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Panda1 5


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[学习本文需要基础词汇量:7,000 ]
[本次分析采用基础词汇量:3,000 ]

Have you finished sight-seeing?

Sorry,l should have come to you first.

My patience is wearing thin.

Well,l mean,it's not like you were going anywhere.

- Would you turn around? - Sure.

How's it going?

How do you get 5,000... Master Shifu!

Someone... broke that.

But l'll fix it. Do you have some...


A splinter.

So you're the legendary Dragon Warrior?

- l guess so. - Wrong!

You are not the Dragon Warrior. You will never be the Dragon Warrior until... have learned the secret of the Dragon Scroll.

So,how does this work?

Do you have a ladder,or a trampoline,or...?

You think it's that easy? That l'll just hand you the secret

- to limitless power? - No,l...

One must first master the highest level of kung fu.

And that is impossible if that one is someone like you.

Someone like me?

Yes,look at you! This fat butt! Flabby arms!

Those are sensitive in the flabby parts.

And this ridiculous belly.

And utter disregard for personal hygiene.

Now,wait a minute. That's uncalled for.

Don't stand that close. l can smell your breath.

Listen,Oogway said l was...

The Wuxi Finger Hold. Not the Wuxi Finger Hold!

Oh,you know this hold?

Developed by Master Wuxi in the Third Dynasty.

Then you know what happens when l flex my pinky.

- No,no! - You know the hardest part of this?

The hardest part is cleaning up afterwards.

OK,OK,take it easy.

Now listen closely,panda.

Oogway may have picked you,but when l'm through with you,

l promise you,you're going to wish he hadn't! Are we clear?

Yeah,we're clear. We're so clear.


l can't wait to get started.

- Let's begin. - Wait,wait,wait.


- Now? - Yes,now.

Unless the great Oogway was wrong and you are not the Dragon Warrior.


l don't know if l can do all of those moves.

Well,if we don't try,we'll never know,will we?

Yeah,it's just,maybe we can find something more suited to my level.

What level is that?

Well,l'm not a master,but...

...let's just start at zero. Level zero.

No. There is no such thing as level zero.

- Maybe l can start with that. - That?

We use that for training children and propping the door open when it's hot.

But if you insist...

The Furious Five!

You're bigger than your action figures. Except,you,Mantis. You're the same.

Go ahead,panda. Show us what you can do.

Are they gonna watch,or should l wait till they get back to work?

Hit it.

OK,yeah. l mean,l just ate. So l'm still digesting.

So my kung fu might not be as good as... later on.

Just hit it.

All right.

What you got? You got nothing,'cause l got it right here.

You picking on my friends? Get ready to feel thunder.

l'm coming at you with crazy feet.

Oome on. l'm a blur. You've never seen bear style.

You've only seen praying mantis.

Or monkey style.

Or l could come at you snickety-snake.

Would you hit it!

All right. All right.

Why don't you try again? A little harder.

How's that?

That hurts.

This will be easier than l thought.

I'm feeling a little nauseous!


warrior [ˈwɒriə(r)] n. 战士,勇士;鼓吹战争的人 {toefl :3607}

ridiculous [rɪˈdɪkjələs] adj. 可笑的;荒谬的 {gk cet4 cet6 ky toefl ielts :3632}

belly [ˈbeli] n. 腹部;胃;食欲 vt. 使鼓起 vi. 涨满;鼓起 n. (Belly)人名;(法、意、葡)贝利 {gk ky ielts :3805}

ladder [ˈlædə(r)] n. 阶梯;途径;梯状物 vi. 成名;发迹 vt. 在……上装设梯子 {gk cet4 cet6 ky :4136}

patience [ˈpeɪʃns] n. 耐性,耐心;忍耐,容忍 {gk cet4 cet6 ky toefl :4177}

zero [ˈzɪərəʊ] num. 零 n. 零点,零度 n. (Zero)人名;(意)泽罗 {zk gk ielts :4296}

monkey [ˈmʌŋki] n. 猴子;顽童 vi. 胡闹;捣蛋 vt. 嘲弄 {zk gk cet4 ky :4558}

butt [bʌt] n. 屁股;烟头;笑柄;靶垛;粗大的一端 vt. 以头抵撞;碰撞 n. (Butt)人名;(英)巴特;(俄、德、印、巴基)布特 {cet6 toefl gre :4657}

furious [ˈfjʊəriəs] adj. 激烈的;狂怒的;热烈兴奋的;喧闹的 {cet4 cet6 ky toefl ielts :4734}

dragon [ˈdrægən] n. 龙;凶暴的人,凶恶的人;严厉而有警觉性的女人 n. (Dragon)人名;(匈)德劳贡;(英、法、芬、罗、匈)德拉贡 {cet4 cet6 ky :4842}

legendary [ˈledʒəndri] adj. 传说的,传奇的 n. 传说集;圣徒传 {toefl :4997}

propping ['prɒpɪŋ] n. 支撑 v. 支撑;支持(prop的现在分词);搁 { :5845}

utter [ˈʌtə(r)] adj. 完全的;彻底的;无条件的 vt. 发出,表达;发射 n. (Utter)人名;(德、芬)乌特 {cet4 cet6 ky toefl gre :6129}

