙子 { :23634}

Fuji ['fu:dʒi:] n. (一种开花的灌木状的)日本樱桃;紫藤 { :23991}

wu [wu:] abbr. 西联(Western Union);工作单位(Work Unit);武汉航空公司 { :27589}

calabash [ˈkæləbæʃ] n. 葫芦;炮弹果 { :28218}

chippy [ˈtʃɪpi] n. 花栗鼠;浪漫女子 adj. 碎片的;活跃的 { :34784}

peckish [ˈpekɪʃ] adj. 饥饿的;急躁的 { :34937}

ji [ ] abbr. 共同减量(Joint Implementation);亚洲的一个恐怖组织(Jemaah Islamiyah) n. (Ji)人名;(日)治 (名) { :48666}

bugsy [ ] [电影]一代情枭毕斯

cuz ['kəz] abbr. 因为(cause)

tak [ ] [地名] [泰国] 达府; [人名]卓在勋

tripitaka [,tripi'tɑ:kə] n. 三藏经(等于Pali Canon)

zi [,zi 'aɪ] abbr. 美国本土,后方地带(等于zone of interior)

a favor [ ] 以…为受益人

a pig [ ] [网络] 猪猡;一只猪;一头猪

a profound sleep [ ] n. 酣睡

a sage [ei seɪdʒ] 泰山梁木

a spell [ ] [网络] 一阵子;一段不确定的时间;一段时光

cast a spell [kɑ:st ə spel] [网络] 施法;咒语;施放一个咒语

cast a spell over [ ] 向…施魔法;用符咒等迷惑(或迷住)…;使入迷,使着迷

Golden Temple [ ] [网络] 金庙;黄金庙;金寺

magic potion [ˈmædʒik ˈpəʊʃən] 迷魂汤

make fun [meik fʌn] [网络] 开玩笑;打趣;见了同事打哈哈

make fun of [meik fʌn ɔv] na. 嘲弄 [网络] 取笑;嘲笑;开玩笑

making fun [ ] [网络] 开玩笑

making fun of [ ] [网络] 开玩笑

no reward [ ] [网络] 没有奖励;不追求回报

of yours [ ] 你(们)的;属于你(们)的

rescue me [ ] [网络] 火线救援;救救我;拯救我

save your breath [ ] [网络] 省口气吧;别白费口舌了;省省吧

sound asleep [ ] [网络] 酣睡;熟睡的;睡的香

spell over [ ] na. 考虑 [网络] 思考

the cloud [ ] [网络] 云朵;云端;电脑云

the palace [ ] na. 宫廷显贵;水晶宫 [网络] 皇宫;宫殿;沙皇宫殿

the reflection [ ] [网络] 映;心声;映像

the temple [ ] [网络] 圣殿;寺庙;神殿

the throne [ ] [网络] 王位;宝座;夺取王位

tire of [ˈtaiə ɔv] v. 厌烦 [网络] 厌倦;对…厌烦;对……感到厌烦

to toot [ ] [网络] 发嘟嘟声;吹喇叭

toot my own horn [ ] vi. 自吹自擂(自我标榜)

Your Majesty [ ] na. 陛下;“Your/His/Her Majesty”的变体 [网络] 主公;尊敬的女王陛下;女王称陛下

zk/中考 gk/中考 ky/考研 cet4/四级 cet6/六级 ielts/雅思 toefl/托福 gre/GRE
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