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Panda1 2


████    重点词汇
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[学习本文需要基础词汇量:11,000 ]
[本次分析采用基础词汇量:3,000 ]

Tigress,you need more ferocity! Monkey,greater speed.

Orane,height. Viper,subtlety. Mantis...

- Master Shifu. - What?!

lt's Master Oogway. He wants to see you.

Master Oogway,you summoned me? ls something wrong?

Why must something be wrong for me to want to see my old friend?

So,nothing's wrong?

Well,l didn't say that.

You were saying?

l have had a vision.

Tai Lung will return.

That is impossible! He is in prison.

Nothing is impossible.


Fly to Ohorh-Gom prison and tell them

to double the guards,double their weapons,double everything!

Tai Lung does not leave that prison!

Yes,Master Shifu!

One often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it.

We must do something! We can't let him march on the valley,take his revenge!


Your mind is like this water,my friend.

When it is agitated,it becomes difficult to see.

But if you allow it to settle...

...the answer becomes clear.

The Dragon Scroll.

lt is time.

But who? Who is worthy to be trusted with the secret to limitless power?

To become the Dragon Warrior?

l don't know.

Excuse me. Pardon me. Sorry.

Watch it!

- Sorry. - Suck it up!

- Sorry. - A thousand pardons.


Master Oogway's choosing the Dragon Warrior! Today!

Everyone! Get to the Jade Palace! One of the Five is gonna get the Dragon Scroll!

We've waited 1,000 years for this! Take the bowl!

This is the greatest day in kung fu history! Just go!

Po! Where are you going?

To the Jade Palace.

You're forgetting your noodle cart.

The whole valley will be there,and you'll sell noodles to all of them.

Selling noodles?

But,Dad,l was thinking,maybe l...

- Yeah? - l was thinking maybe l...

...could also sell the bean buns. They're about to go bad.

That's my boy!

l told you that dream was a sign.

Yeah. Glad l had it.

- l'm a kung fu warrior! - Me,too!

- There's spots at the top. - Let's go.

Oome on. Oome on!

Almost there.


No! Oh,no!

- Sorry,Po. - We'll bring you back a souvenir.

No. l'll bring me back a souvenir.

lt is an historic day.

lsn't it,Master Oogway?

Yes,and one l feared l would not live to see.

Are your students ready?

Yes,Master Oogway.

Know this,old friend.

Whomever l choose will not only bring peace to the valley...


excuse [ɪkˈskju:s] n. 借口;理由 vt. 原谅;为…申辩;给…免去 vi. 作为借口;请求宽恕;表示宽恕 {zk gk toefl ielts :3182}

lung [lʌŋ] n. 肺;呼吸器 n. (Lung)人名;(越)珑;(罗、塞、匈、瑞典、德)伦格 {gk cet4 cet6 ky toefl :3247}

warrior [ˈwɒriə(r)] n. 战士,勇士;鼓吹战争的人 {toefl :3607}

suck [sʌk] n. 吮吸 vt. 吸吮;吸取 vi. 吸吮;糟糕;巴结 {gk cet4 cet6 ky ielts :3618}

pardons [ˈpɑ:dənz] v. 宽恕( pardon的第三人称单数 ); 原谅; 赦免; 特赦 { :4052}

pardon [ˈpɑ:dn] n. 原谅;赦免;宽恕 vt. 原谅;赦免;宽恕 n. (Pardon)人名;(德、法、捷)帕尔东 {zk gk :4052}

cart [kɑ:t] n. 二轮运货马车 vt. 用车装载 vi. 驾运货马车;用运货车运送 n. (Cart)人名;(法)卡尔;(英、芬)卡特 {cet4 cet6 ky toefl ielts :4053}

summoned [ˈsʌmənd] v. 传唤;召集(summon的过去分词) { :4505}

monkey [ˈmʌŋki] n. 猴子;顽童 vi. 胡闹;捣蛋 vt. 嘲弄 {zk gk cet4 ky :4558}

worthy [ˈwɜ:ði] n. 杰出人物;知名人士 adj. 值得的;有价值的;配得上的,相称的;可尊敬的;应…的 n. (Worthy)人名;(英)沃西 {gk cet4 cet6 ky toefl :4663}

dragon [ˈdrægən] n. 龙;凶暴的人,凶恶的人;严厉而有警觉性的女人 n. (Dragon)人名;(匈)德劳贡;(英、法、芬、罗、匈)德拉贡 {cet4 cet6 ky :4842}

ls [elz] abbr. 激光系统(Laser System);发射场(Launch Site);限位开关(Limit Switch);信号电平开关(Level Switch) { :4865}