blur [blɜ:(r)] n. 污迹;模糊不清的事物 vt. 涂污;使…模糊不清;使暗淡;玷污 vi. 沾上污迹;变模糊 {cet6 ky ielts gre :6364}

hygiene [ˈhaɪdʒi:n] n. 卫生;卫生学;保健法 {toefl ielts gre :6492}

thunder [ˈθʌndə(r)] n. 雷;轰隆声;恐吓 vt. 轰隆地发出;大声喊出 vi. 打雷;怒喝 {gk cet4 cet6 ky toefl ielts :6539}

glue [glu:] n. 胶;各种胶合物 vt. 粘合;似胶般固着于 {gk cet4 cet6 ky toefl ielts :7268}

disregard [ˌdɪsrɪˈgɑ:d] n. 忽视;不尊重 vt. 忽视;不理;漠视;不顾 {cet6 ky toefl ielts gre :7532}

digesting [daɪdʒestɪŋ] n. 蒸煮 v. 消化;吸收;接受,领会(digest的ing形式) { :7573}

dynasty [ˈdɪnəsti] n. 王朝,朝代 {gk ky :7797}

flex [fleks] n. 屈曲;电线;松紧带 vt. 折曲;使收缩 adj. 弹性工作制的 vi. 弯曲;收缩 n. (Flex)人名;(意)弗莱克斯;(法)弗莱 { :8856}

scroll [skrəʊl] n. 卷轴,画卷;名册;卷形物 vi. 成卷形 vt. 使成卷形 {toefl ielts gre :10484}

splinter [ˈsplɪntə(r)] n. 碎片;微小的东西;极瘦的人 vi. 分裂;裂成碎片 vt. 使分裂;使裂成碎片 n. (Splinter)人名;(瑞典)斯普林特 { :12547}

limitless [ˈlɪmɪtləs] adj. 无限制的;无界限的 { :13518}

panda [ˈpændə] n. 熊猫;猫熊 n. (Panda)人名;(印、塞)潘达 {zk gk cet4 ky :14691}

pinky [ˈpɪŋki] n. 小指(=pinkie) adj. 带淡红色的;比较激进的 { :19324}

nauseous [ˈnɔ:ziəs] adj. 令人作呕的;厌恶的 { :20064}

flabby [ˈflæbi] adj. 松弛的;软弱的;没气力的;优柔寡断的 {toefl ielts gre :20314}

trampoline [ˈtræmpəli:n] n. 蹦床;弹簧垫 { :20496}

mantis [ˈmæntɪs] n. [昆] 螳螂 n. (Mantis)人名;(西)曼蒂斯 { :27784}

FU [,ɛf 'ju] abbr. 字段单元(Field Unit);芬森单位(Finsen Unit);流量单位(flux unit);熔断器(fuse) { :35294}

uncalled ['ʌn'kɔ:ld] adj. 未叫到的,未经请求的,未经邀请的 { :38586}

kung [ ] n. 龚;宫(粤语姓氏) { :42584}

gonna [ˈgənə] abbr. (美)将要(等于going to)

shifu [ ] [网络] 功夫大师;回复;健康

sight-seeing ['saɪt ˌsi:ɪŋ] n. 观光;消遣 adj. 观光的

wuxi ['wu:'ʃi:] n. 无锡(中国江苏省城市)

can smell [ ] [网络] 罐头臭;罐臭;罐头铁皮臭味

clean up [kli:n ʌp] na. 收拾干净;【机械工程】改正;〔俚语〕赚厚利 [网络] 打扫;打扫干净;清除

disregard for [ ] [法] 漠视, 忽视

dragon warrior [ ] [网络] 龙战士;神龙大侠;神龙武士

finger hold [ ] un. 指孔;指樊支点 [网络] 抓住手指

fix it [ ] na. 处理 [网络] 修复;搞定它;修补道路

go ahead [ɡəu əˈhed] na. 取得进展 [网络] 继续;前进;干吧

go anywhere [ ] adj. 可到处去的 [网络] 到任何地方;去任何地方;无论去何处

going ahead [ ] na. 取得进展 [网络] 工作有进展

if you insist [ ] [网络] 如果你坚持的话;恭敬不如从命;如果你非要这样的话

kung fu [ˌkʌŋ ˈfu:] n. 功夫(中国拳术) v. 用功夫击打(对手) [网络] 中国功夫;功夫片;徒手功夫

personal hygiene [ ] un. 个人卫生 [网络] 个人卫生用品;个人水疗;个人卫生和美容

praying mantis [ˈpreɪɪŋ] n. 螳螂 [网络] 螳螂拳;祈祷螳螂;合掌螳螂

suit to [ ] v. 适合 [网络] 相称;合适

the secret [ ] [网络] 秘密;疯劫;心想事成的秘密

wait till [weit til] [网络] 等到……时候

wear thin [wɛə θin] [网络] 逐渐消失;磨薄;减弱

wearing thin [ ] [网络] 逐渐消失;磨薄;愈来愈少

all right

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