destiny [ˈdestəni] n. 命运,定数,天命 n. (Destiny)人名;(英)德斯蒂尼,德斯蒂妮(女名) {cet6 ky toefl ielts :5162}

revenge [rɪˈvendʒ] n. 报复;复仇 vt. 报复;替…报仇;洗雪 vi. 报仇;雪耻 {cet4 cet6 ky ielts gre :5280}

noodle [ˈnu:dl] n. 面条;笨蛋 {zk gk ky :7939}

noodles ['nu:dlz] n. 面条,挂面(noodle的复数形式) { :7939}

souvenir [ˌsu:vəˈnɪə(r)] n. 纪念品;礼物 vt. 把…留作纪念 {cet6 toefl ielts gre :8063}

buns [bʌnz] n. 人的臀部 { :8944}

Lt [ ] abbr. 书信电报(letter message);数据处理(Language Translation) { :9242}

subtlety [ˈsʌtlti] n. 微妙;敏锐;精明 { :9870}

scroll [skrəʊl] n. 卷轴,画卷;名册;卷形物 vi. 成卷形 vt. 使成卷形 {toefl ielts gre :10484}

PO [ˈpo] n. 波河 abbr. 人事军官(Personnel Officer);邮政汇票(postal order);邮局(post office) { :10586}

jade [dʒeɪd] n. 翡翠;[宝] 碧玉;老马 adj. 玉制的;绿玉色的 vt. 使疲倦 vi. 疲倦 n. (Jade)人名;(英)杰德;(法)雅德 {gre :10730}

agitated [ˈædʒɪteɪtɪd] v. 焦虑;鼓动(agitate的过去分词) adj. 激动的;焦虑的;表现不安的 {gre :12134}

limitless [ˈlɪmɪtləs] adj. 无限制的;无界限的 { :13518}

ferocity [fəˈrɒsəti] n. 凶猛;残忍;暴行 { :14118}

whomever [ˌhu:mˈevə(r)] pron. whoever的宾格,无论谁 { :15288}

tai [tai, 'tɑ:i:] abbr. 泰国国际航空公司(Thai Airways International) n. (Tai)人名;(阿拉伯)塔伊 { :20402}

viper [ˈvaɪpə(r)] n. 毒蛇;毒如蛇蝎的人,阴险的人 n. (Viper)人名;(瑞典)维佩尔 { :20801}

mantis [ˈmæntɪs] n. [昆] 螳螂 n. (Mantis)人名;(西)曼蒂斯 { :27784}

FU [,ɛf 'ju] abbr. 字段单元(Field Unit);芬森单位(Finsen Unit);流量单位(flux unit);熔断器(fuse) { :35294}

tigress [ˈtaɪgrəs] n. 雌虎;凶悍的女人 { :36123}

kung [ ] n. 龚;宫(粤语姓氏) { :42584}

master [ˈmɑ:stə(r)] vt. 控制;精通;征服 n. 硕士;主人;大师;教师 adj. 主人的;主要的;熟练的 n. (Master)人名;(英)马斯特 {zk gk cet4 cet6 ky ielts :1224}

gonna [ˈgənə] abbr. (美)将要(等于going to)

shifu [ ] [网络] 功夫大师;回复;健康

zeng [ ] n. 曾(中文姓氏)

dragon warrior [ ] [网络] 龙战士;神龙大侠;神龙武士

excuse me [ ] un. 请原谅;对不起 [网络] 劳驾;打扰一下;打扰了

fly to [ ] v. 飞往 [网络] 飞向;乘飞机去;坐飞机去

in prison [ ] na. 在狱中 [网络] 坐牢;在坐牢;在监狱里

kung fu [ˌkʌŋ ˈfu:] n. 功夫(中国拳术) v. 用功夫击打(对手) [网络] 中国功夫;功夫片;徒手功夫

nothing is impossible [ ] [网络] 一切皆有可能;没有什么不可能;没有不可能

one L [ ] [网络] 最爱小酒窝;法学院第一年

pardon me [ ] [网络] 对不起;原谅我;请原谅

suck it [ ] [网络] 你爱咋咋地;美语口语;去你大爷的

suck it up [ ] [网络] 别抱怨了;认命;吸

the Guard [ ] [网络] 坏守卫;看守员;国民警卫队

the secret [ ] [网络] 秘密;疯劫;心想事成的秘密

the valley [ ] [网络] 山谷球场;瓦利;情欲深谷

to settle [ ] [网络] 解决;定居;去定居

trust with [ ] v. 交托;委托 [网络] 托付;信任;存放

master oogway

zk/中考 gk/中考 ky/考研 cet4/四级 cet6/六级 ielts/雅思 toefl/托福 gre/GRE
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